Vanessa Hudgens

Hudgens in 2010, photo by kathclick/

Birth Name: Vanessa Anne Hudgens

Place of Birth: Salinas, Monterey, California, United States

Date of Birth: December 14, 1988

*father – English, some Scottish, Irish, and German
*mother – Filipino, along with Spanish and Chinese

Vanessa Hudgens is an American actress and singer, also credited under her full name, Vanessa Anne Hudgens. Her roles include High School Musical, Bandslam, Sucker Punch, Machete Kills, and Dog Days.

Vanessa’s father, Gregory Hudgens, was of English, and some Scottish, Irish, and German, descent. He was also said to have Native American roots, although it is not clear if this Native American ancestry has been verified/documented. Vanessa’s mother, Gina (Guangco), is Filipino, and has Filipino, Spanish, and Chinese ancestry. Her sister is actress Stella Hudgens.

Vanessa does not speak Tagalog. She has stated that her mother tried to teach her the language when she was younger. Vanessa has also stated that she loves Filipino food and is proud to be a Filipina.

Vanessa is married to professional baseball player Cole Tucker.

Vanessa’s paternal grandfather was John Robert Hudgens (the son of Claude Bryan Hudgens and Elsie Simpson). John was born in Illinois, and was a trumpet player during the big band era. Claude was the son of Zachariah/Zack Hudgens and Carrie Fly. Elsie was the daughter of John A. Simpson and Elizer J. White.

Vanessa’s paternal grandmother is Bonnie Lee Karnes (the daughter of Dawsey Karnes and Freda Colene Pemberton). Bonnie was born in Missouri. Dawsey was the son of Charles Herman Karnes and Emma Jane Sloan. Freda was the daughter of William Riley Pemberton and Lucy Eva Sessions.

Sources: Genealogy of Vanessa Hudgens (focusing on her father’s side) –

Genealogy of Vanessa’s father (focusing on his father’s side) –

Vanessa’s paternal grandfather, John Robert Hudgens, on the 1930 U.S. Census –

Obituary of Vanessa’s paternal grandfather, John Robert Hudgens –

Genealogies of Vanessa’s paternal great-grandparents, Dawsey Karnes and Freda Colene Pemberton –


Curious about ethnicity

420 Responses

  1. Nathalie says:

    The first time I saw Vanessa Hudgens on tv I thought she looked hispanic but somehow asian?
    I wonder if this has happened to anyone else … I’ve been mistaken for a spanish speaking person before. I really don’t know how it happened! it’s happened to me three times already. I’m a chinese person, and as far as I know, both my parents are chinese (of different chinese ethnic minorities, though). I’m really not the typical looking chinese person i see around who very light in skin tone, super skinny, and have small double eye lids. What I just described is exactly how my own mother looks. However, I have inherited my father’s looks entirely. He is a kind of yellow tannish color, and has a strong jawline. I would describe his nose and mine as a bit stocky but not so heavy that it overshadows the face.
    How i got mistaken for a spanish speaking person happened like this … all three times I had some person walking up to me and asking me something in spanish. two out of three times i noticed the person who approached me first studied my face for a little bit before saying anything. it was the strangest experience! now i wonder if i’m mixed somewhere in my bloodline far back??

  2. GETALIFE says:

    RACIST! tell me what your race is and i’m 100 percent sure yours is equally as gross or even grosser you stupid ugly RACIST pig!

  3. Jo says:

    for someone of her heritage she is remarkably, disgustingly bland-looking. no exotic traits or individual beauty what. so. ever. hideously overrated little selfish brat in general too.

    • Wtf says:

      @yes you just hate her,stop it she’s a babe

      • Jo says:

        @no you’re just an idiot who hates people with taste, make me loser, she’s a butterfaced hag. go finish your friggin spelling homework before Mommy and Daddy take away Compy Time.

        • WTF says:

          @ jo

          Hate people with taste huh?Well I must love you,because you have no taste if you think she’s ugly.Also you call me a loser,your hating on a rich ,famous young woman who could care less about you.She’s most likely looks a 100% better than you,so your jealous plain and simple

          • get a life says:


            That’s a pretty young lady,I don’t know why you hate her so much.So she has made mistakes,what young person doesn’t today?

          • Jo says:

            Golly, I wasn’t aware not finding some Disney star with a fetish for nude photos attractive is hate… My mistake, guess you know me better than I know myself. And no, I dislike people who look exactly the same as each other, and Disney kids tend too: tons of makeup, hair extensions, wide chins, ugly smiles, more makeup, more makeup, more makeup, desperate for attention on them 24/7. it’s an ugly trait that makes people ugly.

          • Jo says:

            No, not really. I’m not into people who are as ugly on th eoutside as they are the inside. I like REAL beauty- no makeup needed, nice personalities, and exotic beauty helps too. Not these little Barbie attention seekers.

            You dont need even know how I look, and only insecure, jealous people shriek “OMG UR TEH JELUZ11!1!1!!!1ONE!!” because, as you’ve shown, you lack anything better to say when you lack a brain. thanks for the demo. and you’re welcome, because you didn’t even really deserve a response.

    • Anonymous says:

      She is very bland looking.

    • Jo is a jealous bint says:

      There is no need for jealously, Jo. You don’t even know her. Half of the actresses in Hollywood have taken naked pictures of themselves and some have even POSED naked. Get over it.

      And she’s remarkably bland looking? What about you? You MUST be ugly since your personality seems so bitchy.

      • Emily Lestrange says:

        I agree, so don’t be jealous. It’s an ugly color on you. While you’re at it, maybe get some taste and class and leave people who have different opinions than you alone. LOL, you’re like what, 12? That’s being generous.

        What does “knowing” her have to do with how bland looking she is (which isn’t even the same as ugly) or the FACT that she posed nude for attention?

        *singsong* Some-body’s insecuuuuurrre… No, that isn’t necessary. I shan’t stoop to your level. Shan’t! =D

      • Mike says:

        what’s a “bint’ again?

  4. asdfghjkl says:

    I ♥ her!!!!

  5. kathleen says:

    why are filipinos ashamed of being asian? not all filipinos are spanish about 10% of them have spanish roots, the spaniards changed gave them spanish names because they couldnt pronounce their names right. i swear every single filipino i met, all either claim to be ‘hispanic’ or ‘polynesian’ no you aint. you are asian. and she’s basically
    native american, irish and filipino
    with chinese ancestry and POSSIBLY spanish.
    it’s like indians claiming to be portuguese just because portugal ruled their country and gave them portuguese names

    • kirby says:

      That’s not true we Filipinos proud to be an asian people maybe true that some Filipinos are half Spanish and they called themselves a “mestizo” or “mestiza”. because we colonized by Spanish in almost 400 years not only Spain but also Japan and USA. but before spaniards came to our country we have our own self identity as a Filipino, most of us are native and some are muslim.

      • monica says:

        mestizo is not when you are asian and spanish
        its when you are native and european

        try again

        only 3% of filipinos actually have spanish ancestry, the rest of them are imposters

        • Mercy says:


          Actually they did call people over there mestizo also,just look it up

          • Alice says:

            It is true that very few Filipinos have Spanish blood and it would be very easily proven by a dna test because Spanish are mostly y R1b like most Western Europeans. The Filipinos are of a different y group showing they do not descend from the Spanish. Filipinos are mostly y chromosome O1 and O3c which is not found in Europe.

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