Jessica Szohr

Szohr in 2011, DFree /

Place of Birth: Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin, U.S.

Date of Birth: March 31, 1985

*father – African-American, European
*mother – Hungarian, German, as well as Irish and English

Jessica Szohr is an American actress and model. Her roles include the films Uncle Nino, Fired Up!, Piranha 3D, Love, Wedding, Marriage; I Don’t Know How She Does It, Tower Heist, Art Machine, Love Bite, The Internship, Brightest Star, 10 Cent Pistol, Two Night Stand, Club Life, Ted 2, and Clover, and the shows My Wife and Kids, Joan of Arcadia, What About Brian, CSI: Miami, Gossip Girl, Complications, Kingdom, Twin Peaks, Shameless, and The Orville.

She has said, “I’m Hungarian and a quarter Black, so I’m a mutt.” Jessica’s father is of African-American and European descent. Jessica’s mother, whose surname is Szohr, has Hungarian and German, from her own father, and Irish and English, from her own mother, ancestry.

Jessica has a daughter with her fiancé, Canadian professional ice hockey player Brad Richardson.

Jessica’s maternal grandfather is Ronald Szohr (the son of Philip S. Szohr and Marie C. Bayer). Ronald’s ancestry appears to be a mix of ethnic Germans and Hungarians. Philip was the son of Hungarian-born parents, Simon Szóhr/Sohr, from Tevel, and Erzsebeth/Elizabeth Grabenar, from Nagyvejke. Marie C. was also the daughter of Hungarian-born parents, Joseph Bayer and Clara, who was from Bács-Bodrog County.

Jessica’s maternal grandmother is Karen Bishop (the daughter of Arthur E. Bishop and Dorothy J. Hagan). Dorothy was the daughter of Donald Patrick Hagan and Ruth H. Bigelow.

Sources: Jessica’s maternal great-grandfather, Philip S. Szohr, on the 1930 U.S. Census –

Baptismal record of Jessica’s maternal great-great-grandfather, Simon Szóhr/Sohr –

Passenger record of the Szóhr family –

Baptismal record of Jessica’s maternal great-great-grandmother, Erzsebeth/Elizabeth Grabenar –

Jessica’s maternal great-grandmother, Marie C. Bayer, on the 1930 U.S. Census –

Obituary of Jessica’s maternal great-grandmother, Marie C. (Bayer) Szohr –

Passenger record of Jessica’s maternal great-great-grandfather, Joseph Bayer –

Jessica’s maternal great-grandmother, Dorothy J. Hagan, on the 1930 U.S. Census –

Obituary of Jessica’s maternal great-grandmother, Dorothy J. (Hagan) Bishop –


Curious about ethnicity

223 Responses

  1. izzy says:

    she is so pretty

  2. total23 says:

    I Agree With meagan, There Is A Student In My Class Who Looks Like Indian/Ethiopian/Somalian People But Whenever We Ask Him What Is Your Ethnicity He Gets Mad And Say’s “I’m Fully Black, I Came From Jamaica” And Where There Telling Him That “Yea We Know You Have Black In You But You Must Have Something Else Cuz You Don’t Look Black”
    So Basically What I Am Saying Here Is That Many Black People I Know Don’t Really Care That They Have Indian, White, Chinese, So Yes Their Denying Their Heritage Too, So It Wouldn’t Make A Different If Jessica Hide The Facted That She Is Part Black! It Is How She Identifies Herself. And Be Honest, If You Were 12.5 Black Or White etc. Would You Embrace It Or Hide It. I Am Predominately Black And I Have More Than 12.5 White And I Also Came From The Indigenous People (Arawak/Taino) And I Tell People This Even Though They Don’t Believe Me!

    So What I Am Saying Is If She Is 25% Black, And You Claim She Is Denying Her Black Side She Is Not Denying YOU, She Is Denying Her Grandparent Who Is/Were Black. If You Don’t Like What She Is Doing Then Make Sure When You Have Your Descendants You Help Them Embrace The Race They Have, Regardless If Their Your Grandchild, Great-Grandchild etc.

    This Post Is Not Meant To Offend Anyone, So Please Don’t Take Their Post Seriously!

    • total23 says:

      Sorry I Meant Don’t Take My Post Seriously!

    • Fuzzybear says:

      First why do you guys keep asking him that,it’s obvious he’s not going to tell you anything different.Next you say he doesn’t look black,well what does a black person look like?Also each one of those groups you mention are black,or have African lineage(India).Now true she’s only denying her family,and embracing or denying the other side of her heritage really holds no benefit for me;I’m just one of the people who gave his opinion.

      Relax Not offended

      • Bombpants says:

        Indians have African lineage?

        • Fuzzybear says:

          First,I was talking about the people of India,not the American Indian;I’ll get to their lineage some other day.Now the people of India,yes do indeed have African lineage;as much as they try and deny it.However all those places were colonized by Africans

          • nobodyouknow says:

            um, colonized by africans?? india was a british colony. please get your facts right. i seriously doubt they are of african lineage (i won’t say i’m DEFINITELY sure, because i need to do a bit more research, but i’m african, and i’m pretty sure about that)

          • fuzzybear says:

            To nobodyouknow

            It’s rare that my facts are not right,I know what i’m talking about.India has been home to Africans for thousands of yrs.Also if you really are African,there’s a lot you don’t seem to know

          • nobodyouknow says:

            If I really am African? Lol, okay. Like I said, I’m not sure whether Indians have African lineage or not so I’ll give you that, but India was most definitely NOT colonized by Africans. That I AM sure about.

          • Fuzzybear says:

            To nobobyouknow

            Sorry to burst your bubble,but your wrong.Africans were the first over there,it all in history books.There stories of the little black people,greek historian say india home to the Eastern Ethiopians.I mean I wouldn’t make this stuff up,there’s nothing in it for me to do so.Even white racist say India was full of (their word:Negros)before they got there.Now if you don’t want to believe me,that cool think how you want.Just don’t be surprise when someone else tells you the same thing

          • Paul Yuhas says:

            Fuzzybear. You are totally full of it. The people of India are Aryans. Homo erectus left Africa, mixed with Neanderthals and becaome the rest of the world outside of Sub-Sahara Africa. Homo sapiens in Africa have no Neanderthal genes. Read the new science, as the rest of the world does have those genes.(outside of a few island colonies)

          • fuzzybear says:

            To Paul

            This is funny,I was just looking at a documentary about the history of India yesterday.It’s strange that they have taken DNA test,and guess what,their DNA lead right back to Africa;imagine my shock.Now I read things about Neanderthals to,and you must have a selective vision problem.Also it say Neanderthal genes founded in some modern human(meaning very few),but from interbreeding between the two different populations or groups.So your the one who is full of it.

      • Total23 says:

        Well He Doesn’t Look Black, He Looks Like An Indian/Ethiopian/Somalian Person Doesn’t Look Black. We Don’t Even Know If He Has Black In Him We Just Tell Him That So He Can Be Satisfied. And I Am Only Saying That He Does Not Look Black Because He Does Not, Like Johnny Depp He Has Black In Him And You Couldnt Tell And Thats How He Looks!

        He Looks Like This:

        • Total23 says:

          The Link That I Showed You A Group Of Australian Aborigines, And No They Do Not Have Sub Saharan African In Them. That Was The Term I Was Supposed To Used Instead Of Black. The Only Reason Why They Are Dark Is Because Of Where They Live. So Dat’s How The Student In My Class Looks Like But Little Lighter And Less Shiny Hair.

          Again This Isn’t Supposed To Be Offensive. I Am Very Glad To Becoming To This Website To Learn New Things And Experience Certain This That Happen In Other Countries!

          • Fuzzybear says:

            First,who told you that the Australian Aborigines didn’t or don’t have African ancestry?Next that Sub Saharan African nonsense,is just that nonsense.All of African was inhabited by black people.Different shades,and probably different hair and facial types;but still black people.Now the difference naturally came about because of the different areas and climates in which they lived.Also Aboriginal look dark because that’s the way they looked when they left Africa.They did change climates,so they stayed the same.Those little kids that you showed might be from aboriginals that were whitewash;you do know that really happen right?See these are more pure blood:

            Also what is your ethnicity background?

          • Paul Yuhas says:

            Wow, I’m suprised this dumb argument goes on. The Aboriginal people of Australia have no close connection to H. Sapiens in Africa. Closer to H. erectus while regional evolution was happening in Asia and elsewhere. Skin color has nothing to do with it, as the same groups had lighter skin color in northern regions. The myth that black, sub-saharan people left Africa and populated the earth is just that: a myth. H. erectus left long before and evolved outside of Africa into Asians and Europeans after mixing with Neanderthals, who were white and had light colored hair.

          • fuzzybear says:

            To paul

            The lighter one you mention are most likely descend from the time when Whites there tried to breed the black out of them,which by the way actually happen.Neanderthals were brown not white,and I’m not talking about their hair.Pale skin didn’t pop up to around 5.5 to 6000yrs ago long after the Neanderthals went to sleep.Also that’s the myth that black were stuck in sub-saharan Africa.For each comment you put here,you just show who you really are.There is no point in debating with you,so say what you wish

        • Fuzzybear says:

          Now I did ask you to show me what a black person looks like.Also are you saying he’s the same as those kids in coloration?Because if that the case or according to you,I can’t call myself black.Also look at Chris Rock,he has 20% white in him,can you tell?

          • total23 says:

            Well You Did Ask What Does A Black Person Look Like, But Your Question Did Sound Rhetorical! Second I Don’t Need To Show You How A Black Person Looks Like Because You Have Showed Pictures Of People Who Were Predominately Black Mixed With Something, And I Won’t Put Up A Pic Of A Black Person Because That Pic Of The Black Person Does Not Represent How All Black People Look. And I Did Say He Looks Like The Kids I Showed You But I Didn’t Say He Was Their Skin Tone , I Said He Was A “Little Lighter And Less Shiny Hair!”.

            I Am Not Going To Say My Ethnicity, Other People Can But I Won’t Because I Don’t Have A Profile If I Had A Profile I Would. Let Me Ask You A Question! How Does A Black Person Look Like? I Want You Too Show Me So I Can Answer Properly.

            I Meant Too Say Earlier That The Student In My Class Has Black In Him Because He Says So (So We Believe Him), But What We Ask Him Is What Is His Ethnicity Because He Doesn’t Look Like An Afro-Jamaican Descent.

            And Again, This Post Is Not Supposed To Be Offensive. My Typing May Look Offensive Because I Capitalized The First Letter Of A Word But I Do It Because I’m Used To It…So Please Like I Said Don’t Get Offended.

          • total23 says:

            To Fuzzybear!

            If You Do Reply, Then I Give Up….Lol.

            I Do Agree With You That Many People Like To Hide Their Black Ancestry If They Have Any, But What I’m Really Saying Is All Lot Of People Hide Their Ancestry Or Don’t Say What They Have In Them (Regardless Whether They Have Black, White, Indian ETC.)I Think The Reason Why They Do It Is Because They Only Care About The Majority Of What They Are!

            Lol Fuzzybear I Do Give Up! But I Still Want To See You Answer My Question Above, If You Don’t Mind.

            (I Think In The Near Future We Might Have This Disscussion Again)

            Back To The Topic, Jessica Looks Pretty. Even Though Its My First I’m Seeing Her!

          • Fuzzybear says:

            To total23

            As far as hiding their background,that was done for a number of reasons.Now what you said is true for a lot of people,However for the majority of the time this was not the case.Let’s go with black people first(specifically)creoles,Melungeons and mulattoes.The ones who could pass for white did so.They wanted a better life,so they hid there black lineage,example(Anatole Broyard).Others have been taught,your black period.Also for others it was never talked about,so they didn’t know,be they (white,Indian etc)Now white people,did it for much the same reason;they wanted to be seen as white.At the time,if anyone found out they had black blood,they would be treated like a black person(3/5) a man,so I understand the fear.However these people in order to keep the eye off them,were very cruel to black people.Others did it because they thought it would hurt their career,even to this day,you have actors or actresses who want tell you they have black lineage,even though in my opinion it would increase their fan base.Same thing for other ethnicity,black lineage is the last thing they want to tell you they have.

            I did answer question,but I’m waiting for Ethnic to post it for me

          • Fuzzybear says:

            To total23

            Alright First,I was not being Rhetorical,I actually wanted to know what you thought a black person look like,because people are forever telling me what a black person doesn’t look like.Next I misread what you wrote about the student,so that’s my fault.Ok you don’t have to tell me your ethnicity,I was just curious about who I was talking to.Now what I think a black person looks like covers the full range:
            Now all these colors are in the same neighborhood,and this is how I grew up.Girls like Jessica Szohr,fit right in.So that one color or face type didn’t exist to me

            So like I said,I not offended

          • Total23 says:

            Well, I Guess You Prove Yourself Correct! Thanks, I Learned A lot!

            And Since I Feel Comfortable For Telling My Ethnicity I Will Tell You (Well I Guess Everyone Now…Lol) I Don’t Know The Exact Percentage But I Know That I Am 12.5% White (A Maternal White Jew Great Great Grandfather, And Paternal A White Irish Great Great Grandmother; I Know I Have More Because I Heard Stories From My Maternal Grandmother) And I Am Predominantly Black (Less Than 87.5%).

            When People See Me They See A Black Person (But If They Were To Compare Me To My Father, They Would Say I Look Just Like Him But The Darker Version Or Indian Version). But When They Look At My Hair They See Black Indian Hair (Indigenous People Of Americas) Because My Paternal Grandmother Was Predominantly Black But Has Indigenous Ancestors Of America, So I Know I Have Indian In Me Too. I Am Guessing That I Have Other Ethnicity Too Because Both Sides Of My Ancestries Are Many Generations Jamaican, And I Know That Indigenous People First Inhabited The Americas (Including The Caribbean) So Yeah….

            I Know Your Ethnicity But Once You Said Creole I Was Just Lost Because I Know That Creole Is Mix With Black, White French, And/Or Amerindian. Do You Know The Exact Percentage Of Your Ethnicity? (You Don’t Have To Tell Me If You Don’t Want)

          • ethnic says:

            Nice mix Total23, BTW is 23 your age?

          • Fuzzybear says:

            To total23

            Well that’s a interesting combo.As for me,yes I’m the stereotypical creole,with some other things in the pot,but no I don’t know the percentages.Maybe I’ll and get a DNA test done someday just to see

          • Total23 says:

            Well Since, I’m On A Computer I Think Its Safe Too Say My Age Which Is 16, I Will Be 17 In September.

          • Fuzzybear says:

            What are you a Libra?

          • total23 says:

            No, I’m A Virgo.

          • ethnic says:

            Sorry Total23 didnt mean to ask a personal question. Definitely be cautious with personal details on the internet. Hope you enjoy the site.


          • total23 says:

            It’s Okay Ethnic.

            And Don’t Worry About The Personal Details, Nobody Knows How I Look Like…..Lol

          • Paul Yuhas says:

            Anyone that has African-American friends from the ,50’s and 60’s know what the classifications that they give each other by skin complexion : She’s “high yellow” she’d be a fine wife for a black doctor or lawyer. or” No she’s too dark. She’s gonna be lucky with a construction worker.
            I personally witnessed this.

          • fuzzybear says:

            You personally witnessed that,WOW

    • honestly says:

      honestly, I know how that boy feels..i hate when people ask me my race and i tell them and yet they, your not you gotta be mixed with something else….How are you going to tell me what i am? Thats so beyond annoying!

  3. Fuzzybear says:

    To meagan

    Hey I know it sounds like I’m mad,but I’m really not.Also your right I am guilty of just saying I’m black and calling it a day

  4. meagan says:

    ok usually when someone is black and mixed with other stuff they usually only claim there black side or are more proud of it so why are you people getting mad for.I remember wathcing the Lopez Show and her saying that she is hungarian and a quarter black and stuff so I dont think she is trying to hide that,so stop getting mad if you dont hear it all the time its not like she has to keep saying it and it doesnt mean shes not proud of it.

  5. Fuzzybear says:

    To Adriana

    Your right,and the ones brought up like that do tend to act funny.However in some interview I think she said she sees herself strictly as Hungarian.So I don’t think she wants anything to do with her black lineage either

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