Meagan Good

04/11/2019 – Meagan Good – 20th Century Fox’s “Breakthrough” Los Angeles Premiere – Arrivals – Regency Village Theatre, 961 Broxton Avenue – Los Angeles, CA, USA – Photo Credit: Izumi Hasegawa /

Birth Name: Meagan Monique Good

Place of Birth: Panorama City, Los Angeles, California, United States

Date of Birth: August 8, 1981

Ethnicity: African-American

Meagan Good is an American actress. Her films include You Got Served, Stomp the Yard, and Saw V.

Meagan is the daughter of Tyra Wardlow-Doyle, who managed her career, and Leondis “Leon” Good, an LAPD officer. She has stated:

My mother’s mother is Jewish and African, so I guess that would be considered Creole. My mother’s father was Cherokee Indian and something else. My dad’s mother’s Puerto Rican and black, and his father was from Barbados.

It is not clear if Meagan’s Jewish, Creole, Cherokee Native American, Puerto Rican, or Barbadian ancestry have been verified/documented. Her recent ancestors appeared to be African-American.

Meagan is a Christian.

Meagan’s paternal grandfather was Leondis Gassaway Good (the son of Gassaway/Gasaway/Gasway L. Good and Captola/Capitola Woods). Meagan’s grandfather Leondis was born in North Carolina, and was African-American. Meaghan’s great-grandfather Gassaway was the son of Theopholus/Theopolus/Theopful Good and Viola. Captola was the daughter of James Woods and Martha Elizabeth “Mattie” West/Foote.

Meagan’s paternal grandmother likely was Helen Gertrude Taylor (the daughter of LeRoy Taylor and Beatrice Radcliffe/Radcliff). Helen was born in Pennsylvania, and was African-American. LeRoy was the son of Lee R. Taylor and Phillis Gwathney/Gwathmey. Beatrice was the daughter of Thomas Grant Radcliff/Ratcliff and Gertrude Foskey.

Good in 2009, photo by Paul Smith/Featureflash,

Meagan’s maternal grandfather was Emmett Arnett Wardlow II (the son of Emmett Arnett Wardlow and Nellie Burnett/Bernett). Meagan’s grandfather Emmett was born in Mississippi, and is listed as “Negro” (black) on the 1930 U.S. census. His parents are also listed as “Negro” on the 1930 U.S. Census, and were born in Arkansas. Meagan’s great-grandfather Emmett was the son of Dan Wardlow and Marsull Brown.

Meagan’s maternal grandmother was Dolores Delrio Armstrong (the daughter of David L. “Dave” Armstrong and Vivian M. Haynes). Dolores was born in Arkansas, as was her father, whose own parents were from Alabama. Vivian’s mother’s maiden name was Duncan.

Sources: Meagan’s paternal grandmother, Helen Gertrude Taylor, on the 1930 U.S. Census –

Meagan’s maternal grandfather, Emmett Arnett Wardlow II, on the 1930 U.S. Census –

Meagan’s maternal grandmother, Dolores Delrio Armstrong, on the 1940 U.S. Census –

Meagan’s maternal great-grandfather, David L. “Dave” Armstrong, on the 1920 U.S. Census –
David L. “Dave” Armstrong on the 1930 U.S. Census –

Good in 2014, photo by


Curious about ethnicity

281 Responses

  1. morenita2g says:

    She is beautiful not taking that from her but she is not “mixed” .This post just proved that her grandparents were black. Every black american has some sort of mixture but Meagan would not be considered mixed.And the Cherokee gosh if i had a dime for every black person that claimed to be indian i would be rich. Do a damn DNA test.I did one and I am 15 per Native American.The slaves barely had any contact with Native Americans.So those family rumors were lies .That high cheekbone lightskinned great grandmother is probably of European decent due to slave rape..Wake up people..Black and white also

    • * According to, the average African American is 65 percent sub-Saharan African, 29 percent European and 2 percent Native American.

      * According to, the average African American is 75 percent sub-Saharan African, 22 percent European and only 0.6 percent Native American.

      * According to Family Tree, the average African American is 72.95 percent sub-Saharan African, 22.83 percent European and 1.7 percent Native American.

      * According to National Geographic’s Genographic Project, the average African American is 80 percent sub-Saharan African, 19 percent European and 1 percent Native American.

      * According to AfricanDNA, the average African American is 79 percent sub-Saharan African, 19 percent European and 2 percent Native American.

      • @Surreal thats insane, the average African American is nOT 29% white. Thats BS. Tyra Banks the green eyed light skinned supermodel did a dna test and she is only 14% white. And she is light with green eyes.

        • You don’t know what the word average means, do you? It doesn’t mean EVERY African American person, but it does mean MOST or THE MAJORITY of African American people are close to 75% SSA, 24% European, and 1% Native American (with 30% of all African American males having a European paternal haplogroup). I can show you the DNA tests. Here:
          You want more, I have tons of them!

          And when I say African Americans I mean people descended from American slaves, not any Nigerians or Kenyans or Ghanaians who recently immigrated to the US, I’m talking about people whose ancestors have been here since the Transatlantic Slave trade. Those African Americans. None of the DNA companies have yet to get one that is 100% SSA. The closest people that come to it are people from the Gullah region of South Carolina (they are 90-98% SSA on average), mostly because they lived in relative isolation from European American people for centuries (they didn’t even get bridges until the 1950s). The African Americans (who aren’t recently mixed) with usually the highest European DNA, would be Louisiana Creoles (they did a lot of mixing with European Americans through Plaçages (where European men would seek out mulatto and quadroon women for common-law marriages) and plus you had the social class of the Free People of Color there).

          And it’s not insane if you think about. The thing with African Americans is the admixture builds or lessens overtime because all African Americans are mixed in various degrees. Most African American people have enough European DNA to have an equivalent of a white grandfather or white great-grandfather, but African Americans are multi-generational mixed people. The admixture usually isn’t recent but is just something passed down throughout the generations (from slavery times) because African Americans that were mixed, mated with other African Americans that were mixed. There weren’t as many of them as there were European Americans in this country, especially since the United States got an influx of new European DNA straight from Europe during the late 1800s-early 1900s. European Americans had an opportunity to breed out any admixture they acquired from colonial times (especially given the one drop rule, to keep their bloodlines pure). But that wasn’t the case for African Americans. There wasn’t as many of them nor a huge influx of recent African immigrants in the late 1800s and it was seen as acceptable to marry someone who was mixed, even something people pushed for (some light skinned people wanted to only marry other light-skinned people, so not to have any children that were dark), and since all of them were mixed, any European DNA they had stayed with them. They didn’t have an opportunity to “breed it out” if you will like some European Americans (and I’ve seen some of their DNA tests. For a lot of the European Americans that are mixed from generations ago, they’re like 2-1% and under in non-white ancestry. For example of some European Americans:

          In genetics, you get about half of whatever your parents have (not always a perfect half, though, but close to it). So, for example, a man is between 62-63% SSA, he daughter would get 30.5% of their African DNA from him. If their mom didn’t have any African DNA, then that’s all the African DNA they would have had (like Rashida Jones. Her father, Quincy Jones has DNA results similar to this dad’s, but he married a Eastern European woman, and that’s how his daughter Rashida Jones only has 31% Sub-Saharan African DNA, despite having one white parent and one black parent). But let’s say their mom is also African American and is about 85% African, they got another 42.5% African DNA from her. Now that person is 72-73% Sub-Saharan African. And the same works for the European. Dad is 35-36% European. They get 18% of their European DNA from him. Mom is about 12-13% European, they get 6% of their European from her. They’re 24% European now. That’s how it works, basically. I don’t think some people understand that some people can have a lot of European DNA, without being recently mixed.

          Some ethnic groups are just mixed, and African Americans are no different. They are still black, as I feel you can be both black and biracial, at least, in the United States.

        • *”Average” is also used to mean the “median” or the “standard.” So in this context, it means the typical African American.

    • @Mprwnita 2g, I totally agree with you Meghan Goode is not mixed.

    • xoxo says:

      LMFAO it’s pathetic when people are jealous of pretty mixed chicks, they want to say they’re just black to make themselves feel better. Well guess what BITCH, she is MIXED & there’s NOTHING you can do about it! Get a f*cking life, loser!

  2. cwm85 says:

    People who only identify as black always have a problem when someone is mixed with other ethnic groups. That’s races. American is a multicultural society and many of us are mix with other races. Get over it. She looks mix with other than African. Duh

    • * According to, the average African American is 65 percent sub-Saharan African, 29 percent European and 2 percent Native American.

      * According to, the average African American is 75 percent sub-Saharan African, 22 percent European and only 0.6 percent Native American.

      * According to Family Tree, the average African American is 72.95 percent sub-Saharan African, 22.83 percent European and 1.7 percent Native American.

      * According to National Geographic’s Genographic Project, the average African American is 80 percent sub-Saharan African, 19 percent European and 1 percent Native American.

      * According to AfricanDNA, the average African American is 79 percent sub-Saharan African, 19 percent European and 2 percent Native American.

    • @cmwm85, you need to go back and read the other posts. This woman is NOT mixed. She uses skin bleach, hair extensions, and chemical peels to get lighter. Are people ignoring the fact that most black celebrities use fake hair and skin bleach.???????

    • No she does not. Again look at younger pics of her. Its lighting and skin bleach, plus hair extensions.

  3. California says:

    Not trying to sound rude or throw shade, but why do Black people always hate on mixed people? They try say that they’re just Black even though they’re mixed with something else. Just because someone looks black doesn’t mean they are. Hell I know several mixed people who look mostly black but I don’t consider them black. I have a friend whose mom is Korean and her dad is Black, at a first glance you’d think she was just some pretty Black chick but she’s half Asian. Anyway just please shut the hell up and stop trying to erase someone’s mixed heritage.

    • * According to, the average African American is 65 percent sub-Saharan African, 29 percent European and 2 percent Native American.

      * According to, the average African American is 75 percent sub-Saharan African, 22 percent European and only 0.6 percent Native American.

      * According to Family Tree, the average African American is 72.95 percent sub-Saharan African, 22.83 percent European and 1.7 percent Native American.

      * According to National Geographic’s Genographic Project, the average African American is 80 percent sub-Saharan African, 19 percent European and 1 percent Native American.

      * According to AfricanDNA, the average African American is 79 percent sub-Saharan African, 19 percent European and 2 percent Native American.

  4. fuzzybear44 says:

    When did she become a Creole? Have ancestors born in Louisiana, doesn’t make you a Creole

  5. M says:

    She is a beautiful multiracial woman. I see all of her ethnicities in her.

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