Ellie Goulding

Goulding in 2011, image via Joe Seer/bigstock.com

Birth Name: Elena Jane Goulding

Place of Birth: Hereford, Herefordshire, England, U.K.

Date of Birth: 30 December, 1986

Ethnicity: English, small amount of Welsh

Ellie Goulding is an English singer, songwriter, and multi-instrumentalist. Her songs include “Lights,” “Anything Could Happen,” “Burn,” “Love Me like You Do,” “On My Mind,” “Close To Me,” “Sixteen,” “Hate Me,” “Easy Lover,” “Miracle,” and covers of “Your Song” and “River.”

Ellie is the daughter of Tracey and Arthur E. J. Goulding, a funeral director. She was raised in Lyonshall, a small village, in Herefordshire. She is married to art dealer Caspar Jopling, with whom she has a son.

Ellie has been incorrectly described as being Jewish on several websites; she is not of Jewish ancestry.

Ellie’s paternal grandfather was Charles Raymond “Ray” Goulding (the son of John Charles Goulding and Lucy Trigg). Ellie’s grandfather Charles was born in Chepstow, Monmouthshire, Wales, and was a newspaper editor. John was the son of Joshua Goulding and Adeliza Imm. Lucy was the daughter of David Trigg and Sarah Ann Acton.

Ellie’s paternal grandmother was Doris Jean Evans (the daughter of Arthur Samuel Evans and Emily Farr). Doris was born in Bromyard, Herefordshire, England. Emily was the daughter of James Farr and Emily Pritchard, who was Welsh.

Ellie’s maternal grandfather’s surname was Clark.

Sources: Genealogy of Ellie Goulding (focusing on her father’s side) – https://www.geni.com

Obituary of Ellie’s paternal grandfather, Charles Raymond “Ray” Goulding – https://www.herefordtimes.com

57 Responses

  1. Princess says:

    That dress is very unflattering on her, she should fire her stylist. She has the body of a man, only women with a womanly shape and curves can wear dresses like that.

  2. passingtime85 says:


    So just to make sure, this article’s facts are indeed incorrect?


    I would think Glamour Magazine would do their research before leaving this biography on their site, but maybe I’m wrong.

    • follers says:

      You’re wrong. The Glamour magazine website’s bios copied the ethnicity notations from Wikipedia bios. Back when that Glamour bio was created, Wikipedia said Goulding’s family was Jewish (I think the cited source for that on Wikipedia was the “Jewish nose” interview – and that’s how the internet works).

      I e-mailed Glamour to correct it back then, but no one has.

      The funny thing is that “Goulding” isn’t even a Jewish surname! Even “Gould” really isn’t (just a surname a lot of Jews picked).

      • passingtime85 says:

        It’s weird that Glamour would take a cue from Wiki, but if you say so I guess I’ll let it go.

        All but 3 surnames are Jewish anyway, Israel, Cohen, and its many variations, and Levy, and it’s many variations. Or the less common [insert boy’s name] ben [insert boy’s father’s name], [insert girl’s name] bat [insert girl’s father’s name]. All others were mostly adopted in the 1000 A.d. or the early 19th century.

        I am sure there’s some Jewish Gouldings out there however, I guess Ellie just isn’t among them.

        • follers says:

          There are lots of Jewish surnames: “Efron”, “Lerman”, and “Elgort”, for starters.

          There are a decent amount of people with the surnames “Israel”, “Cohen”, and “Levy” who aren’t of Jewish background. “Israel” can be a non-Jewish English or German surname.

          Any website with a lot of short bios of famous people is generally not a reliable, and definitely not a definitive, source. Just about everyone copies from Wikipedia. Glamour had the misfortune to create their Ellie Goulding bio in June 2012.

          • passingtime85 says:

            I was referencing names from antiquity, before the tenth century, going back to the first Temple, the only Jewish families with distinguishable last names were the Levys and Cohens, other Jews were just given the moniker So and So Ben/Bat Israel, as a generalization. Maybe some claimed to be part one of the specific 12 tribes(an example would be Judah Ben Zebulun), but there’s little to no record of them, so that’s just pure speculation, but not out of the realm of possibility.

            Anyway, I know they aren’t exclusive to Jews only, but they are the original surnames Jews used.

            As for the other names though I cannot really attest to them being exclusively Jewish, Efron, perhaps, but it’s not very old, I believe it started popping up in the 1700s. I don’t believe Elgort or Lerman are exclusively Jewish, I think Elgort is English in origin, and I believe Lerman is German.

          • follers says:

            Whether they’re old or not isn’t the point, since last names didn’t exist in a lot of places until recently. Why stop counting over 1000 years ago?

            I just meant that the surnames come from a Jewish source and are pretty much exclusively Jewish.

            “Efron” is Hebrew.

            “Lerman” is Yiddish, not German, and Germans (whether Jewish or not) don’t have last names that end in “man” unless they’ve been shortened from “mann” (even then it would be “Lehrmann”).

            “Elgort” is Russian Jewish, probably of Yiddish origin. It definitely has no connection to England, and I can’t find anyone with that surname born or even living in England.

            If a name is of Yiddish origin, I’d call it Jewish.

          • passingtime85 says:

            European surnames existed a good 600 years before the majority of Jew’s started to adopted their own. Most Jews, sans the west cost Sephardi, probably never would have taken up surnames, unless they were already considered Levys of Cohens, had it not been because laws passed by the Austrian-Hungarian Empire.

            It was, in fact, the specific point I was making, that those 3 names have been used for the past 3,600 years. Newer names were adopted due to what modern critics could call, west coast hipsters, referring to the Sephardim, and those that were under duress.

            Jews have been in the Rhineland since 321 A.D., they lived there 1400 years before they took last names, had it not been enforced by law, surnames in the Jewish community probably wouldn’t have hit until the 20th century.

            People from a multitude of backgrounds have adopted names from the Bible, the Old testament specifically. That doesn’t make them Jewish. It just makes them people with an affinity for the Abrahamic religions.

            Lehrmann is still a German name, it is the original form of Lerman like you said, yet I don’t understand why you’d deny its German roots?

            I’m under the impression that Elgort is a derivative of Alker which is Anglo-Saxon in origin. But I’m not an etymologist, or what ever the equivalent is when specifically dealing with surnames.

            I guess my overall point is, Jewish surnames are tricky because it seems like there are no names, that I know of, that exclusively Jewish. Even the well established ones have their Gentile counterparts.

          • follers says:

            If a surname is of Yiddish origin, I consider it Jewish, regardless of whether it sounds like a similar non-Jewish German surname that is spelled differently (just like “Goulding” sounds like “Goldstein” or some similar name, but they’re not the same thing because they’re spelled differently). Which other ethnic group’s last names do you go back 3,600 years for?

            Not all Europeans had surnames. Russians lived heavily under serfdom until the 1860s. Scandinavians used their father’s first name as a last name plus derivation with each successive generation. And so on. But even if a Jewish last name first appeared yesterday, it’s irrelevant as to whether it’s Jewish or not. Jews have a long and varied history that doesn’t only include their early days.

            “Elgort” is an Ashkenazi Jewish surname, pure and simple. It is silly to claim otherwise since no one with that surname has ever lived in England, not even with Eastern European Jewish immigration, so how can it be a derivation of an English surname?

          • passingtime85 says:

            Goldstein isn’t even Jewish exclusive, it simply means gold stone, anyone could have taken that name, same as Goldsmith. I don’t know why’d you bring that up.

            I’ll break this down as I see it. You’re saying there are exclusive Jewish names, mostly the ones that have Yiddish origin, which I agree is a swaying argument, seeing how Yiddish is an ethni-centric language.

            I’m saying there are not exclusive Jewish names, because due to the facts that Jewish names don’t trace back to the origins of people, except in 3 cases, almost all modern names were mostly adopted adaptations of local surnames, or combinations of words pertaining to professions, or yet another origin we haven’t discussed. Which is the combination of female heads of households, combined with the word man, like Pearlman, literally meaning husband of Pearl. I would consider none of those origins good enough, really, to stamp any particular surname 100% Kosher Jewish, there’s too many coincidental Gentile counterparts. For ever Jewish Cohen there’s a Gaelic one, same thing with Levy.

            “no one with that surname has ever lived in England” There’s absolutely no way you could know that, you simply don’t have the access to the records, even if you did plenty of people have been undocumented in the course of England’s history. I have the same access to the same internet as you, Elgort has been stated as having an English origin. Link me to Elgort’s origins, maybe it’ll change my mind.

            I find this discussion tedious, just tell me in a simple definition, the exact criteria that a surname must have for you to consider a name to be Jewish, and then I think that’ll probably be enough to end the discussion. Really, who wants to argue with strangers on the internet this late at night anyway? Give me the definition and I’ll just drop the topic.

          • follers says:

            Shouldn’t it be the burden of people who claim that “Elgort” is an English surname to find an example of at least one English person named “Elgort”? (who isn’t of Jewish immigrant ancestry).

          • passingtime85 says:


            Apparently for a fee they’ll give you a list of early notable Elgorts. Before you mention their contemporary notables, I’m aware they’re Jews and not English.

            “Which other ethnic group’s last names do you go back 3,600 years for?” I assume you meant which do I “know” go back, none, but you yourself have pointed out the names of the rabbinical priesthood and Israel surname, are not exclusive names. So that’s moot isn’t it?

            As for Jewish ancient history, it is indeed the most important part of the Jewish people’s attributes, it’s what binds them over a few thousand years and over thousands of miles across the globe. Their middle eastern origins are present in their DNA to this day, their modern history has actually been more of a detriment to them as whole more than any time in their history. The fall of Israel at the hands of the Assyrians, and the scattering of the 10 tribes, was a more bonding experience than that of the several centuries.

            Anyway since you didn’t do what I asked, I’ll just assume you consider Yiddish surnames to be Jewish, as well as those that have Old Testament, and more specifically Hebrew origins, is that fair to say?

          • follers says:

            Yes. Also Sephardi surnames like “Baruchel”, Mizrahi surnames, and some others.

            House of Names is full of errors. It also lists “Lerman” as an English and French surname (and nothing else), which is absurd. Everyone named “Lerman” who was born in England since at least 1850 was of immigrant Jewish background. And they clearly don’t have a list of early “Elgort” notables.

            I’m glad they don’t have a page on “Efron”.

          • passingtime85 says:

            Your definition is fine, I don’t agree with it, but it’ll suffice for this website.

            I still think there’s plenty of non-Jewish German Lerhmanns out there.

            Anyway how is it clear they don’t have a list of notable Elgorts? Did you actually sign up for the service?

            On a completely unrelated note, you wouldn’t by chance know how to change the user timezone on this site would you?

          • follers says:

            Just about everybody named “Lehrmann” isn’t Jewish. I never denied that. But they aren’t named “Lerman”, and the people named “Lerman” are not of English or French descent!

            There’s no way they have a list. They’re full of it.

            I don’t know much about the timeline. That may have to do with your personal wordpress account.

          • passingtime85 says:

            Ya never know maybe the have a list, although I cannot find anything on the net linking the name Alker/Altekar to Elgort as they claim.

            Nuts, supposedly in the dashboard there are settings I can change but I don’t see them at all.

          • follers says:

            Maybe ethnic can help you with the time zone.

          • passingtime85 says:

            Name changes don’t count? That’s silly.

            A sizable amount of families dropped their second ‘n’ in their “mann” portion of their names. Dropping the ‘h’ would make sense to me as well. But it doesn’t really matter. Name changes of that sort happen all the time, one of my family’s surnames was Muhlrad, and they changed it to Milrad to make it more American when they applied for citizenship. But I’m digressing.

            I think the timezone was actually set to the administrator’s timezone, I don’t think individual users can affect it.

          • follers says:

            Why would a name change count? If a German changed their surname to “Smith” that doesn’t make “Smith” a German surname.

          • passingtime85 says:

            That depends, if they adopted because it was the just the most English/American name they could think of, then no of course not. But… if their name was actually Schmidt and they wanted to keep their name but make it an Anglicized version of it, then yes, I’d day it’s close enough to the source to consider the name German.

  3. bearboy says:

    Thank you follers

  4. bearboy says:

    Hi follers Devon Werkheiser is of German descent right?

  5. WTF says:

    she’s shaped like a man

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