
Hi all,

Please leave some suggestions below on how this site could be improved. Any ideas/criticisms are welcome.

1,912 Responses

  1. cwm85 says:

    I’m all for free speech but some people on here are extremely racist. Whether it is how white someone is, like that is a proud goal… or people like M who try to make everyone black with some very disrespectful and racist commentary. I thought this site was in celebration of the many ethnicities of the world and genealogy. There are some really mentally disturbed people who can’t handle some people being who they are. Whether if they don’t think someone is all white or trying to make someone have ancestry or more than what they have. There are some people pissed at people mixing or being mixed. If one critique try to delete the most vicious racist comments. In particularly by M, midiori29, california, neil….. you know who I’m talking about. There are some very demented people on this site who probably shouldn’t belong on a site I suppose celebrates the many races and ethnic groups of the world. I think for the most part this site is accurate and even debunks some claims by some celebs who claim to have native American ancestry. I enjoy reading about these people’s ancestry… as you have seen I have shared my own story of my multiracial background. This is a good area to discuss my own background. Thanks.

  2. bearboy says:

    Jazz Jennings please follers

  3. ihatemostpeople says:

    No offense to the creator(s) of this web site, but I honestly do not see the point in having it up (along with your affiliated sites). It is abnormal to be this obsessed with race. I don’t give a rat’s ass what someone’s race is. Humans are humans to me. I’ve just become very creeped out by how many people are obsessed with race. Get a life and a hobby.

  4. M says:

    Please ban the user “cwm85”. They are racist and are threatening me.

    • cwm85 says:

      I am Not threatening you. I am challenging you logic and racist cliams and the fact you think everyone is part black even when its not listed. You are really mentally ill.

  5. passingtime85 says:

    How about a profile for actress Megan Boone, the co-star of NBC’s The Blacklist, I know she’s the granddaughter of billionaire real estate developer H. Gary Morse.

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