
Hi all,

Please leave some suggestions below on how this site could be improved. Any ideas/criticisms are welcome.

1,898 Responses

  1. scott says:

    Accept my submission admin, thanks

  2. andrew says:

    hey wanna see my submissions not just follers ones

  3. gabby1 says:

    I just wondering about racial percentages. These are really not necessary in 2014 and maybe you could consider leaving them out of your articles. I think it’s one thing for people to post about percentages, but another for you to put them in your actual article.

    Sometimes I feel as though people are getting mixed up between race of the past and race today. Race and ethnicity today are about identity, connections, history, culture, shared ancestry and more as well as appearance to a certain extent. Race of the past was about perceived and profound biological differences between the races – this is where percentages and racist policies like the one drop rule come from and why they are no longer necessary. Modern Genetics has greatly changed the way we view race today. Skin color, for example, is reflective of the body’s hormone level -like melatonin.

    In any case, many People who have a multiracial/multiethnic background (mixed heritage) especially just prefer to talk about ancestry and you can just say AND when describing people’s ancestry.

    Please think about leaving out racial percentages when describing people and their ancestry.
    Thanks, Gabby

  4. ssempre says:

    you should be notified if someone replies to your comment

  5. scott says:

    Can someone find out what is the ethnicity of businessman and inventor Elon Musk? Thanks

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