Adriana Lima

Lima in 2010, Anton Oparin /

Place of Birth: Salvador, Bahia, Brazil

Date of Birth: 12 June, 1981

Ethnicity: Brazilian [Portuguese, some Indigenous, Swiss, African, and Japanese]

Adriana Lima is a Brazilian model and actress. She was a Victoria’s Secret Angel from 1999 to 2018. She has also worked for Maybelline cosmetics, clothing brand Desigual, the Beachwear collection of Italian brand Calzedonia, the ready-to-wear collection of Italian brand Sportmax, IWC, Puma, and Chopard. She has been the world’s second highest-paid model. She is 5′10″.

Adriana is the daughter of Maria das Graças Lima, a social worker, and Nelson Torres, a carpenter. She was raised in Castelo Branco, Salvador, by her mother. She speaks Portuguese, English, Italian, and Spanish. A picture of Adriana’s father can be seen here. A picture of Adriana’s mother can be seen here.

She stated on Fashion television that she is of Swiss, African, and Indigenous heritage. She has also said:

I’m [an] Afro-Brazilian… and my family [is also] mixed with Japanese, Black… and West Indian.

Her surname, Lima, is Portuguese. Brazil has a large Japanese community, established there since the early 1900s. Some sites say that Adriana also has French ancestry.

Adriana has two children with her former husband, Serbian professional basketball player Marko Jarić; and a son with her partner, film producer Andre Lemmers.

Adriana’s maternal grandfather was named Bertoldo Fontes Lima.

One of Adriana’s grandmothers is named Julia.

A DNA test that Adriana appeared to post on her Instagram stated that her genetic ancestry includes:

*63.5% European
——–*30.6% Spanish & Portuguese
——–*24.8% Broadly Southern European
——–*2.9% Broadly European
——–*2.2% Broadly Northwestern European
——–*1.8% British & Irish
——–*0.6% Italian
——–*0.5% Ashkenazi Jewish
——–*0.1% Greek & Balkan



Curious about ethnicity

547 Responses

  1. Liza says:

    She was just born and raised in Brazil, so culturally she’s not Brazilian…

  2. The Big Mick says:

    Very informative.
    I had no idea that “Ethnic” was now the Code Word for In-eye-double gur-er.
    I’ll remember that.
    Somebody should tell Jesse Jackasson, Whoopi Goldberg, Van Jones and Chris Rock.
    I would have thought they’d have been hipper.

    The Big Mick

    “Don’t you know that the Irish are the Blacks of Europe, and the Dubliners the Blacks of Ireland?” The Commitments

  3. Tribe says:

    i think you are all crazy, arguing as to whether Portugese people are considered Hispanic or not, WHO CARES! this is the legacy of slavery and colonism, a long time ago i know. People from the Americas are going to be mixed with different ethnicities, CELEBRATE THE DIVERSITY, GROW UP PEOPLE & stop trying to separate each other on ethnic lines.

    • The Big Mick says:

      See below mine to OMG, Tribe.
      “Diversity” is by definition, you intellectual lightweight, the Defining, Categorizing, Cataloging, VALUING and Quota-ing of people on the very BASIS and PRINCIPLE of their MOST SURFACE characteristics, melanin, facial features, hair, body type. To “distinguish” by Racial Characteristics is, by definition, to “DIVIDE” by Race. The relation of the English Terms Diverse and Divide has never occurred to you?
      Which begs the question of the Unbiased Objective Observer, WHO is it that really needs to grow up, here?

      We will have achieved real “diversity” when it becomes a non-sensical term relegated to the Comic Section of the Ash-heap of History.
      In the meantime, those who Value Diversity de facto Value Racial Division.

  4. OMG says:

    Out of all the different ethnic groups she mentioned…people are more concerned with her being “black” as if it’s hard for people mixed with that race to be beautiful. get real why do you think the Braxilians you picture in your mind are so appealing, the majority of mized people I see that are exotic/pretty do have black in them, thats what gives them that contrast people find appealing

    History lesson folks, yes there are italian/polish etc.. communities in Brazil but the overwhelming number of Brazilians have African in them, the majority of slaves brought from Africa landed in Brazil something like 60-70% of all slaves exported over 3 centuries…50-60% of Brazilians…even higher than cubans…have african in them, they’re just extremely more mixed looking than say Black Americans because racial mixing there during that time was not looked down upon as much because there weren’t a lot of White women available. But do understand race/color complexion is an issue even in south american and caribbean countries that are mixed so some poeple attempt to ignore/erase/ or rename their race

    • fuzzybear says:

      To OMG

      Thank you,they act like it’s the worst thing in the world.I always say,they love the benefits,but hate the source

      • OMG says:

        omg fuzzybear. lightweight starting to have a crush on you because you seem to be the only intelligent person. I totally never thought people were this confused. But i guess iM blessed to have studied african descent communities in the caribbean/latin America in college. ;-( i guess it doesnt hurt to be black because we have all the color combinations in my family, blue eyes, green eyes , blonde hair, red hair, long, short, kinky, wavy, black, yellow, cream you name it.

        • fuzzybear says:

          To OMG

          Thanks you,and my family is the same way

          • OMG says:

            your welcome. i really think america should make it illegal for people to not to go to school, i think there’s too many people in america who get a whitewashed story of the founding of america that is entirely too eurocentric to the exclusion of the participation of other races. I find it amusing people think the first cowboys were white like john wayne when whites could not travel across indian territor in the west without the threat of murder.its interesting that people are literally confused about the ethnic mixtures of other american nations when this is our side of the world. and that no one stopped to think gee if the majority of imported slaves in the history of slavery came to brazil…where did they all disappear too. they mixed morons! i blame that on ignorance. And i think a lot of people nowadays in america can barely trace their family back to the early 1900s without coming across immigrants so they actually never learn much about america’s founding and the cultures who were here when their grandparents were somewhere else in the world-and they bring this ignorance with them and never learn. truly sad. i so dont want to be responsible for actually knowing the cultural history of other nations.


          • OMG says:

            For instance i wonder how many people really think massachussetts bay colony was the first settlement in america with the pilgrims. history books totally ignore 100 yrs b4 them in 1526 Lucas vásquez de allyón colonized near the mouth of Pee Dee river in S.Carolina his efforts are overlooked cuz of its tragic fate-death by mismanagement,disease,and a slave revolt whose slaves ran off and lived with indians creating the first mixed black/indian race in N. America. Guess no one wants to start history books with a non-anglo saxon failed colony that died because of a slave and indian revolt. or what about the lost colony of Roanoke 80 yrs later that failed because they started a war with the nearby Native American settlement because of a supposedly stolen “silver cup” so that when the spanish cut them off they had no help from neighbors and their colony perished….guess that’s not a tale of the courageous and brave spirit of the first european settlers. What about the Virigina colony 20 years later that wouldn’t have survived had it not been for Indians that brought them goods even though they denied them the use of agricultural tools because they were too lazy to work for themselves as John smith said ” you may work or starve.” guess thats not a brave story too, guess we’ll pretend america started with the puritans and perpetuate the true american/european work ethic*

          • fuzzybear says:

            To Omg

            Well they tend to forget about anything that they had nothing to do with,and leave it out the history books.I always tell people if they had give black people more than one chapter in the history books,I wouldn’t be so nosy.Also as they say history books are written by the winners,so they write what they want

    • The Big Mick says:

      I call this the “MBA” look, OMG—-“Mongrel Beech Asz”.
      Is she (West to East) Spanish, Italian, Greek, Israeli, Arabic, Indian, Pakistani, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Filipino, Pacific Islander, Mexican, “Latina” Brazillian, or—merely—BLACK! ANYTHING but NORDIC and ANYTHING but BLACK!
      Who can tell? Which is EXACTLY the POINT!
      It used to be called “passin”, OMG.
      When’s the last time you saw a Black Woman Sex Symbol as BLACK as Whoopi Goldberg or your average NFL or NBA player?
      Name your top 5 “Black” sex symbols–exclude Serena Williams and they as whitened up as they can get–skin lighteners, hair straighteners-hair blonding. Look at Hallie Berry, Beyonce–the list goes on.
      When’s the last time–exclude Michelle Obama, you saw a BLACK woman on the arm of a BLACK Male Celeb?
      What’s Tiger Wood’s tap-in? (Not just drivin–ABUSING–CHOKING!–And since he ain’t been able to do his Nordichicks–where’s his GAME gone?)
      Heck, boy, Black Female Journalists CHRONICLE the FACT that when Black Males become successful the FIRST TROPHY is a NordiChick!
      “As one of their own poets has said”, Chris Rock, nobody wants to wake up next to what Goldberg calls her “dear little friends”.
      In-eye-double-gurr-er don’t cut it as Sex Symbol.

      As for me, as a general rule, the more African the less attractive to me–the exception being Serena Williams who has a genuine-ness that I find appealing. Hallie Berry and Beyonce, on the other hand I find “offputting”. Something about Truth in Advertising maybe.
      But then my standards of Feminine Pulchritude are Mae West, Liz Taylor, Sophia Loren, Annette Funicello, and of a more recent generation–Catherine Zeta-Jones and Angelina Jolie.
      Lima was on the Potential List, then I got the Truth here.
      Now she is out.

      The Big Mick

    • The Big Mick says:

      I call this the “MBA” look, OMG—-“Mongrel Beech Asz”.
      Is she (West to East) Spanish, Italian, Greek, Israeli, Arabic, Indian, Pakistani, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Filipino, Pacific Islander, Mexican, “Latina”, “Native American”,Brazillian, or—merely—BLACK! ANYTHING but NORDIC and ANYTHING but BLACK!
      Who can tell? Which is EXACTLY the POINT!
      It used to be called “passin”, OMG.
      When’s the last time you saw a Black Woman Sex Symbol as BLACK as Whoopi Goldberg or your average NFL or NBA player?
      Name your top 5 “Black” sex symbols–exclude Serena Williams and they as whitened up as they can get–skin lighteners, hair straighteners-hair blonding. Look at Hallie Berry, Beyonce–the list goes on.
      When’s the last time–exclude Michelle Obama, you saw a BLACK woman on the arm of a BLACK Male Celeb?
      What’s Tiger Wood’s tap-in? (Not just drivin–ABUSING–CHOKING!–And since he ain’t been able to do his Nordichicks–where’s his GAME gone?)
      Heck, OMG, Black Female Journalists CHRONICLE the FACT that when Black Males become successful the FIRST TROPHY is a NordiChick!
      “As one of their own poets has said”, Chris Rock, nobody wants to wake up next to what Goldberg calls her “dear little friends”.
      In-eye-double-gurr-er don’t cut it as Sex Symbol.

      As for me, as a general rule, the more African the less attractive to me–the exception being Serena Williams who has a genuine-ness that I find appealing. Hallie Berry and Beyonce, on the other hand I find “offputting”. Something about Truth in Advertising maybe.
      But then my standards of Feminine Pulchritude are Mae West, Liz Taylor, Sophia Loren, Annette Funicello, and of a more recent generation–Catherine Zeta-Jones and Angelina Jolie.
      Lima was on the Potential List, then I got the Truth here.
      Now she is out.

      The Big Mick

      • fuzzybear says:

        To the big Mick

        What are you Irish?Well since I just saw this,and no one else said anything,I guess I will.Now Whoopi Goldberg is not all that dark,but the last time I saw a sex symbol her color was a few minutes ago(Milani Rose or Bria Myles or Buffie the body):
        Milani is the one darker one
        Buffie the body:
        Ananda Lewis,Jill Jones,Angela Basskett,Kerry Washington,Vanessa Bell Calloway, etc.I could go on.
        Excuse me to any of women on the site about the pics,but I was proving a point
        Next the top 5 “Black” sex symbols of the 70’s and 80’s were,(lola Folana,Brenda Skyes,Judy Pace,Nichelle Nichols,Jayne Kenndy,Margaret Avery Barbara Mc’Nair Marilyn Joi Etc.(sorry can,t count)
        80’s to now:
        Malinda Williams,Kenya Moore,Jessica White,Adriana Bombom,The jolie Twins,Gabrielle Union,Carla campbell etc,I could go on
        Lets take a look at some of the ladies white men thought were sex symbols:
        Theda bara :
        Twiggy-This woman is so tiny,I could use her to check the oil in my car:
        Even madonna was a sex symbol at one time,but if she came at me now,I’d hit her in the head and call the police.
        Then Black male celebs with black women,well lets see:
        Courtney B.Vance with his wife (Angela Bassett)
        Omar Epps(wife Keisha Epps a black woman)
        Samuel L Jackson-wife black woman
        Forrest Whitaker-wife black woman
        Denzel Washington-wife black woman
        laurence fishburne-wife black woman(gina torres)
        ron perlman-wife black woman
        Robert de niro-wife black woman
        Oh wait the last two men aren’t black,but that kinda takes us to tiger woods,who never saw himself as black anyhow.Now you say because he lost his white woman,his game is gone.But what all those white men who had white women from the start,what was their excuse,why did they suck?
        Next you bring up the Rich black mans TROPHY NordiChick.What you should really be looking at is why those NordiChicks go to those black men,have kids with those black men.Instead of them being married to rich white men,who there more of.That’s what you might want to focus on.
        Next black women don’t holed the monopoly on not looking good first thing in the morning.The last time I checked,every color woman was in that club,men too.Chris Rock is not exactly the best looking brother in the world,I sure his ex-wife will say he woke up looking funky lots of times.Now as for the rest of your comment,that your opinion

  1. November 14, 2010

    […] only one, of the six brazilians models, that is clearly mixed race. The others look white to me. Adriana Lima – Celebrity Ethnicity – What Nationality Background Race Adriana Lima on […]

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