
Hi all,

Please leave some suggestions below on how this site could be improved. Any ideas/criticisms are welcome.

2,061 Responses

  1. l!ttletimmy says:

    I would like to add Claude Levi Strauss if that’s ok. He was a French anthropologist with deep roots in the Alsatian Jewish community.

  2. l!ttletimmy says:

    And still no one has addressed my criticism of Jessica DiCicco’s page. Not a single family tree on that page or genealogy link to prove the alleged Jewish ancestry. Sites like these are problematic because they contain a lot of inaccuracies. Even wikipedia has designated this site as one of the untrustworthy ones for tracing genealogy/ancestry. LOL

    • andrew says:

      Agree with you. In this case the family tree was probably on which requires a subscription. Otherwise or and others requires just an e-mail to login. Anyhow though some infos here and there are overlooked or not reported, this site is by far more complete than Wikipedia.

  3. andrew says:

    Jessica Pegula Us Open finalist should be added

    Father is at least part Rusyn and mother is from S. Korea

  4. myfellowwhitepeople says:

    Seriously, can someone tell me why my comments are deleted? I’m not committing any crime

  5. myfellowwhitepeople says:

    again, all my comments were deleted… is that serious?

    • jackson9 says:

      Don’t take it personally. Follers deletes my comments as well. I think it’s because of the Scottish pop singer I added? If you are the same you did nothing wrong as well.

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