
Hi all,

Please leave some suggestions below on how this site could be improved. Any ideas/criticisms are welcome.

1,891 Responses

  1. jackson9 says:

    If you can only confirm one of my submissions please confirm the author of Meva Mouse and Bobby the Seagull. It’s a great book and I am always intrigued by ethnic celebrities who are 1/8th Ashkenazi Jewish. It would mean a lot if you could confirm the author along with Guy Lafleur who was one of my favorite NHL players.

    • jackson9 says:

      @Follers, I did the extensive research and I am positive I am accurate about the information about Santucci and Lafleur are right. Lafleur is an NHL player who is French Canadian… Santucci is an author who is exotic…. She has 7/8 Northern European and 1/8 Jewish roots. biracial as some may say. please confirm both.

  2. liathecrazyflower says:
    my photo,
    i’m from brazil , How do I look?

    Remember I talked to you, and I showed you a picture of my Brazilian grandmother, I look totally European? because they say i look like a european, totally european is that true? I’m Titi35 remember me :)? I already showed my grandmother here Everyone said she was maybe part african and indigenous too, what is correct
    , her photo, but the last time I was here I said something joking and they said I was a troll lol

  3. jackson9 says:

    Please confirm my submissions @Follers… Guy Lafleur (hockey), Alan Gebhardt (Actor), Brendan Shanahan (hockey), Lou Piniella (baseball)…. if you lost my submissions I can tell you their ethnicities. thanks. blessings. cheers. etc.

  4. andrew says:

    Never heard this ‘pan-Asian” thing before.

    I also do not even think such concept exists at all.

    Asia stretches from Med Sea to Pacific Ocean and within its borders encompasses very different people who can’t considered an unicum.

  5. andrew says:

    That’s embarassing to not see Jerry Lee Lewis in front page

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