Jennifer Lopez

Lopez in 2010, kathclick/

Birth Name: Jennifer Lynn Lopez

Place of Birth: The Bronx, New York City, New York, U.S.

Date of Birth: July 24, 1969

Ethnicity: Puerto Rican [Spanish, likely Taíno and African]

Jennifer Lopez is an American singer, songwriter, actress, dancer, producer, and television personality. Her roles include Blood and Wine, Selena, Out of Sight, The Cell, The Wedding Planner, Shall We Dance?, Hustlers, and Anaconda, among many other films.

Her parents, Guadalupe Rodríguez and David López, are Puerto Rican. Her sister, Lydia Lopez, is a journalist. Jennifer is married to actor and filmmaker Ben Affleck. She has two children with her former husband, singer, songwriter, record producer, and actor Marc Anthony, who is also Puerto Rican. Her sister is DJ Lynda Lopez.

A picture of Jennifer with her parents can be seen here.

Jennifer’s maternal grandfather was named José Julio Rodríguez y Febres (the son of a father surnamed Rodríguez, and of Justina Febres).

Jennifer’s maternal grandmother was Julia Rivera y Rosado (the daughter of Vicente Rivera y Rivera and María Rosado y Rodríguez). Julia was born in Jayuya, Jayuya, Puerto Rico. Vicente was from Ponce, the son of Valentín Rivera y Rivera and Narcisa Rivera y Rivera. Valentín and Narcisa were born with the same paternal and maternal family names. Jennifer’s great-grandmother María was the daughter of Antonio Rosado and Rodulfa Rodríguez.

Source: Genealogy of Jennifer Lopez (focusing on her mother’s side) –

Lopez in 2008, photo credit: Urbanworld Film Festival


Curious about ethnicity

694 Responses

  1. Junior says:

    So lets give an example to be clear: i’m light skinned and my hair is dark brown and i look like a Spanish guy so, i’m white?.
    Now let me tell you my grandparents by my mum side come from Spain, so my mum is 100% Spaniard, by my dad side my grandfather was lebanese and my grandmother Venezuela, she was very light-skinned and even has blue eyes, but being Venezuelan for many generations it is very sure that some of her ancestors were Venezuelan native and black, even she didn’t look native or black at all she surely had black and native blood and so i do, less than a quarter but i do have native and black ancestry. Ahora me entiendes?.

    • cici says:

      jajaja “ahora me entiendes” jaja , sos bien tonto, estupido estadounidense, no sos de venezuela, sos nacido en eeuu, ignorante SOS BLANCO si te gusta o no, ignorante ,yo se que en eeuu no es de moda ser blanco, todos los estadounidenses averguenzan de ser blanco, sos tipico estadounidense tonto jueputa. en guatemala hay blancos que estado aqui desde tiempos coloniales y muchos europeos y los de medio oriente han venido a guatemala por mucho tiempo atras, en guatemala los blancos son la minoria, la mayoria de guate son pura india, en venezuela la mayoria son blancos.
      y que es esto cosa de “hispano” SI LO DIGO! SI sos de eeuu porque en latinoamerica nosotros no usan esa palabra “hispano”
      no hay tal hispano, los hispanos son los espanoles y nadie mas, los hispanos son blancos, hay una gran differencia entre “hispano” y “hispanoblante” idiota. en todos los pasies hispanoblantes , la palabra “hispano” quiere decir un espanol. en eeuu ellos son bien dundos ni saben lo que quiere decir “hispano” oye gringo no hay “raza hispano” ignorante gringo
      que tonto sos vos

      • ethnic says:

        no need for a translation here.

        “estupido estadounidense”

        “ignorante gringo”

        • Sham says:

          wou Cici stop with the bad words xD but I mean she or he (I’m sorry Cici is for Cecilia or what? xD) is totally right. First, what is “white” for a U.S.A. citizen? I don’t understand and saying “you’re white or you’re black” is very racist and they are so used to say it that way :S. Some people from United States are kind of dumb no offense but I have to say it. They talk so wrong.

          1. Jennifer Lopez was born in the U.S.A. so she is not latina she just have a latin background, the same with Eva Mendes, Alexis Bledel, Jessica Alba, Eva Longoria, and all the people that wasn’t born in Latin America but they have latin background.

          2. All the people from the United States are called Americans right? And what are the others? Asians, Europeans?? No!! they’re americans too! I’m american too and I wasn’t born in the United States.

          3. Hispanics are the ones who were born in Spain. And also people that have spanish ancestry.

          I wanna know what is “white” for people from the United States?

          • cici says:

            the word “white” is a complete social construct in america.
            before colonial times, before the Europeans even came to the american continent, the word white was never exclusive to europeans and it still is not.
            The words white and black were descriptive , like a chinese, a irish, a lebanese would all be called white because they all have whitish skin and a south indian, a nigerian and a dark native american from mexico can all be callled black because they all have dark skin. it is completely descriptive. during colonial times the british started using the word “white” exclusively for themselves and the word “black” exclusively for the sub saharan africans. Remeber that at one time in american history the irish, italians, greeks and some german were not considered white in america, so the “white” as it used in america is a complete social construct that changes over time. You guys need to keep in mind that the rest of the world does not use the word white and black like they do in the u.s.a. for example most americans probably wont consider people from the mideast white but people from the mid east always refer to themselves as white since the dawn of time, since the times of the prophet mohammed , they always referred to themselves as white and everyone else referred to themselves as white, the sub saharan africans refer to the arbs as white people, they always did up to present day, the subsaharan africans also refer to the east asians as white people, and mulatos as white people or really any one with light skin. If you go to europe it is the same , eastern europeans always use the words white and black discriptively not the same as the u.s.a, eastern europeans will refer to a dark pakistani as black and a sub sahran african as black aslo or any one really who has a dark complexion. also in my country in guatemala , the majority are pure indian then mestizos then whites then blacks, we call the black people black but we also call the dark indians black too, its descriptive, also they do the same in all of central america and mexico. also i know pakistanis that refer to dark pakistanis as “oh that black guy over there” and light pakistanis as “oh that white one”
            east asian people like japanese, chinese etc, always refer to themselves as white, they refer to the english as redish, east asians never refer to europeans as white people,because the white skin color isnot exclusive to europeans , east asians always say “western” people instead . white and black are simply just colors and they always have been,it was the english that racialized it.

          • Catherine W. says:

            Beautiful. I agree. It’s nice to know not all faith humanity has been lost.
            There are still intelligent people in this world.

      • Catherine W. says:

        Me ENCANTO to post. No hable espanol muy bien pero fui nacida en Sur America. Creci aqui y me molesta MUCHO la igrancia de la gente en este pais. puros estupidos!

  2. cici says:

    oh shutup, you not from venezuela , obliviously you were born and raised in the u.s to say such a stupid thing, LATINO IS NOT A RACE IDOIT, there a millions of white people in latin america, and supposedly you are from venezuela and you telling me that there are no white people, why dont you turn on the damn tv and watch venezuelan tv and dare to tell me that there are no white people, you are a fool and you know nothing. there are more white people in latin america then there is in the u.s.a

    • Junior says:

      As i told you have not freaking idea of what you talking about, you can have your skin lighter than paper, you can have blonde hair, you can have blue or green eyes, and many people in Latin American look like that, but if you are from Latin America and your family have been living in the country since the colonial times be you sure you have native and/or black ancestry, you should study more about our history because it seems that you have not idea about our history, i don’t know maybe you are the one that is pretending being Hispanic and really is a white American.

      • cici says:

        y que es esa cosa de “nuestro historia” que diablos es eso, guatemala tiene su propio historia y no tiene nada que ver con venezuela, venzuela tiene su propio historia, NO es la misma
        TIPICO estadounidense idiota , siempre los estadounidense meten todos los paises de latinoamerica em la misma bolsa, estupido gringo

  3. Junior says:

    Just to be clear there are not white people in Latin-American, i mean there are specially in some countries like Argentina, but in Latin America you are only fully European if all your parents or grandparents are European, if your family had been living in the country since the colonial times be sure you have native and/or black ancestry even if you are blonde and with blue eyes, in all Latin American countries is like that and i’m from Venezuela so i know what i’m talking about.

  4. cici says:

    Stop the stupid taino indian myth, There are no mestizo puerto ricans!!!
    I’am mestizo from guatemala, puerto ricans are not fukin mestizos but they wish they were. the majority of puerto ricans are white whether they like it or not, maybe in america they are considered exotic or whatever but back in latin america its back to ol’ white girl for jlo.
    yes i kno that there are black puerto ricans too and mulatos but the majority are white. Stop the taino shit, jlo does not have taino blood.
    here are some FACTS , for one jlo tans/bronzes her skin, if you dont believe me check out some pics of her without makeup, she is very white, also jlo specially has contouring makeup tricks to make her look more exotic, look at her without makeup she dosnt look exotic anymore. reason 2, is that jlos mom is of pure European descent, her mom was born in puerto rico of european immigrants so jlo’s maternal grandparents are from europe. reason 3, jlo’s father was born in puerto rico of puerto rican born parents but of european immigrate grandparents, so jlos great granparents on her paternal side are european. dont believe me , read any biography of jlo and you will find out that both her parents are euro descended. reason 4, look at pics of jlos father,he looks like a german midget. look at pics of jlos mom, she look like any common european. look at pics of jlo’s sisters , they are very white and have big european noses, they look like common europeans. nobody in jlo’s family look like her, jlo tries to hard to purposely try to make her self look exotic because its a good marketing technique in hollywood.

  5. total23 says:

    She Is Gorgeous!

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