Esti Ginzburg

Esti Ginzburg in 2011

Ginzburg in 2011, photo by Prphotos

Birth Name: Esther Daphna Ginzburg

Place of Birth: Tel Aviv, Israel

Date of Birth: 6 March, 1990

Ethnicity: Ashkenazi Jewish

Esti Ginzburg is an Israeli model, actress, and television host.

Her mother, Adrianne, is an American-born Jew, and her father, Arieh “Arik” Ginzburg, is an Israeli Jew, who is an architect. Esti is married to Israeli real estate investor Adi Keizman, with whom she has two children.

Esti’s paternal grandfather was named Shlomo “Grisha” Ginzburg. Gisha was born in Grodno, Belarus, and was an architect, who was involved in the construction and planning of Tel Aviv.

Esti’s paternal grandmother was named Ester Zoltok (the daughter of Owsiej Zoltok and Channa). Ester was born in Białystok, Poland.

Esti’s maternal grandfather was named Aaron Walter (who likely was the son of Abram Walter and Helen). Aaron was born in New York, to Polish Jewish parents.

Esti’s maternal grandmother was Vivian Schutzer (the daughter of Louis H. Schutzer and Fannie Schatz). Vivian was born in New York, to Polish Jewish parents. She was a first cousin of photojournalist Paul Schutzer. Esti’s great-grandfather Louis was the son of Morris Schutzer and Jennie Schutzer.

Sources: Genealogy of Esti Ginzburg (focusing on her father’s side) –

Likely Esti’s maternal grandfather, Aaron Walter, on the 1930 U.S. Census –

Esti’s maternal great-grandfather, Louis H. Schutzer, on the 1920 U.S. Census –


Curious about ethnicity

20 Responses

  1. andrew says:

    Esistono anche nella nostra lingua, impara:

    • muricansareallmutts says:

      Nella MIA lingua e cultura non la tua perché — — ——— non se sai nulla di noi questa è la pagina tradotta come ne trovi tante altre di fatto da me nessuno li conosce a scuola non ci viene detto perché è un’invenzione statunitense quando mai l’ossessione per loro è tutta degli americani non dell’Europa.

      • andrew says:

        Sì bla bla bla, io sono straniero e sai tutto te. Meno male…

        In effetti a scuola (parlo di Liceo) non si studiano molto gli Ebrei, ma basta prendertela con gli Americani. Gli Aschenaziti e i Sefarditi ci sono da molto prima che l’America fosse scoperto da Colombo, quindi i tuoi “mutts” stavolta lasciali stare.

  2. italiano90 says:

    It’s pretty obvious that pookerella and muricansareallmutts are the same person judging by their inferior grammar and their endless unhinged rants.

  3. mycarf123123 says:

    According to this, her paternal grandfather Israeli architect Shlomo (Grisha) Ginzburg was born in Grodno, current Belarus.

    Add that ‘Belarusian-Jewish’ tag.

  4. andrew says:

    she looks like an average Oktoberfest waitress

  5. Gurrl says:

    More beautiful than Bar Refaeli in my opinion :P

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