Neon Hitch

Hitch in 2011, image via Joe Seer/bigstock

Place of Birth: Kingston upon Thames, Surrey, England, U.K.

Date of Birth: 25 May, 1986

Ethnicity: English Romani

Neon Hitch is a British singer and songwriter.

Neon was initially raised in Nottingham. After their house burned down, her family lived in a caravan, largely in a Romani community, and Neon travelled and performed with the Archaos circus in her teen years. She was a trapeze artist, fire swinger, and stilt walker, and spent a few years living in India. Neon was discovered by an American agent on her MySpace account.

Neon has a daughter.


Curious about ethnicity

5 Responses

  1. bablah says:

    In UK Gypsy can also refer to Irish Travellers.

    • morganadebeauchamp says:

      Not sure about other places, but in my home village (where there is a significant Traveller and Romani population), the two groups usually mix. an example would be my Romani great-grandmother marrying a man of Irish Traveller descent.

    • culture shock says:

      i think she’s from the more traditional gypsy ,not irish travellers ,i know there cultires like chalk and cheese to ours ,but there still white like us irish gypsies . Even though they have a lot in common irish travellers and the roma gypsies ,but there genitcly different and a few cultiral differences between the two. But yeah roma and gypsy is just a blanket term for people among those cultires. Also i think they have interbred the two. I thinl this woman Neon hitch shes looks and soudns more like a traditional gypsy , shes also very pretty .

  2. abbracci says:

    She calls herself Gypsy a lot in her bios. I’m pretty sure she has Romani heritage.

  3. kaYla says:

    WoW 26 looks way older.

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