
Hi all,

Please leave some suggestions below on how this site could be improved. Any ideas/criticisms are welcome.

1,898 Responses

  1. bearboy says:

    Add all claims made by the celebrities of their ethnicity whether it is true or not to the profile not the ethnicity. Such as people claiming Native American heritage that hasn’t been proven yet.

  2. bearboy says:

    Follers, what religion was Paul Goldsmidt’s (baseball player’s) father?

  3. visokozen says:

    George RR martin please. Thank you.

  4. bearboy says:

    John Boehner please

  5. frankiedynomite says:

    Hmmm..Do Jews dominate the media? ABSOLUTELY..Is that a problem, not really..except for why they own, produced, run..and are now dominating the actors ethnicity..whether they use their REAL names or not..So many surprises in the Jewish acting world, so many changed names..some..due to horrible names that no one would want..and some to hide their Jewishness so the public isn’t aware of the Jewish takeover that can be seen as favoritism.
    Funny thing is..Jewish is NOT really a race, ti’s a religion, and 98% of “Jews” are NOT said by scientists at Hebrew University in Israel while doing a genetic study on “Jews”..So when they call someone and anti Semite..It’s a fact..what the ZIONISTS are doing in Palestine, Syria, Iraq, etc. IS ABSOLUTELY Anti Semitic..but of course most people don’t know that a Semite does NOT mean ‘Jew”…By the way..the “Russian” actually “Jewish” and NOT Christian as portrayed by the film industry and media..and yet they use crosses and tattoo’s on mob characters to show them as Christians..A LIE..this is why the ZIONIST JEW domination of the media and film is a DANGEROUS thing..they manipulate, brainwash and use propaganda to make people believe things that are NOT true. This is the most dangerous weapon on Earth..

    • passingtime85 says:

      How does any of that help improve this website? By the way, modern European Ashkenazi Jews have genetic links to the middle east, paternally. Maternally they’re mostly European, 60%+. Sephardic Jews and Mizrahi Jews are a lot more Semitic.

      Semitic is just a blanket term to cover people that use language based on the original Semite language, which does include Arabic, Hebrew, and Amharic. It’s just like calling people Latin when they speak the Italian, French, Portuguese, or Romanian languages. While most people in the U.S. think of Latins or Latinos as just Spanish speakers, it’s technically incorrect. Same thing as when people use the term Anti-Semitic, they think it just means a biased against Jews, it truly could cover bias against any of the several ethnic groups originating from the middle east that base their languages on Arabic, such as the Egyptians or Algerians. It’s just a term that is used incorrectly.

      Regardless, opinions on the matter are moot as this website mostly deals with heritage, not the impact that any particular race has upon world politics.

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