
Hi all,

Please leave some suggestions below on how this site could be improved. Any ideas/criticisms are welcome.

1,892 Responses

  1. bearboy says:

    Hi follers, mind adding Michele Bachmann to this website. Can’t seem to find out what ethnicity she is.

  2. ses101 says:

    Hi, a lot of the celebs are stated as having “Scots-Irish” descent or surnames from there. Would it not be more accurate to just say they have Scottish blood? As a Scotsman myself it is a bit annoying to see lots of people referred to as Scots-Irish when their surnames are Scottish and they are therefore likely to have pure Scottish blood in their ancestry.

  3. bearboy says:

    With Tony Kushner, Carole King, and Alan Dershowitz mind making their profiles more accurate by adding their DNA results to their ethnicity.

  4. bearboy says:

    Mind deleting the celebrities I posted that are “awaiting moderation” if they aren’t going to be accepted?

  5. andrew says:

    can you add Rachel Melvin? thank you follers

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