Ariana Grande

Ariana Grande

Grande in 2011, s_bukley /

Birth Name: Ariana Grande-Butera

Place of Birth: Boca Raton, Florida, U.S.

Date of Birth: June 26, 1993

Ethnicity: Italian [including Sicilian]

Ariana Grande is an American singer and actress. She has starred on the shows Victorious, Sam & Cat, and Scream Queens, and appeared in the film Don’t Look Up. Her most popular songs include “The Way,” “Problem,” “Break Free,” “Bang Bang,” “Love Me Harder,” “Focus,” “Dangerous Woman,” “Side to Side,” “No Tears Left to Cry,” “God Is a Woman,” “Thank U, Next,” “7 Rings,” “Break Up with Your Girlfriend, I’m Bored,” “Boyfriend,” “Stuck with U,” “Rain on Me,” “Positions,” “Save Your Tears,” and “Die for You.”

Her mother, Joan Grande, has been CEO of the family firm, a manufacturer of communications and safety equipment. Her father, Edward Butera, owns a graphic design firm. Her parents are of Italian descent. She stated on her Twitter account that she is of half Sicilian and half Abruzzese Italian ancestry. Her maternal half-brother, Frankie Grande, is an actor, dancer, and musician. A picture of Ariana’s father can be seen here, and a picture of some of her father’s family can be seen here. A picture of Ariana’s mother can be seen here. A picture of Ariana’s paternal grandfather can be seen here, and a picture of Ariana with her maternal grandparents can be seen here.

Ariana’s paternal grandfather was Anthony Vincent Charles Butera (the son of Carlos/Charles Antonio Butera and Marie/Mary Passalaqua/Passalacqua). Anthony was born in New Jersey. Ariana’s great-grandfather Charles was born in New Jersey, to Italian parents, Antonino Butera and Magherita Azzara/Azzala, from Menfi, Provincia di Agrigento, Sicily. Marie was Italian. The surname Butera is Sicilian.

Ariana’s paternal grandmother was Florence P. Citrano (the daughter of Enrico “Henry” Cetrano and Lucia “Lucy” Ciarfella). Florence was born in Newark, New Jersey, to Italian emigrants, from Civitaquana, Abruzzo. Enrico was the son of Carmine Cetrano and Giulia/Julia Trabucco. Lucia was the daughter of Ascenzio Ciarfella and Margherita Taddeo.

Ariana’s maternal grandfather was Frank Anthony Grande (the son of Antonio “Anthony” Grande and Filomena/Felmino “Philomena”/”Phyllis” Lavenditti). Frank was born in New York, to Italian parents. Antonio was born, c. 1900, the son of Raffaela/Raffaele V. Grande (b. 1876) and Sabato/Rose Cardalisca (b. July 1877, in Lanciano, Province of Chieti, Abruzzo, Italy), and moved to the U.S. in May 1903. Ariana’s great-grandmother Filomena was the daughter of Francesco Lavenditti/La Venditti and Benedetta Perrotti. Ariana’s grandfather also had roots in Bojano and Gildone, in Campobasso.

Ariana’s maternal grandmother is Marjorie M. Damico (the daughter of John Viovanni Damico/D’Amico and Felomina F. “Minnie” Gigante). Marjorie was born in New York, to Italian parents, with roots in San Fele, Potenza, Basilicata.

Ariana also once twitted that she “just found out my grandparents are heavily greek and part north African,” and then specified “…the chart says Greece/Italy. I just thought it was funny. I’m assuming the North African bit is Moroccan or Tunisia?”

Ariana’s reference to “the chart” makes it likely that she took some sort of DNA test to map out her heritage. DNA tests for people of Sicilian descent sometimes indicate some kind of Greek or North African ancestry.

Ariana Grande 41st Annual American Music Awards - Arrivals

Grande in 2013, photo by

Sources: Genealogies of Ariana Grande –

Ariana’s paternal grandfather, Anthony Vincent Charles Butera, on the 1930 U.S. Census –

Obituary of Ariana’s paternal grandmother, Florence P. (Citrano) Butera –

History of Ariana’s maternal grandparents, Frank Anthony Grande and Marjorie M. Damico –

Ariana’s half-brother, Frankie Grande, 2008, photo by


Curious about ethnicity

871 Responses

  1. tatted says:

    U know there’s tanning right? Lol

  2. The Beautiful Ones says:

    This girl can sing! One of my fav contemporary singers!

  3. Kate says:

    Correction: Ariana does not have a middle
    Name and her last name is not Grande. It’s
    Source- Ariana Grande Wikipedia/encyclopedia

  4. Dan says:

    @justme Lol. Dude, seriously. Stop trying to pose as if you’re a White-Europe because you’re not. You do realize I can read all of your previous posts, right? They reek of Afrocentrism. I actually don’t eat “to” (it’s “too”, dipshit) much burgers. I’m also not fat either. Nice try, though. Your grammar gives away your ethnicity. You type how you speak.

    “Dan: Stop eating to much burgers is just not making you smarter but fatter. DNA tests are confirming that we are not the same in Europe. Ariana Grande may be mixed.”

    I don’t eat burgers, and I’m not fat because I’m smart. There are whites of all different shades, my non-friend. Only you black ret@rds think if someone is a little darker then they suddenly become non-white.

    “Unlike her I believe in DNA testing. Some Europeans are not whites and also many whites americans are mixed but still look white.”

    Of course there are SOME Europeans that are non-white. There are immigrants in EVERY country. That doesn’t mean that an entire population ceases to become white. Italians are the original whites. They, along with the Greeks, invented Western civilization as we know it. There were numerous DNA tests done that prove that Italians are White European.

    “Do you even know how to read? Schools are really bad in the US. That is why 70% of US students cannot locate the US in a map.
    School are really good in Europe so lets not compare.”

    Oh, I know how to read. I’ve been to private schools my entire life, and I’m in the process of receiving my Master’s Degree. I’ve perused every one of your previous posts, and I can tell that your IQ is roughly 80-85. It’s extremely inferior and way below average.

    “I want my Maria back: The Roma mother(she is Bulgarian) of ten, held twice for trying to sell babies, who says ‘I HAD to leave my blonde girl in Greece’ The girl was had an albino gene.These Roma people can be from many Europeans countries but they not white and they do not look white either.
    If they went to US they be consider white because their nationality is a European country. DNA show that is not the case.
    In fact the DNA show that the woman was its mother.
    Greece’s Mystery Girl’s Mother Found: DNA Tests Confirm Bulgarian Roma Woman Is Blond Child’s Biological Parent”
    Of course someone can look very different from their parents. It depends on which parent’s genes they receive. You are WAAAAAY too focused on the color of the skin. White is a social-construct, and all NATIVE White/Europeans/Caucasians are white, regardless of their skin tone. I’m not concerned with the “whiteness” of other countries outside of Europe, but ALL native Europeans are white. End of story. If they’re immigrants that moved to Europe from outside (non-white) lands then they are NOT considered white, regardless of skin tone. It’s a case-by-case basis. You’re thinking and logic about “white” is extremely flawed. You’re far too focused on skin tone.

    “How white is the mother? Now show me the DNA tests that prove what you are saying. English is your language and you write like that. No wonder, 70% why americans also flunked in English.
    Gave us something to read. If you want to preach go to a therapist.”

    Honestly, dip sh*t. All of your posts are grammatical f&*king nightmares. As was this post of yours, ironically. I was posting from a cell phone, on the side of a highway. Forgive me for not really caring about perfect grammar, at the time. Cell phones have this little thing called “auto-correct.” Also, in just your ONE paragraph above, “prove” should have an “s” on the end. There should be a question mark on the end of “that.” The sentence that begins, “No wonder” is a complete grammatical nightmare. Your sentence that begins “Gave me” should be “Give me.” See what a moron you are? Lol. That’s only ONE paragraph. I could go on. Idiot. You’re a complete moron. You’re another “internet intellectual” that lacks any intellect. A simpleton. A waste of sperm. Your depth of thinking is shallower than a puddle of water.

    One last point that will completely prove you’re a moron.

    When Stormfront, a White Nationalist Community, says that Italians are White (which they have), then Italians are indeed white. Italians are the original “Whites.” You’re an Afrocentrist. All of you like to make these claims on the internet. It’s indeed funny. Have a nice day. You should read more, but you’re incorrigible, so I don’t think it will make much difference.

    • notional says:

      What the fuck are you going on about bro? And that woman was Roma which is a tribe originally from India that emigrated to Europe 1000 years ago. (Obviously some mixing happened though)

    • Chicken With Grease says:

      The way a person types doesn’t give wy their ethnicity.
      There are some ghetto Caucasians out there. So stop acting like all Blacks type that way idiot!

      • Dan says:

        It’s actually very easy to tell what someone is by the position they’re defending (or trying to prove or disprove) and how they type. Well, it’s easy to tell when you’re smart, and able to logically think. That certainly isn’t the majority of people on this website. That’s for sure. This would be the toilet of society. I’ve also read his other posts. He’s not what he claims to be in these posts. So, F.U., idiot.
        Lol. “Chicken Grease.” Nice name. I don’t even have to guess what you are with that name. See how easy it is to tell what someone is?

    • justme says:



      SORRY YOU ARE MIXED. IS NOT MY FAULT BUT SHE NOT WHITE. YOU STUPID YANKEE. SHE CANNOT PRODUCE WHITE CHILDREN. In Europe you study history and we know what happen with some people from the south.By the way I do not see her as white.

      • justme says:


        Mario Balotelli look very white:

        Ariana(family came from Italy) and Mario are italians but not white. Stormfront was talking about white italians not not the typre of Ariana and Mario.

        • andrew says:

          it doesn’t make sense. There’s no such thing as “white” or “non white” in indigenous people of Europe as Italians are.
          Actually European people don’t give a fuck about this stuff, it’s just an American thing. About Ariana Grande, when I saw this photo of her for the first time (coz I have never heard her before) I had some doubt about his ethnicity, but from other pics she just looks like an average short and brunette Mediterranean chick, nothing special. Search images of her family, they dont look exotic at all

      • Dan says:

        Dude, just stop lying. It’s pathetic. Your posts are incoherent and you make zero sense. Balotelli is not ETHNICALLY Italian. He’s an immigrant to Italy, from Ghana. He was adopted by Italian parents. Ariana Grande IS ethnically Italian. The girls is obviously mixed with Greek, as many southern Italians are. Same for Greeks. Many are mixed with Italic. Again, focusing solely on skin tone, hair and eye color is not going to get you anywhere when trying to prove if someone is white or not. At the end of the day, think of “White” not as skin color, but a social construct, and a private club. Anyone that is ETHNICALLY European is White. Period. End of story. P.S. You’re a complete fucking moron. Lol. I honestly have debated with some stupid fucking people in my day, but you take the cake. Enjoy your Obama phone.

        • Richard says:

          ?? i am floored that Dan and Andrew did comply my response. congrats to the both of you.. Justme you are a f—— idiot. Gose, and many other italians arrrrreeeee brown and forgot the history of neonazis and nazis, did you??? It is illegal to show flags and any item of nazi in italy because they have italians that are nazis.. one vid for Italian nazis, and everything about them is white.. now some italian born are not, but most are. and over there italian nazis are worse than the USA. They trash, kill, and anything over there.

          Also, Italians were force to help Nazis during the ww2.. but some were not at all..

  5. JasonBaker says:

    I don´t really understand the reason of all these fights over Italy´s whiteness. Of course, Italians are White. And surely Ariana Grande is not the most typically white-looking girl on Earth, but that doesn´t mean she´s mixed. Yulia Volkova is a Russian woman who is tanned and that doesn´t make her non-White. LOL

    • justme says:

      She look like my daughter´s maid in South America. My maid is peruvian.

      She will be consider as a non white person in Europe but still a European. Many people will even think she is arab or something like that.
      Whites italians look like any white european not look like.

      • Jake says:

        lol. Your daughter doesn’t have a maid. Just looking at your grammar I can tell you aren’t smart, and surely your daughter isn’t either.

        • justme says:

          English is not my language. It just show how USA (Uneducated Stupid of America)you are. I am learning English but I speak Portuguese, Spanish and Italian. How many language do you speak? SHE DOES LOOK LIKE MY MAID´S DAUGHTER OR ALSO A GYPSY GIRL. HAVE YOU EVER TRAVEL OUSIDE YOUR TOWN?

      • Jake says:

        And she looks Italian/Greek to me.

      • notional says:

        what a load of shit. She’d be considered white in ANY European country, it”s only dumb Americans who think Latinos with 100% European ancestry aren’t white just because of where they were born. Maybe the reason you think she looks latino is because you’re thinking of white latinos and not Native Americans.

        All her features are white European it’s just the big dark brown eyes that confuse people, if her eyes were blue I guarantee NO ONE would say she isn’t white. Race isn’t determined by eye colour. She doesn’t look black, Asian or native american, she looks white European.

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