Jennifer Lopez

Lopez in 2010, kathclick/

Birth Name: Jennifer Lynn Lopez

Place of Birth: The Bronx, New York City, New York, U.S.

Date of Birth: July 24, 1969

Ethnicity: Puerto Rican [Spanish, likely Taíno and African]

Jennifer Lopez is an American singer, songwriter, actress, dancer, producer, and television personality. Her roles include Blood and Wine, Selena, Out of Sight, The Cell, The Wedding Planner, Shall We Dance?, Hustlers, and Anaconda, among many other films.

Her parents, Guadalupe Rodríguez and David López, are Puerto Rican. Her sister, Lydia Lopez, is a journalist. Jennifer is married to actor and filmmaker Ben Affleck. She has two children with her former husband, singer, songwriter, record producer, and actor Marc Anthony, who is also Puerto Rican. Her sister is DJ Lynda Lopez.

A picture of Jennifer with her parents can be seen here.

Jennifer’s maternal grandfather was named José Julio Rodríguez y Febres (the son of a father surnamed Rodríguez, and of Justina Febres).

Jennifer’s maternal grandmother was Julia Rivera y Rosado (the daughter of Vicente Rivera y Rivera and María Rosado y Rodríguez). Julia was born in Jayuya, Jayuya, Puerto Rico. Vicente was from Ponce, the son of Valentín Rivera y Rivera and Narcisa Rivera y Rivera. Valentín and Narcisa were born with the same paternal and maternal family names. Jennifer’s great-grandmother María was the daughter of Antonio Rosado and Rodulfa Rodríguez.

Source: Genealogy of Jennifer Lopez (focusing on her mother’s side) –

Lopez in 2008, photo credit: Urbanworld Film Festival


Curious about ethnicity

694 Responses

  1. truth says:

    p.ricans deny black heritage cuz it was a mistake dey wer bought as slaves and forced on the island it contaminated our culture so did white we rather say we have taino indian in us but it happend nd we cant control it there for we are boricuas.aka puerto ricans

    • ethnic says:

      Well whether p.ricans deny it or not, its apart of their heritage and it makes them who they are today. Another thing, African and Spanish culture influenced the music and dance of that part of the world and created Latin music like Salsa.

    • Yo soy boricua says:

      im puerto rican an we proud of who we are so idont no where this is coming from that we deny are africano heritage we dont like every other race the light skinned always stick out in some case but were proud an we make the second largest group of latinos in america an that viva puerto rico aqui tuy

    • emi says:

      Self-hate is the worst type of hate. You sound so uneducated. and ignorant. Unfortunately many of you hate the African blood beneath your own skin, in your own veins, but your looks, your music, your food, your soul can’t even escape it. African women were also the ones who gave birth to you. Can a mother give birth to her child and her child be blessed from rejecting her? 30 percent of your maternal DNA spells out Africa and yet …You are a product of the racist Spanairds that set foot on the Island. God bless you so that you may grow. You’ll wanna talk black act black, but don’t want to be black. In this land called america, all it takes is one drop of African blood. You are totally exposed now, everyone knows that you might hide behind the name of a country, but you are not a a race, you are a mixture of three races ..and yes none is better than the other. If you don’t respect your heritage, how do you expect to be blessed. You sound so ignorant. No one can respect that. I am european, east african, and west African. Each grandparent has their own story and culture. And I am totally proud.

  2. Fuzzybear says:

    to cici:first I have to disagree with you in the fact that black have never just stayed in Sub-Sahara Africa,they’ve always been in the North also.Also during the begining of colonial time ,they refer to black people as Moors,negro came later.Next,in the begining Arabs never refer to themselves as white,because they were either brown or black in color,as many are still;calling themselves white wasn’t until fairly recent.Also most of the middle east people as much as they will deny it are mixes with recent black blood,just because people can’t see what they believe are the only black features black people have,doesn’t mean they aren’t mixes with black people.People all around they world have been trained for generations to deny the African heritage,and promote they other

  3. Fuzzybear says:

    well first you haven’t seen all of Africa lately have you.Next ,she has African lineage,you don’t have to have black skin to be part of that culture.Like I keep saying you guys love the benefits of a bloodline,but hate the source.You people really need to stop it

  4. Anonymous says:

    Are some of you blind? She does not look African.

  5. cici says:

    to sham, i agree with you that jlo is american, everyone born or raised in america is american. In latin america we see jlo as an american.
    but if you dont mind i have to disgree a bit with “latin backround”
    the words “latino” and “hispanic” are complete social construct of the united states, the words hispanic and latin do not exist in latinamerica like they do in the u.s.a. jlo is simply an american from new york , both her parents were from puerto rico, so jlo is first generation but shes american. jlo is not latinamerican and she will never be. its ridiculous that the u.s.a calls people like jlo, jesica alba “latinos” like what the hell is that. all the countries of the american Continent are nationalities not ethnicities fro example Canadian is a nationality but there no such thing as having canadian blood or being of the Canadian race, American is a nationality too not a race or ethnicity, same go’s for Puerto rico, its a nationality not a race or ethnicity, same rules apply for Mexico, all the countries of central america, the Caribbean and south america. but many americans actually believe that Puerto rican is its separate race , or that Colombian is its own race etc, but that is ridiculous its just like saying Canadian or American is a race. for example this is the ridiculousness , lets say we have a european descended candian, a native american descended canadian and a sub saharan african descended canadian, now if all 3 of these people moved to america, the euro descended canadian would just be seen as any other “white” guy, same gos for the “black” canadian as he will be seen as any other “black” guy and the native american canadian would just be seen as native american. and if black Caribbeans immigrated to america they would just be seen as any other black person but if a black colombian, white colombian, and native american colombian immigrate to america they are not seen as black, white or native american they are seen as this whole “latin thing” which is ridiculous.
    an american would call an american of native american descent simply native american, they would call a canadian of native american descent simply native american too, but a native american of mexico are called “latinos” its ridiculous.

    • Sham says:

      Yes, it’s fine I didn’t know how to call it so I put “latin background” =P. I agree with you, the people from that country speaks very wrong and it’s annoying. But here is a question for you, if a person born in the U.S.A. have parents that were born in Colombia then that person is of latin background or something? That person will be from the U.S.A. but with latin origins… I don’t get it xD you tell me. And another question, do you speak spanish?.

      • cici says:

        if a person is american of immigrant parents then they are 1st generation, so you could be 1st generation italian, irish, lebanese, chinese etc. so an american with immigrant parents from colombia would just be a 1st generation colombian,they are american with a colombian backround, i wouldn’t say “latin backround” because thats just a made up blob that u.s politicians created. there is a big difference in being a 1st generation colombian from being a 1st generation mexican, i couldn’t put both of these people in the same bag because it would not be right.
        and to answer your question yes i do speak spanish.

      • Kiki says:

        I agree that if somebody is born in like the USA than their nationality is American.But that’s not gonna take away their ethnicity.

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