Adriana Lima

Lima in 2010, Anton Oparin /

Place of Birth: Salvador, Bahia, Brazil

Date of Birth: 12 June, 1981

Ethnicity: Brazilian [Portuguese, some Indigenous, Swiss, African, and Japanese]

Adriana Lima is a Brazilian model and actress. She was a Victoria’s Secret Angel from 1999 to 2018. She has also worked for Maybelline cosmetics, clothing brand Desigual, the Beachwear collection of Italian brand Calzedonia, the ready-to-wear collection of Italian brand Sportmax, IWC, Puma, and Chopard. She has been the world’s second highest-paid model. She is 5′10″.

Adriana is the daughter of Maria das Graças Lima, a social worker, and Nelson Torres, a carpenter. She was raised in Castelo Branco, Salvador, by her mother. She speaks Portuguese, English, Italian, and Spanish. A picture of Adriana’s father can be seen here. A picture of Adriana’s mother can be seen here.

She stated on Fashion television that she is of Swiss, African, and Indigenous heritage. She has also said:

I’m [an] Afro-Brazilian… and my family [is also] mixed with Japanese, Black… and West Indian.

Her surname, Lima, is Portuguese. Brazil has a large Japanese community, established there since the early 1900s. Some sites say that Adriana also has French ancestry.

Adriana has two children with her former husband, Serbian professional basketball player Marko Jarić; and a son with her partner, film producer Andre Lemmers.

Adriana’s maternal grandfather was named Bertoldo Fontes Lima.

One of Adriana’s grandmothers is named Julia.

A DNA test that Adriana appeared to post on her Instagram stated that her genetic ancestry includes:

*63.5% European
——–*30.6% Spanish & Portuguese
——–*24.8% Broadly Southern European
——–*2.9% Broadly European
——–*2.2% Broadly Northwestern European
——–*1.8% British & Irish
——–*0.6% Italian
——–*0.5% Ashkenazi Jewish
——–*0.1% Greek & Balkan



Curious about ethnicity

548 Responses

  1. aaa says:

    She is nothing exotic to me,she looks just multiracial like the most brazilian women

  2. jtempo says:

    Why people (mostly USA people) act so surprise that she has mixture of a little bit of African is funny. C’mon, people. Wake up, many of us Afro-Brazilians or other Afro-latinos have so much mixtures (usually European (Spainish y Portugal, etc), Centro or South American Indian, and African) that spans so many generations within our families. Goes back to when they bring the African slaves to our countries, then we mixed with the Amerindian Natives there y Spanish, Italian, and French people, too. This goes back to many years like 1700 or 1800s. Even we have the Japanese workers that \came over and populated with the mixed people. That’s why so many of us are mixed. Some have more mixture of African, some have more mixture of other groups (Spainiards or Indians). Many of the mulatto offsprings had babies with other mulatto offsprings . This happen more often than the USA. USA African people tend not to mix as much , I think because the interracial relationships were sort of illegal there for many generations. We in the latin countires have been mixing so often and much longer than the USA, that is why. Also our countries in the latin or Caribbeans were colonized by the Spaniards, French, etc. Southern Europeans.
    The USA was colonized byt the English or Irish. Northern Europeans.
    That’s why our mulattos look a little more different than the USA mulattos. jaja. Maybe? DNA genetiucs are funny that way. Que no? Lima es muy buenita!

    • truescience says:

      Adriana Lima do have black ancestry. Afro latinos do look black and they can pass as any black american. Your English is really good but you Spanish is really bad. If you translate it in English what you wanted to say about Adriana Lima: Lima is most good.
      US History:
      When black women were slaves in th US they were force to have sex with white men. Sadly in did not end when slavery stop. You can still see the brothels in New Orleans where black women used to work. It was a horrible history and she never be forgotten.
      Unlike Europeans and Africans, US whites and blacks are not 100% white or black. They are two studies made in US population:
      1. Racial Disparities in Head and Neck Cancer
      Author: Henry Ford Health System
      Subject Category: Cancer and Tumors
      Publish Date: Disabled World – Sep 26, 2010 | Updated: Sep 26, 2010
      The study included 358 patients; 37 percent were African American.
      Only 5 percent of self-reported African Americans had more than 95 percent West African ancestry, with 27 percent having less than 60 percent West African ancestry. By comparison, 52 percent who self-reported as Caucasian had less than 95 percent European American ancestry.

      2.The Use of Racial, Ethnic, and Ancestral Categories in Human Genetics Research. Am J Hum Genet. 2005 October
      In the United States, for example, most people who self-identify as African American have some European ancestors—in one analysis of genetic markers that have differing frequencies between continents, European ancestry ranged from an estimated 7% for a sample of Jamaicans to ~23% for a sample of African Americans from New Orleans (Parra et al. 1998). Similarly, many people who identify as European American have some African or Native American ancestors, either through openly interracial marriages or through the gradual inclusion of people with mixed ancestry into the majority population. In a survey of college students who self-identified as “white” in a northeastern U.S. university, ~30% were estimated to have <90% European ancestry (Shriver et al. 2003). .

      • jtempo says:

        My Spanish is bad? Por que, pendeja? jaja
        Just kidding, yes pero my English is good that is true. I’m bilingual. Grew up in both parts of the Americas and schools from being young to now.

        But, why are you telling me all this stuff about Afro-latinos y Afro-Latinas? Also, you’ve just repeat what I said about Lima having a little African heritage, tambien. I already know all this things.
        Yes, Afro-Latinos do look black and can pass for some American African people. But, not all. They are different admixtgure levels for for them. Some may have more African in them, some may have less African in them. Also the European blood tends to be southern European (Iberian/Spain, Portuguese, Italian, French, etc) down in the Latin countries due to colinizations over the centuries.
        USA tends to have the northern European like British irish.
        The Amerindians of the north were a little more different than the Natives down in the latin county. Related yes, but now the same. Cherokees and Arawaks stuff like that were a little different. So the mulattos of USA and Latin America look different mostly for the most part.
        Depends where you go. Like in the West Indies. Many of them are mixed already and have for many centries.
        People in countries like Puerto Rico, they tend to have more of the Native and European blood and more diluted African blood or just a perfect combination of all 3 races. Same for Mexico, Peru, Velenzuela, Argentina, part of Brazil, Suriname, etc place like that.
        Some may have more African blood and less mixtures like people in Jamaica, Haiti, Cuba, parts of Brazil, parts of Dominican Rep, etc place like that.
        Many Afro-Latinos for the most part are triracials and tend to have wider mixtures compared to USA mulattos.

        I already know that mixing took place in the USA due to rape and a few but not a lot of interracial marriages to the slave days. New Orleans, LA, the Creoles were there yes. Don’t forget some of them also came from the Caribbeans, Santo Domingo, Martinique, other pplaces down there. But, yes, I know the history of the Creoles, we have them in the latino countires, tambien. They were usually of French, African, Spanish, and Native descent.
        The racial mixing for the most part wasn’t as huge in the USA as it was in the latino countries back in the slavery days. USA was just a little slower in things like that and also got rid of the slave law later.
        Most USA Blacks to have other bloods in their DNA, yes. Like 20% or something, yes. And some tend to date only among themselves for a long time.
        In the Latin countries the mulattos tend to have more %s of other mixture, because the mixing has been going on for so long even beyond past 1 generation, it goes more.

        the self reporting that USA people do tend to go by the 1 drop rule they had their many years ago. A mulatto o mulatta will call them selves African American sometimes.
        So I could see why for that 27% jaja.

        But, why comment to me? My original comment was to people here surprised that Lima has a little African heritage. That was the point, not to debate over other petty things. jaja. Take it easy, happy Thanksgiving, mami.

        • truescience says:

          First you try to pretend you were from Latin America.
          1. You can fool other but not me.You did not grow in Latin America and never have travel there. Have you ever been to Argentina they are white and in Peru you see alot of mestizos,asians and later blacks? 2.You Spanish is too bad for that.
          Second you never study Latin America history. STOP READING THINGS FROM THE INTERNET. IT MAKE YOU SOUND IGNORANT. All countries in latin american are different from each other. They do not share the same culture or history.
          3.Most african in the USA and most whites americans are mixed because that happen when population live nearby.Just because you look white does not mean your genetic map will be the same.Not because I want to but because DNA are showing that.
          4.What I trying to tell you is because a person look a certain way does mean his/her genetic map does.
          Craig Cobb white supramacist look white but he had 14% african and he look white.
          CPlease stop reading Wikipedia. You anyone an edit that.
          Adriana Lima is not only african, she is also Japanese, native american and white. That make her a mestiza, mulata and zamba but not african.She has everything in her.African is a term that will deny her other heritages.

          • truescience says:

            Most of Argentina and Uruguay population are white. In Peru they are mestizos, asians and later black.Each country is different but you still see white, asians, blacks, mestizos, mulatos, zambos in all latin american country.Also they are jewish, arabs and in Santos Domingo they are many are black.Travel more often.

          • jtempo says:

            Woa! Wait? I’m trying to pretend that Im Latino? Hows so, puta? jaja. No my Spanish ios not bad for that. Argentina y Peru? No, we never lived down there to far south. Do you even know me? Are you from latin countries your self. My mother is Mestiza (Spanish and Mayan blood) mestiza. My father is from the West Indies and he is mixed for many generations with African, Spanish, French and Native (Arawak) mullatos that goes all the way back to my great grandparents and others. Pretend? Phk you. You don’t even know me to claim what I am. Why are you replyng all to me when all I said was that Lima has African roots to people who were surprised by that fact. Now you want to make it personel with me and deny my latino heritage? Que malo? What is wrong with you, pendeja? jaja. Now you want to troll and harass me with things like that on Thanksgiving weekends. Pero I see that you have already been here talking back and forth with all kinds of people here already for weeks. Now I know whom I dealing with. jaja. Get a life, mami. Yo soy latino and you can’t do anything about that, mami. You cant take away my Africa, Spanish, French, native and other roots. I don’t know your agenda pero its kinda obvious now. You trolling and harrasing people for what. Dont know. I’ve been to Mexico where I was born and my madre is from. She grew up there. We lived in Guatemala tambien. But, why should I tell you all these things about my life culera? jaja. Then you insult my Spanish? You a teacher or something like that? Shit, I typed here a few days ago drunk because Thanksgiving, did I mispell something. I Know a whole lot about the latin countries, we’ve been and lived there mostly central america. My Spanish is bad. Pleasse. jaja. I know what the pfk Lima is mixed with all those things. Wikipedia? I dont read that stuff. Don’t need to dont truss it I speak for personal experience. Pretend mi culo, you crazy culera. jaja. I don’t know what direction you going with. or why you picking a arguement with me? For what? I said nothing to get this from you. Craig Cobb and all that other stuff you told me I dont care about. I also went to school in the states (Texas, California, and New Mexico) got familly there too from my mother’s side. I know the different countries are different history culturaly racially from each other and many have trends even genetically. I said all that in my first post, go read it again. I speak English here because people here are typing English, sometimes the Spanish slips out. It’s natural for us. You make a big deal about my Spanish? Loca….

            The USA people are mixed yes, but many are not as mixed as the ones in the many latin countries who have been mixing for a long time, plus many were colinized by different types of Europeans and different natives. I already know about Argentina being mostly blanco (Germans mostly) and Peru with the mestizos. You telling me sht I already know, mama. I already know about the Jews, Arabs, Asians, Mestizos, zambos, every thing down there. Again, you repaet the same stuff I was telling =other people here. Why you tyelling me something I already said? i dont know, go bug somebody else or keep arguing with yourself loca. jaja. have a good weekend, mami.

          • jtempo says:

            I said nothing about her only being African, where you get that? You have me mistaken for somebody else you been debating with all month long on here. jaja. Like 5 different people or something like that. Take a break from here. You are here too much maybe? jaja. loca…..

  3. fbwfeiwb says:

    And of course, as I expected, there are people who think she looks white so she must not have much non-white blood in her. If you actually look at her, you can tell she is part black, as are many Brazilians. Most have black ancestry – even the white ones.
    Remember, ‘race’ and ethnicity isn’t just in the skin colour.

  4. J.J. says:

    correction; her eyes are grey/green and her hair is dark brown (brunette)

  5. J.J. says:

    correction; I’m going to point out her name Adriana & her middle name Francesca are both latin and her surname lima is Portuguese, it’s evident she’s obviously got Portuguese blood and possibly Spanish, I think Portuguese should be listed in her ethnicity due to her surname and the fact that she’s Brazilian, it could be listed as Hispanic/latino Brazilian or Portuguese-Brazilian. I also think that the indian should be taken away form the native American as native americans are not Indians, they were given that title by mistake and it has just caught on, but the way it’s written one could mistake her for being part actual indian.

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