Blake Griffin

Griffin in 2011

Birth Name: Blake Austin Griffin

Place of Birth: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, U.S.

Date of Birth: March 16, 1989

*father – African-Haitian/African-American
*mother – English

Blake Griffin is an American professional basketball player. A power forward, he played for the Los Angeles Clippers, the Detroit Pistons, the Brooklyn Nets, and the Boston Celtics of the National Basketball Association (NBA). He was the number one NBA draft pick in 2009. He is 6′9″.

Blake is the son of Gail and Tommy Griffin, who is a basketball player and basketball coach. His father is black, with African-Haitian ancestry. His mother is white, with English ancestry. His brother, Taylor Griffin, is also a professional basketball player.

Blake has two children with his former partner Brynn Cameron. Brynn’s brother is professional basketball player Jordan Cameron.

Griffin’s parents

Blake’s maternal grandfather was Clarence Melvin Simmons (the son of Curtis W. Simmons and Mabel/Mable D. Hiatt). Clarence was born in Oklahoma. Curtis was the son of Edwin Cirby Simmons and Mildred Dixon Poarch.

Blake’s maternal grandmother was Fanel Owings (the daughter of Lyle/Lyles Greenwood Owings and Alice/Allie S. Pat/Patricia Speed). Fanel was born in Texas. Lyle was the son of Eldridge John Owings and S. Margaret “Maggie” Greenwood. Alice was the daughter of Patrick Milton Speed and Alice Elizabeth Burleson.

Sources: Obituaries of Blake’s maternal grandparents, Clarence Melvin Simmons and Fanel (Owings) Simmons –

Blake’s maternal grandfather, Clarence Melvin Simmons, on the 1930 U.S. Census –

Obituary of Blake’s maternal grandfather, Clarence Melvin Simmons –


Curious about ethnicity

181 Responses

  1. dupe says:

    My daughter is mixed and it frustrates me when people believe they can put her in a box and mark it whatever they want to satisfy their limit understanding of “being”. I’m white and my wife is black and she is one, only one, generation away from picking cotton in back water La.Things have come a long way from my mother-in-law’s grandparents time. I can see it in the pictures of long gone relatives with light eyes. Untill this country increases the level of education ignorance will prevail. “What box can I put Blake Griffin?”

    he is his mother’s and father’s son just like everybody else no matter how you slice it

  2. marvin says:

    My grandmother was black dutch. Look it up. My wife is from Thailand. Her father was from China. My father and his father are from Sweden. My son looks like he could be from Puerto Rico. Got the “Fro” going.

    One of my daughters looks like a Swedish model. She is golden brown all year. Makes big bank as a model. Six in all and they are all different.

    So what does that make us???? Human.

    Stop with all the diversivness. Be proud to be American, not claiming another continent or country before the name American. Grow up people.

    • Anna'''''''P9;;' says:

      Dude, honestly, you

    • Anna says:

      Dude, honestly, you’re a racist piece of shit. How are you going to call someone’s family f*ed up just because they’re mixed.

      “None of you fuckers can calim anything other than “I am an earthling”.”

      Well, that’s more than we can say for your ass.

      Stupidity isn’t a disease, but it sure as hell spreads like one and it looks like you’ve contracted it. Poor thing.

    • Joe De Lede says:

      As an aussie I can’t help but find the apparent american obsession with ‘race’ amusing … america on the whole produces the words prettiest people – largely through ‘miscgenation’ ; just try a head count of the acting fraternity who have native-amarican ancestry; add american musicians likewise & it turns out that just about all of the best of them have some ‘non-white’ background … travel to Paraguay & visit the remnants of of the ‘pure-bred’ Aryan community established by Nietsche’s sister & you’ll appreciate just how hilariously funny the delsusion of ‘white-superiority’ really is….

    • Gemini says:

      To marvin

      Have you ever thought it strange that before the title of our nationality we state our “race” or “ethnicity” first as if it is more important than our nationality? Even when we acknowledge a person they are a black person, a white person, an asian person etc but never a person who’s black, white, asian etc. We put race before so many things, its rather silly if you think about it.
      This may sound extremely corny but your words are very inspiring.

      • Amber Berg says:

        This I will have to agree with you on Gemini, Lets start calling ourselves American, and forget about the race! That’s what other countries do, America is a melting pot!

  3. Jon says:

    @ kim shut your dumb mouth. If you read a book you would see capitalism creates jobs socialism destroys jobs. It cuts the circulation of cash from employers to make jobs. If as you say black people dont “buy that” then you all are a bunch of dumb motherfkers. People that dont care about the survival of our country need to shut the hell up.

  4. tiece says:

    He’s soooo ugly Seriously. Nothing is attractive about him absolutely nothing.

    • bosco says:

      Very thrue. That is one Frankenstein ugly guy. I trust he will not reproduce. Wow he is scary ugly.

      • lwazikazi says:

        You remind me of Jimmy Manyi,it’s scary. The guy isn’t ugly at all. You simply hate that he’d be considered better looking than you since he’s not 100% Black. I blame Americans for that. Black South Africans are proud of who they are, because we know we are beautiful and don’t need to force Coloureds(mixed people) to call themselves Black to feel beautiful. Coloureds are Coloureds and it doesn’t make any kind of sense to call them otherwise(Black or White).

        • WTF says:

          @ Iwa

          Because he’s not 100% black?STFU,you remind me of a self hater.They dislike him because they think his unattractive,that’s all.You just want to be a Coloureds,that’s why you’re all up on their nutsack

      • lwazikazi says:

        You remind me of Jimmy Manyi,it’s scary. The guy isn’t ugly at all. You are simply hating because you know that he’s considered better looking than you because he’s mixed. I blame you Americans for that. Black South Africans know that they are beautiful and go around forcing Coloureds to call themselves Black. Coloureds are Coloureds and Blacks are Blacks,you people can be really senseless. You can’t call a Coloured person Black nor can you call them White,it just doesn’t make sense. It’s stupid if you ask me.

      • what? says:

        and he will get more beautiful black and white women in 2 years than you will get in your entire existence on this or the next planet!!! even the girl who called him ugly will give him some!!! you know why …he’s big ,tall, rich, smart , bi-racial and can play basketball!!! oh yeah…..he ‘s RICH!!!!

  5. deebow says:

    on a lighter note everyone is African as the family grew brothers and sisters became nomadic(people who travel)-4 dumb azzez- as they venture to different regions and climates they begin to adapt lighter skin for less sun brighter eyes for better night vision for longer nights and so on. your friends, wife, husband, are your cuzins…rt rt

    • bosco says:

      Actually, none of that shit is true. Anthropolgy fantasy. Did you learn that in kindergarden?

      • Anna says:

        The truth hurts, doesn’t it bosco? If you had even passed kindergarten, which doesn’t seem like it cuz you can’t even spell it, you’d know that the origin of Homo Sapiens is in Africa. If you don’t believe, do some research. It might help broaden your tunnel vision.

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