Jennifer Lopez

Lopez in 2010, kathclick/

Birth Name: Jennifer Lynn Lopez

Place of Birth: The Bronx, New York City, New York, U.S.

Date of Birth: July 24, 1969

Ethnicity: Puerto Rican [Spanish, likely Taíno and African]

Jennifer Lopez is an American singer, songwriter, actress, dancer, producer, and television personality. Her roles include Blood and Wine, Selena, Out of Sight, The Cell, The Wedding Planner, Shall We Dance?, Hustlers, and Anaconda, among many other films.

Her parents, Guadalupe Rodríguez and David López, are Puerto Rican. Her sister, Lydia Lopez, is a journalist. Jennifer is married to actor and filmmaker Ben Affleck. She has two children with her former husband, singer, songwriter, record producer, and actor Marc Anthony, who is also Puerto Rican. Her sister is DJ Lynda Lopez.

A picture of Jennifer with her parents can be seen here.

Jennifer’s maternal grandfather was named José Julio Rodríguez y Febres (the son of a father surnamed Rodríguez, and of Justina Febres).

Jennifer’s maternal grandmother was Julia Rivera y Rosado (the daughter of Vicente Rivera y Rivera and María Rosado y Rodríguez). Julia was born in Jayuya, Jayuya, Puerto Rico. Vicente was from Ponce, the son of Valentín Rivera y Rivera and Narcisa Rivera y Rivera. Valentín and Narcisa were born with the same paternal and maternal family names. Jennifer’s great-grandmother María was the daughter of Antonio Rosado and Rodulfa Rodríguez.

Source: Genealogy of Jennifer Lopez (focusing on her mother’s side) –

Lopez in 2008, photo credit: Urbanworld Film Festival


Curious about ethnicity

694 Responses

  1. Nico says:

    Jennifer ethnic is not puerto rican she is:
    afro-mestizo which it means she has some of african,some of amerindian and some of spanish. Watch her face she has some of black but maybe she never say it.

    P.D Jessica Alba has some of black too!!

    • Jojo says:

      Jessica Alba had a DNA test done when she was on George Lopez.The test results said that she was 0% African, 13% Native American and 87% European.Her mom is Danish and French Canadian descent and her dad is Mexican American.Where is the black in her?

      • fuzzybear says:

        To jojo

        Actually no sub-saharan African blood,which are the only people they count as black.The black people in the north have different blood types and they count them as arab.Plus their blood types are like the ones in spain,it doesn’t matter what they look like on the outside

  2. Brandie says:

    Have you seen her family members besides her two sisters because some of them don’t look all downside and taino to me. One which is her niece that I saw was real dark with coarse hair, and she had brown eyes. You would of mistaken her for being black!

  3. Anonymous says:

    Jennifer Lopez is probably a mix of Taino Indian and Spaniard. Not all Puerto Ricans have african blood. I took a dna test and it showed that I am a mix of Spaniard and Taino. So stop saying that all Puerto Ricans have african blood and are denying that side because that is not true. A lot of us “mostly the people who live in the center of the island” are only of Taino and Spaniard race. Educate yourselves bunch of idiots.

    Si no han visitado Puerto Rico mejor no comenten! ;)

    • Anonymous says:

      To Anonymous

      You haven’t taken any test,so stop lying.

      • fuzzybear says:

        To the anonymous at 12:41

        I agree with you,that first anonymous person most likely hasn’t taken anything.Now I do agree that not everyone has recent heritage,but everyone in the world does indeed have the heritage.I know you might have been taught to have that heritage makes you less than human,I understand that.However you guys really need to let that training go bye bye.Oh and Jlo not being part black,please stop it

        • Anonymous says:

          –For your info. I did took a dna test “Y-DNA67+mtDNAPlus” at family tree dna “” to find out more about my heritage.

          Jlo to me look like a native american mix with Spanish.
          I have a question for you. So to me Jessica Alba and Jlo have the same skin complexion. Do you think Jessica Alba have some african heritage?

          • fuzzybear says:

            To Anonymous

            Ok if you took a test,that fine with me.All that says is that your one of the ones that is just Spanish an Taino.However as the good Dr. has say only 12% of you are like that(BTW, that what he say not me).Now as far as Jlo and Jessica go,no they’re not the same.If you’ve been on this site long enough you’ll will see that skin complexions mean nothing.Here an example:
            Andrew Kennedy:
            He’s (Latino an White),take a look at his complexion,yet he’s the first one to tell you his Great Grandmother was a black woman.Next when they do blood test,if your not Sub-Saharan they don’t consider you black.So the people in the North part of Africa,no matter what they look like are not consider black.The same thing for the black people in Asia.Even if their skin and Facial Features,traditions,and history says African,their blood says Asian(negritos).So even when Jessica DNA test says no Sub-Saharan black blood,Doesn’t mean no African heritage,just means she’s not Sub-Saharan.Black people are and have always been all over Africa and in Europe.Or her African bloodline may be very old or to low to count.See if you look at that video of her test again,you’ll hear Lopez saying Sub-Saharan aka Black.That was completely wrong for him to say,but that might be what he was taught.Now I could give you Example after example of people who are white skinned and yet have black blood.Take James D. Watson:
            Now does he look like a black man to you?Yet he has black blood about 17%.

            I’m sorry I go on to much

          • fuzzybear says:

            To anonymous

            I’m sorry,I should have said example(negritos)

        • total23 says:

          Wut Do U Mean Please Stop?… When I See White Features On A Black Person, You Start To Comment That Black People Can Have Those Features Without Being Mixed?

          So Let Me Ask You This….JLO Can Have All Of Her Features Without Being Part Black…..Those Hips Can Come From Her Amerindian Side…Amerindians Have Hips Like Her? Soooo…

          • fuzzybear says:

            To total23

            First off what’s up?Next how many Amerindians have you ever seen with that built,who themselves were not mixed with black?I pretty much can say it’s rare,if any.Blacks mixed often with natives down there,that’s also a proven fact.Also last time I saw,indian hair is straight,as well as Spanish hair.Jlo hair is normally curly or really wavy,which also shows a different heritage,(that’s my own opinion)so it’s not a fact,but look at her grandma.Now it could have come from her Spanish side,but as I have also shown,they themselves were also mixed with black,although the levels in spain are low now.However we are talking about PR.Now going by DR.Cruz 1 in 3 have African heritage,so the odds are pretty good.Next it’s a proven fact,that black people have those features without being mixed,I thought I let you see this already.

          • total23 says:

            You Didn’t Let Me See That Already!…Provide Link Please! I Have To Disagree With You On That Curly/Wavy Part..If It Is A Pic When She Is An Adult Or Teen, Then She Could Have Easily Made It That Way Via Curly Iron Or Whatever Women Used In Their Hair These!

            Here’s A Video Of Her When She Was Young;

          • Fuzzybear says:

            To total23

            I’m not on my computer right,but you’ve known me for a little bit now.So you asked for prove,I ask you this,when have I ever said something I couldn’t backup?

          • Fuzzybear says:

            To total23

            The video doesn’t really help your argument.I’m an example of that,up until I was 1 1/2 yrs old,people thought I was white.People wouldn’t confuse me now,because as I aged I slowly change to the color I am now

          • total23 says:

            It Does Help My Arguement…Her Hair Was Not Naturally Curlly! Nor Wavy!

          • fuzzybear says:

            To total23

            Her hair is wavy,what are you talking about

          • total23 says:

            Not When She Is A Child….And If Her Hair Is Wavy When She’s A Teen She Could Have Use A Curling Iron!

          • fuzzybear says:

            To total23

            I did show you that stuff,but I can’t remember where I put it.I’m doing this real quick,it’s not as good as the others.I using tribes like the Fulani,Tutsi,and Masai,there are others but I can’t remember their names:

            If you look these tribes up yourself,you’ll see that they have mixed phenotypes,but their DNA shows unmixed African.Fulani are from back migration,well over a thousand yrs ago.The funny thing is a lot of groups did that.Like I said this isn’t as good as the other stuff I had,but it will do.Now compare to white faces if you want to

          • fuzzybear says:

            To total23

            Some of my pics wouldn’t go through

          • total23 says:

            R U Good In Grammar?….Do You Have The Eye To Detect Gramar?(These Questions Are Not Rhetorical)….Why Can You Just Add Me To Your Email. [email protected] Where You Can Explain Anything Without Offending Anyone..

          • total23 says:

            I Have Seen Amerindians With Hips, But I Wouldn’t Know If They Have Admixture In Them. And If You Are Gonna Show Me Pics Of Black People With No Admixture That Have Hips etc, Please Provide A Link That Proves They Are Not Of Admixture. Because When People Use Black People From The Internet As Examples That Black People Can Have Light Skin etc. They Just Use Random African People Who They Think Have No Admixture And Use Them As Example Without Knowing, They Don’t Even Provide A Link..

          • Fuzzybear says:

            To total23

            Man you give me no credit at all do you

          • Fuzzybear says:

            To total23

            do you mean hips or asses?

          • fuzzybear says:

            To total23

            I can’t belive you put this on here.The key in everyone of those arts,is those women don’t have the booty already,and their trying to sell a lie.Because if you stop doing what they tell you to do,you lose the butt you did get.if it’s not in your genes pool.How do think women who don’t do any of that stuff,just have it?You can eat all the food you want,and if it’s not natural to you,you’ll just get big,with a flat butt.I’ll finish talking later

          • fuzzybear says:

            To katie

            If this is not the Katie I talk to all the time,I think you need to get your Dna checked.Because you don’t have to look black to have the heritage,and it doesn’t take much

          • total23 says:

            You Can Get Hips Or Ass…It Does Not Have To Be Genetic…I’ve See People Who Have No Ass Then Later They Got Some Because The Exercise, Or Eat Greens (Spinach, Cabbage, Callaou etc.)

          • Katie says:

            I have 0% black in me and I have more ass and hips than JLo but I’m not fat either.Exlain that.

          • Katie says:

            I meant “explain”.

          • total23 says:

            I Didnot Say That A Person Must Have Black In Them To Have Hips Or Ass!

          • Katie says:

            Oh,I know you didn’t say that.I just wanted to prove a point that you don’t have to be mixed to have curves.

          • fuzzybear says:

            To Katie

            Is the one I normally talk to ?

          • total23 says:

            Oh! Sorry!

          • fuzzybear says:

            To Katie

            How do you know,you have 0% black blood?

          • fuzzybear says:

            To total23

            First I can’t believe I’m arguing with a black man about black women having booties,without them being mixed.Have you ever heard of Saartjie Baartman:
            Who inspired the (Victorian bustle)which white men were so amazed with.African women were known to have booties:

            There are other things ,but I don’t want to offend anyone.Ok now hips,some Africans aren’t known for that.Even African American women are combos,in my opinion;not all of them now.

          • fuzzybear says:

            To total23

            My other stuff,the site wouldn’t let go through,sorry

          • total23 says:

            What It’s True….Watch Beauty Shop With Queen Latifah! The Lady That Sells Those Food Said The Same Thing!

          • fuzzybear says:

            To total23

            Beauty Shop is a movie.If getting a wonderful booty was easy,you wouldn’t see a flat butt around.Why do you think they came up with breast implants,because all the exercise and creams turn out to be lies,and what genes couldn’t give doctors could.Why do you think they have butt implants now?

          • total23 says:

            They Don’t Have Butt Implants….Because They Said They Got It From Exercising. These Are My Family And Friends Who Have Experience That….I Am Telling You The Truth!

            But It Was Said Jennifer Lopez Had Butt And Hip Implants So She Can Do A Role In A Movie Back In The 90’s Or Somethings…. And You Say She Has Black In Her!

          • fuzzybear says:

            To total23

            This a response about the email.Look you little hoodlum, are you getting smart mouth with me.Because we can go old skool and take this to the street,LOL.I hardly ever look at my email,but I did tell my bro to add you to his facebook,If he hasn’t done it yet I’ll get on him about it ok?Anyhow all the things I had,I deleted since I couldn’t use them.However Knowing the little about that you do,take my word for I wouldn’t lie to you.Although,I did tell people what you said about eating greens and exercising to get a booty.You had my friends rolling

          • Fuzzybear says:

            Total,your black remember,it’s in your gene pool.So if your family members did it.Now your friends,I don’t know about them.Now Jlo doesn’t have a fake butt,you can tell a fake butt when their in bikinis.I’ve seen fake ones before,and that’s not one of them.Plus all the men she’s been with,trust me they been on that butt.But forget it,we are not going to talk about butts anymore.We will just have to wait and see if she comes clean about her ethnicity,we cool?

          • total23 says:

            All We Know Is That She Is Full European Ancestry…..The Black Can Be From The Europe Part….I Don’t Know If There Were Any Indigenous People In Europe? But She Could Have Gotten The Indigenous From Puerto Rico….

            But We Don’t Know If Her Features Are Realll…There Are Rumors Going Around…..But I Believe They Are Real…..FYI, Not Alll My Family Members Are Black!

          • total23 says:

            Oh And I Am Doing Well…Thanks For Asking! How Are Things With You!? Gott into Any “Debates”?

          • Fuzzybear says:

            To total23

            You mean beside with you doubting me,then yes

          • fuzzybear says:

            To total23

            this is about the comment you made about seeing people who didn’t have butts,but now do because they ate greens and did exercise.My question is have you seen them without their clothes on? I mean they do have a lot of little tricks now

          • total23 says:

            When I Said People I Didn’t Mean Men.,…. I Meant Women, And I Don’t Have To See Them With Their Clothes Off…The Women Were Tight Clothing!

          • fuzzybear says:

            To total23

            Where did you get the idea,I was talking about men?I’m talking about women,they have a bunch of tricks now.Your own ads mention some of the tricks,like having work done.Plus there all kinds of ads on t.v talking about how they can help you get the butt of you dreams(like the brazilian butt )Which is a big lie,if it’s not in your gene pool,it’s not going to happen.All these white women who have those bodies have black blood,they may not know it,or they been told it was something else which is just a lie(my opinion)

      • Anonymous says:

        For your info. I did took a dna test “Y-DNA67+mtDNAPlus” at family tree dna “” to find out more about my heritage.

    • fuzzybear says:

      To anonymous

      I took your advice and went to educate myself.Guess what I found,Dr.Juan Martinez Cruzcdo say only 12% of all puerto ricans are of spanish heritage,ain’t that something?Now he did back you up by saying not all you have recent african heritage just basically 1 in 3.So there you have it,the ones of you that don’t have african blood can relax,it means your human after all.However Jlo is still a different story

  4. fuzzybear says:

    meant to say shouldn’t have been born

  5. fuzzybear says:

    to truth: now it is true many were brought there as slaves,but many came there freely.However to say it was a mistake,is to say you should have been born,see how silly that sounds?Now those who deny that part of their heritage,do so only because that how they’ve been raised.and how it seems your culture has been set up.The system that has people of whiter skin set above all others.However as they have stated on many sites including this one,that no matter how light your skin gets,they will see you as nothing but(their word:niggas),they repeat this over and over.Now that African lineage helps to make you who you are,and to hate that part of you is just dumb

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