Philip Mauceri

Birth Name: Philip X. Mauceri

Place of Birth: New York, U.S.

Date of Birth: 1961

Ethnicity: Italian [including Sicilian]

Philip Mauceri is an American political scientist and author. He is known for his books Politics in the Andes, The Peruvian Labyrinth, and State Under Siege.

All of his grandparents were Italian immigrants.

Philip’s paternal grandparents were named Thomas Mauceri and Lena Giaruputo/Giarraputo.

Philip’s maternal grandparents were named Frank Peralta and Angelena/Angelina Curatolo.

Mauceri/Maugeri, Giarraputo, and Curatolo tend to be southern Italian surnames, usually Sicilian.


Philip’s father on the 1940 U.S. Census –

Philip’s mother on the 1940 U.S. Census –

Obituary of Philip’s mother –

13 Responses

  1. jackson9 says:

    Correction: 1. Exact birth date is February 13, 1961. Correction 2. Philip Mauceri’s 3rd great-grandmother was possibly of Mexican ancestry. Third great-grandfather Gaspare Mauceri was married to Antonina Saladino (1787-1837) in Mexico.

  2. andrew says:


    is this guy a known writer?

    • jackson9 says:

      Okay fine. I won’t rub it in that I was right that he is Irish. I was right about Abigail Breslin being Jewish and we didn’t say, “he was right, lets get rid of Abigail’s profile from ethnic celebs!”

    • follers says:

      Bearboy should stop adding these people he personally knows, also including another writer he added a week ago, and his doctor (whose page was deleted). Mauceri has about 16,000 Google hits, which is marginal, but many of them are for other people with this name.

      No picture, no Wikipedia page, etc.

      • jackson9 says:

        The page you deleted was a marine biologist not a personal physician and yes I apologize for adding her. But 1. Is Philip really not a celebrity though? and 2. Is Brian Kemp a celebrity, honestly I am not sure at this point anymore?

  3. andrew says:

    Was him your teacher?

    Not sure if he fits in the “celeb” category.

    • jackson9 says:

      His exact birthday is February 13th 1961 and should say Irish

      • andrew says:

        He is not Irish by any means, Census records are quite clear

        “Peralta” is also a surname who was brought to Sicily by the Aragonese rulers in 1300s. Mauceri/Maugeri, Giarraputo and Curatolo are Sicilian surnames too.

        • jackson9 says:

          Celebrities like to lie then! I can’t blame them I used to tell everyone I was Ethiopian Jewish when really I am Irish + Norwegian. I told my girl friend about how I read all this celebrities books and she would say “can we talk about ANYTHING else???” then I would say “Don’t you realize we’re both part leprechaun/Irish?” and of course Philip was lying :(

          • andrew says:

            is Neiltennant your pusher?

          • jackson9 says:

            Andrew he is Irish. Go to his house give him a DNA test and he will show Irish ancestry. It is also a great way to connect with our childhood idols!

  4. jackson9 says:

    Best author! If you have a child age 3-15 wanting a Christmas/Chanukah/Kwanzaa present this winter get them The Peruvian Labyrinth and they will never stop thanking you. Really an underrated celebrity. I think he is part Irish.

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