Ricky Martin

Martin in 2011, photo by s_bukley / Shutterstock.com

Birth Name: Enrique Martín Morales

Place of Birth: San Juan, Puerto Rico

Date of Birth: December 24, 1971

Ethnicity: Puerto Rican [Basque, Spanish, Catalan, Corsican, possibly other]

Ricky Martin is a Puerto Rican singer, songwriter, and actor. He is one of the best-selling Latin music artists of all time. He began as a member of boy band pop group Menudo. His acting roles include the film Jingle Jangle: A Christmas Journey and the series The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story. He has been called “Latin Pop God,” “King of Latin Pop,” and “Latin Music King.”

He was born in San Juan, Puerto Rico, the son of Nereida Morales and Enrique Martín Negroni, a psychologist. He has Basque, Spanish, Catalan, Corsican, and possibly other, ancestry. Ricky also has Spanish citizenship. He has roots in Puerto Rico going back to the 1600s.

Ricky is married to painter and artist Jwan Yosef, with whom he has four children. Jwan was born in Ras al-Ayn, Al-Hasakah, Syria, of Kurdish and Armenian descent, and was raised in Sweden.

Ricky’s patrilineal ancestry can be traced back to his third great-grandfather, Ramón Martín y Hernández, of San Juan.

Ricky’s paternal grandfather was Enrique Martín y Millán (the son of Enrique Martín y Pabón and Rosaura Millán y Casas). Ricky’s grandfather Enrique was born in Río Piedras, San Juan, San Juan, Puerto Rico. Ricky’s great-grandfather Enrique was the son of Eugenio Martín y Piera and Zoila Socorro Pabón y Rivera. Rosaura was the daughter of Clemente Millán y Rodríguez and Juana Margarita Casas.

Ricky’s paternal grandmother was Iraida Negroni y Arizmendi/Arizmendo (the daughter of Antonio Francisco Negroni y Rodríguez and Estrella Arizmendi y Quinta). Iraida was born in Yauco, Puerto Rico. Francisco was the son of Andrés Rutilio/Rutillo Negroni y Lluberas and Dolores Rodríguez y Rodríguez. Estrella was the daughter of Julio Luis Arizmendi y Rodríguez, whose mother was Spanish, from Valladolid, Castilla y León; and of Lorenza Quinta/Quinto y García.

Ricky’s Negroni line traces back to his great-great-great-great-grandfather, Antonio Francisco Negroni Mattei, from San Colombano, Corsica, who was a sugar and coffee plantation owner, and was of aristocratic background. Through that line, Ricky is related to Air Force officer and historian Héctor Andrés Negroni.

Ricky’s maternal grandfather was named Angel Morales.

Sources: Genealogies of Ricky Martin (focusing on his father’s side) – http://familytreemaker.genealogy.com

Marriage record of Ricky’s paternal grandparents, Enrique Martín y Millán and Iraida Negroni y Arizmendi/Arizmendo – https://familysearch.org

Ricky’s paternal grandfather, Enrique Martín y Millán, on the 1940 U.S. Census – https://familysearch.org

Marriage record of Ricky’s paternal great-grandparents, Enrique Martín y Pabón and Rosaura Millán y Casas – https://familysearch.org

Marriage record of Ricky’s paternal great-grandparents, Antonio Francisco Negroni y Rodríguez and Estrella Arizmendi y Quinta – https://familysearch.org

Genealogy of Ricky’s paternal great-great-grandfather, Andrés Rutilio/Rutillo Negroni y Lluberas – http://blueflower.tripod.com

History of Ricky’s Negroni ancestry – https://www.caribbeangenweb.org


Curious about ethnicity

114 Responses

  1. sadie says:

    He is not African!!!!!!

    • M says:

      Obviously he’s not from Africa, dummy. However, Ricky does have partial African admixture, as do most Puerto Ricans.

      • Castizo123 says:

        There are alot of Puerto Ricans who are mostly if not completely of European descent. Puerto Rico’s racial demographics might not be exactly comparable to Argentina’s, but P.R isn’t the Dominican Republic either. Even amongst mixed race Puerto Ricans european ancestry is prominent. The term “Puerto Rican” is a nationalistic term not a racial one. Ricky has admitted that he has some African heritage, but it is of marginal degree when you compare it to his European ancestry.

        • fuzzybear44 says:


          If Ricky Martin has admitted that he has African heritage,and unlike the PR’s on here,isn’t ashamed of it.Also I’ve seen transcripts of an interview he did,where he says his African heritage influences his music,so it’s obvious he takes some pride in it.what does it matter if it’s marginal or not?I mean,I don’t see where anyone says he’s not European,so i don’t get your point.

  2. sadie says:

    All I know is TOO bad he is gay if he were straight and married Sofia Vergara they would have had beautiful children. What a waste!!!

  3. lopac says:

    He doesn’t have any african anccestry why you blacks claim everybody who’s from cuba or puerto rico as black. he’s of french decent. not black. geeeez.

    • Roger Is My Lover says:

      Lopac, you are Latin American.

    • exotiq says:

      @lopac.. Yeah I know, it’s annoying isn’t it?! I mean, that’s what I always here, so I know it’s not something that is done “Sometimes,” I hear it all the friggin’ time…It’s like why can’t they just be happy being who they are alone? Why is it so important to claim everything with the slightest African heritage? It’s like I always say;…The racist whites may have created the one drop rule, but it’s blacks today that embrace it like it’s religion or something! Yes, and I know that man kind originated in Africa….Okay! Are you happy?! …So let people be who they are already!!

      Have you ever noticed that if you check out Wikipedia and look up a famous person with any African ancestry, they are automatically labeled, at the bottom of the page as “African American”…as though that was all that they were. Sure, it will have other descriptors, such as “People of Italian descent” or “People of Irish descent, etc.”, but when it comes to the BIG African ancestry, instead of putting in there “People of African descent” it’s just “African American” ….What’s that all about? That term is over used too much, it’s time to stop one-dropping everyone with as little as 1% African descent!!! I’m certain that some of the people who type in that crap in Wikipedia are black, because they are the main ones that claim anyone anymore! lol :)

  4. Shaz says:

    In his autobiography, he stated that in addition to Spanish and French ancestry, he has some native Puerto Rican and African ancestry.

    • I love you, Roger Scientist says:

      Can you give us a source so Ethnic can add it to his ethnicity? If it’s in his biography, it shouldn’t be hard to find.

    • M says:

      Shaz speaks the truth. Ricky Martín prides on his multiracial ancestry. He has cited in his bio that he is of mixed European (Spanish and Corsican), black African, and Taíno descent.

  5. Carolina says:

    Definitely white… You can be white and latin. Im latina white also. im from argentina and everyone here is white. most latin americans can be traced back to a european country, maybe other races as well but majority europe. My anscestors are spanish..

    • Jen says:

      That’s what they all say! Anyone with brains knows better than that! I do NOT appreciate the light skin/dark skin philosophy of Latin America. Such notions display no intelligence whatsoever!

    • Anon says:

      It is incorrect to say everyone from Argentina is white and from Euro heritage. While it is true that many Germans who were Nazi’s migrated to latin countries like Argentina, Venezuela, etc, to avoid prosecution for war crimes after the war ended (this is why you see so many latin beauty pageant contestants with German/Austrian surnames) , we must remember that Argentina had a native population already there before Europeans settled in the country, just like the USA had Native Americans before Europeans conquered the country. To say otherwise is to ignore and be disrespectful of it’s native population.

      From Wikipedia:
      Argentina has thirty-five indigenous groups or Argentine Amerindians, according to the Complementary Survey of the Indigenous Peoples of 2004, in the first attempt in more than a hundred years that the government tried to recognize and classify the population according to ethnicity. In the survey, based on self-identification or self-ascription, around 600,000 Argentines declared to be Amerindian or first-generation descendants of Amerindians, that is, 1.6% of the population. The most populous of these were the Mapuche, Kolla, Toba, Guaraní, Wichí, Diaguita, Mocoví, and Huarpe peoples. Many Argentines also claim at least one indigenous ancestor: in a recent genetic study conducted by the University of Buenos Aires, more than 56% of the 320 Argentines sampled were shown to have at least one Amerindian ancestor, of which 10% had Amerindian ancestors in both parental lineages. Jujuy Province, in the Argentine Northwest, is home to the highest percentage of households (11%) with at least one indigenous person or a direct descendant of an indigenous people; Chubut and Neuquén Provinces, in Patagonia, have upwards of 8%.

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