Miley Cyrus

Cyrus in 2010, kathclick/

Birth Name: Destiny Hope Cyrus

Place of Birth: Franklin, Tennessee, U.S.

Date of Birth: November 23, 1992

Ethnicity: English, Scottish, Irish, Welsh, possibly other

Miley Cyrus is an American actress, singer, and songwriter. She has starred on the series Hannah Montana, Crisis in Six Scenes, and Black Mirror: Rachel, Jack and Ashley Too, in the films Bolt, Hannah Montana: The Movie, The Last Song, LOL, and So Undercover, in the blockbuster concert movie Hannah Montana and Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert, and in the documentaries Miley: The Movement and Endless Summer Vacation (Backyard Sessions). Her songs include “He Could Be the One,” “See You Again,” “7 Things,” “Party in the U.S.A.,” “The Climb,” “We Can’t Stop,” “Wrecking Ball,” “Without You,” “Malibu,” “Flowers,” and “Used to Be Young.” She is nicknamed the “Pop Chameleon,” having recorded in teen-friendly pop rock, country-pop, dance-pop, R&B, hip-hop, rock, and psychedelic music, and has been referred to as a 2000s “Teen Queen.” She founded the charity Happy Hippie Foundation, for which she filmed the web series Backyard Sessions. She was a coach on The Voice, and hosts the Miley’s New Year’s Eve Party specials.

Miley is the daughter of Leticia and singer, songwriter, and actor Billy Ray Cyrus. Her paternal grandfather, Ron Cyrus (Ronald Ray Cyrus), was a Democratic politician and public worker. Among her siblings are actress and singer Noah Cyrus, musician Trace Cyrus, and actress and DJ Brandi Cyrus. Her stepfather is Australian actor Dominic Purcell. Born Destiny Hope Cyrus, she has officially changed her name to Miley Ray Cyrus. She has also been credited as Ashley O, the name of her Black Mirror character, and Miley Ray Hemsworth, while married to actor Liam Hemsworth.

Miley’s mother was adopted, as she has stated.

Several family trees indicate that the Cyrus surname was spelled Siers many generations back. Most or all of Miley’s father’s ancestors since the start of the 1800s were born in the United States. Much of her father’s ancestry is English, along with Scottish, Irish, and Welsh.

Miley has stated that she has Cherokee Native American ancestry, as has her father. It is not clear if this Cherokee ancestry has been verified/documented. As of yet, no evidence of Miley’s Native American ancestry has been produced.

Miley’s paternal grandfather was Ronald Ray Cyrus (the son of The Rev. Eldon Lindsey/Lindsay Cyrus and Verlina Adeline Hay). Ronald was born in Kentucky. He was a member of the Kentucky House of Representatives, from 1975 to 1996, and Executive Secretary and Treasurer of the Kentucky AFL-CIO, from 1984 to 1986. The Rev. Eldon was a Pentecostal preacher, and was the son of Joseph Morgan Cyrus and Sarah Elvessa Hayes. Verlina was the daughter of Martin Alexander Hay and Mary Jane Hayes.

Miley’s paternal grandmother is Ruth Ann Casto (the daughter of William Clayton Casto and Mary Guila/Guilla Boggs). Ruth was born in Kentucky. William was the son of Joseph C./Johnsey Casto and Josie E. Johnson. Mary was the daughter of Clement Alexander Boggs and Leora Olive McAtee.

Miley’s adoptive maternal grandfather was Glenmore Finley (the son of Benjamin Harrison Finley and Ada Cornett). Glenmore was born in Kentucky. Benjamin was the son of John Patton Finley and Nancy Louisa Berry.

Miley’s adoptive maternal grandmother was Loretta Jean Palmer (the daughter of Neville Hardy Palmer and Nellie Burch Howard). Loretta was born in Kentucky. Neville was the son of Andrew Jackson Palmer and Fannie Pink Woolum. Nellie was the daughter of Adren/Adron D. Howard and Fronie/Frony Hill.

Sources: Genealogy of Miley Cyrus –

Genealogy of Miley Cyrus (focusing on her father’s side) –

Genealogy of Miley’s father –

Obituary of Miley’s great-uncle (the brother of Miley’s adoptive maternal grandfather, Glenmore Finley) –

Miley’s adoptive maternal grandmother, Loretta Jean Palmer, on the 1940 U.S. Census –


Curious about ethnicity

331 Responses

  1. O.N says:

    I hate when everyone claims my heritage and its so funny that it is also cherokee. just because of 1 or 2 ancestors it doesnt change you much, i might have a distant white relitive but i sure as hell will never care or embrace it. its not some great thing to be native anyway to tell u the truth we have it the worse than blacks (no offence. I see blacks and hispanics as my brothers). Fuck pretendians.

    • black wallstreet aka Fuzzybear says:

      To O.N

      I don’t know about you having it worse,your not hated around the world just for the color of your skin.No one denies they have native heritage,like it’s the worse thing in the world to be.So let just say both our colors got mess over.Oh and the reason why a lot of black people may say they’re Cherokee, is because they may actually be.I brought up the 1900 census before,and that it stated that thousands of black and those with obvious black traits were in the tribe(example,in 1832 during the Indian removal of Northampton County,North Carolina)A large colony of black and Cherokee had to settle in Hamilton County,Indiana(aka the Roberts Settlement)

  2. Jane says:

    so she is not a white trash because she is not full white lol. White people do not seem to mind if whites have native american ancestry but get pissed about black what is up with that. White people i know would say they would choice having african blood then native. Those whites side blacks have accomplashed allot more then the natives what did they do after the europeans came nothing period. Blacks had to over come 100X more to get where we are. I meet blacks from all over the world who are doctors lawyers, enginers,dentist and scienctist. I have never meet a pure native that is those things tell me where are they. Also do not tell me about what the white men did to the native the negros had it way harder and it is a lie the white men did not kill all of them very small amount. They are alive living in Canada, USA, Mexico, Central and South America.

    • Melissa says:

      The reason native american’s couldn’t be come more was most of them were KILLED when the “white” people came here. the ones that LIVED they were FORCED outta their homes made to move all across the country and the had to survive. They a had a disease that ran threw them and killed event more bc the white people brought it and gave it to them so by the time they go a chance to prove them selves most of them died And they did kill a large amount in north america WHY DO YOU THINK THEY ARE rare and Native american aren’t worried about money like the black’s and white’s they live off the land and dont want nothing for it thats why they CHOOSE not to be money grubbers… “They are alive living in Canada, USA, Mexico, Central and South America.” As for this Most live in SOUTH america and CANADA Because the u.s. dint fuck with them bc it wasn’t the U.S and if you look the tribes today have less the 200 tribe members, i met a tribe with only 12 members bc everyone was killed with the disease and you should REALLY learn another persons history before you say the Blacks had it worse bc honestly YOUR WRONG They got freedom in the end (Indians are still today are forced to live in reservations the governments provide). Blacks got schooling (Native Americans prior to the 90’s weren’t event taught TO READ.. and they make most of their money off stuff their ancestor taught them to make, not SNEAKERS and clothes that look stupid, being basketball stars and football players and etc… Native Americans were here first they taught the whites everything they knew about america and then the white turned on them and killed most of them off and then brought the blacks over here If it wasn’t for the whites, blacks wouldn’t of gotten the education and freedom they would still be in Africa in their tribes doing the exact same thing native Americans did (no they didn’t deserve the beatings and hatred) but either did the native people before the blacks came to america. The blacks we not the first to be treated like that the native Americans were… The native Americans were FORCE off their land by white, Africans were sold by slave traders that were black themselves to the whites. Blacks were brought to america bc the African people sold them to america they were given houses and jobs. Native people weren’t event given that they were forced out of everything they knew… learn your history before blasting off and saying someone had it worst.. And i can tell your ignorance by the way you speak learn your history before reciting stuff you obviously didn’t pay attention to in school, or care to know about…

      • O.N says:

        Someone who gets it.

      • black wallstreet aka Fuzzybear says:

        To Melissa

        Ok babygirl,I’m not here to argue who got mess over worse.However I do want to clear some things up.Now the Natives of the past might not have cared about money,however the ones today do,and they’re trying to force blacks out.Now as far as Native being forced to stay on the reservations,come on now.They can leave if they want to,they choose to stay.Because from what I seen many Natives have left the Res.Now with schooling,I don’t know where you got that from.Many times Native were made to go to school.On top of that lots of times Natives refused to go to school.The reason(which btw was a dumb one),they didn’t want to go to school with black kids,they felt they were better.On census in the past,natives were sometimes marked down as negro(this was done so white people could take their land).However they felt they were not negro and therefore shouldn’t have to go to schools with them.So it not like they didn’t have the opportunities.
        Now you say your a black person,yet you think that all black people were(you words:basketball stars and football players and etc…).Jane was correct when she said black were doctors,engineers,dentist and scientist,explorers,artist,inventors etc,and most of these people were self taught(examples):
        Benjamin Banneker:astronomer,mathematician,surveyor

        Edward Alexander bouchet:Physics and chemistry

        Dr.Daniel Hale Williams(first successful open heart surgery)

        Benjamin Bradley:self taught,made first truly working steam engine for a war ship(credit went to his master because he was still a slave at the time)

        Granvile T. Woods:self taught,invented telegraph that allowed moving trains to communicate with each other and the station

        George Washington:Founder of Centervile in 1872(to see which one I talking about (google George Washington 1817)he’s the black man with the dog

        Stephen the black(aka Estevanico)black explorer

        Now actually the Natives didn’t teach whites everything they know,a lot of that came from the black man.See whites didn’t really know how to grow crops here,that’s why they wanted certain types of black people(farmers).Ones that knew how to work the land,and could survive in areas whites couldn’t,whites in the early days were dying left and right.So if you wish to be anger about that,well ok.

        Now another misconception you made,was that black people were stupid.Black people were doctors , engineers, scientist,astronomer,mathematician etc before they left Africa.Most slaves they brought over here spoke up to 7 different languages(including Spanish,Portuguese,french,as well as their own native languages)also most of the time,it was black people who talked to the natives for white people.Plus black people had huge cities where white Europeans came to study(example Timbuktu).Now the rural areas are what they like to show people on t.v.,but you have to remember that Africa is 3 times bigger than the U.S.They only like to show people the rural areas where life is more simple,and there no need to change.they don’t show the cities.Or they show you places where wars are still going on,and all the people living in bad conditions.Also one of the reasons why blacks were uneducated,was because,white people took kids from their mothers,and sold them.Then they only taught the kids what they wanted them to know,making it a law that they could read,or know anything other than what master said.So it’s not fair or right for you to judge them on that.
        Now what you said about what others Africans did was true.However you say they brought them here and gave houses and jobs.Well they did the same thing to the Natives.However just like the natives,Africans didn’t like it either.Also they might actually mention Native in history books,were never mention(except as slaves)

        Now I’m trying to cut this short,so I suggest you take your own advice,and check into others history before you judge them

    • Melissa says:

      BTW i am Black just so you know im not racist

      • Dasher says:

        Miley Cyrus is white trash. Since when does one Native ancestor make you non-white in The United States? I have never heard of such a thing. It’s disgusting how you are trying to apply the “one drop rule” to these white people.

        Kris Jenner is about 5% Native, and she called someone an “Indian Giver.” It’s not that deep, and there is no such thing as a “full white” person. For christ sakes, there is no such thing as white scientifically or racially! It’s a social construct. You keep bitching about how these people are not “full white” or whatever yet every, single, last one of them sees themselves as white along with the rest of “white” Americans who have a Native ancestor from the 1700’s like that mess of a boy Justin Timberlake.

        Why are “mixed people” so pressed to claim “whites” because they are about 1% Native? Don’t make me laugh. It’s seriously perverse.

        • Dasher says:

          I feel like I am speaking to a bunch of idiots anyway. 90% of you cannot even construct a decent sentence.

          • me says:

            I also dont believe in racial purity, but the white supremacists believe. Megan Fox takes his small amount of native blood, but many supremacists say she is white “pure” just because she’s pretty.

          • Dasher says:

            Well, she is not “pure” and they most likely are not either. But white supremacists are idiots, so I really could care less about what they say.

  3. total23 says:

    Please Support Me By Signing Up With An Account Type: Fan, Then Add Me! Dane Smith!

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    (I’m Expecting Fuzzybear And Ethnic To Support)

  4. Anonymous says:

    her genealogy here has her direct Paternal Cyrus ancestor as having the surname of Sires

    Jesse SIRES
    His sons name is Abraham Cyrus
    Sires is of English origin

  5. Paul. says:

    According to house of names, Cyrus is an English surname.

    But house of names isn’t always accurate..

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