Keri Hilson

Hilson in 2011, Helga Esteb /

Birth Name: Keri Lynn Hilson

Place of Birth: Decatur, Georgia, U.S.

Date of Birth: December 5, 1982

Ethnicity: African-American

Keri Hilson is an American R&B singer, songwriter, and actress.

Her parents, Christine Loraine and Gamaliel Warren Hilson, were/are both black. Her father was a developer. Her mother is from Iowa, and runs a day care center.

Keri’s paternal grandfather was named Gamaliel Warren Hilson.

Keri’s paternal grandmother was Missouri Smith (the daughter of Isaiah Smith and Augusta Annie Whatley). Missouri was born in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Augusta was the daughter of John Whatley and Missouri Phillips.


Curious about ethnicity

425 Responses

  1. essencesenemy says:

    Fuzzy bear actually East Africans are very mixed look it up 62% Semitic.

    Also I look about as mixed as keri hilson and I’m 100% black.
    Being light skinned doesn’t make you mixed. It just means you’re a lighter brown. Light skinned children come from all sorts of black American families that are darker you’d know this if you were around more black people.

    • fuzzybear44 says:


      (Fuzzy bear actually East Africans are very mixed look it up 62% Semitic.)

      Semitic is a language group,that was developed by Ethiopians(at least that’s what the experts say).Now said language was used by the(Ethiopian Jews or Beta Israel)as they now called.This is the group I believe your talking about.As I have stated,there are about 80-100 different Ethiopian groups in the country,and all test prove them to be majority African.Now what’s call the middle East,and a large part of Asia were at one time African territory.Now as I have stated,Africa was a highway.Now as people migrated out,and settle in these new territories, eating the new foods and exposed to new diseases(new blood mutation occur).The places they settled in,were pretty much the same as their ancestral home(so their outside appearance change very little,hair eyes etc.)Now families grow and separate.Some go that way, and continue to blood mutated,while others back migrated into Africa,bring said blood mutations with them.Now yes there has been some recent admixture as it’s called,but the Ethiopian are still majority African .Sorry for the crib notes version,but didn’t feel like typing that much

      • fuzzybear44 says:

        correction-(Ethiopian Jews or Beta Israel)as they are now called.

        you are talking about

        hair and eyes color are some of the things that change etc.

        Now families grew and separated

      • Dogg says:

        Genetic studies show Ethiopians are about halfway between caucasoids and negroids.

      • shobohunter says:

        Reply to@fuzzybear44

        This particular part of comment caught my attention
        (test prove them to be majority African.Now
        what’s call the middle East,and a large part of
        Asia were at one time African territory)

        This guy (fuzzybear44)
        saying/ implying is that the wast/central Asia (Iran etc) was a part of Africa that was taken
        away from Africa by way
        of the artificial making of the Suez Canal???? Holy
        Moly! Only a moron
        that has never traveled anywhere outside a
        particular locality in the
        United States could buy something as stupid as
        Please watch this video that debunked this claim

        Watch “Black Professor Lies About Ancient Egypt” and West Asia on YouTube
        Afrocentric scholar caught

    • fuzzybear44 says:


      (Also I look about as mixed as keri hilson and I’m 100% black.Being light skinned doesn’t make you mixed. It just means you’re a lighter brown.)

      OK,however you need to direct this to( Multiethnicchick and samira),not me.

      (Light skinned children come from all sorts of black American families that are darker you’d know this if you were around more black people.)

      Well I’m a black person,and i am often around other black people.Also I do know about the different coloration with black people,it’s other on here that would disagree with you

      • Sexy-Mulatto-Guy says:

        Kerry is not fully black,and its sad that she cant see that…or maybe its the rediculous 1 drop rule people have in America…that place is crazy…and fuzzybear,how do you know you are fully black?How can you be so sure…many people dont even know their backround.Yes there are light skin blacks,but keri is not one of them.

    • Mina B says:

      Exactly! Your comment is the first sensible one I’ve read on this page.

  2. Multiethnicchick says:

    Her features suggest she’s mixed. Which likely is a bit but whatever, the term African American is just stupid period

    • fuzzybear44 says:


      ( the term African American is just stupid)

      Ok what term do you suggest?

      • samira says:

        Black American ?

        • fuzzybear44 says:


          It’s been used,as a matter of fact,it’s still being used.However it’s also a problem with using (black American),because some are opposed to being called black.Then what about the ones,who’s skin tone are(yellow,reddish,peanut butter etc.)

      • Sexy-Mulatto-Guy says:

        Well…you can suggest something else,but we dont know her ethnicity for sure…so african american is wrong.

        • fuzzybear44 says:


          There is nothing wrong with term African American.The definition is pretty clear,partial or full African ancestry.Which means you can have other bloodlines running through your veins.That’s exactly how Keri and other AA’s are.We call ourselves black,because we embrace that part of our heritage.It’s the same thing,as when white people who have black ancestry,say they’re strictly white.

    • DaTruth says:

      So basically, Italian Americans, Irish Americans, etc can give themselves those titles, even though most of them are mixed (the ones that have been here-not first generation)? I don’t see anything wrong with being called AA. They’re predominantly of African decent.

      • Sexy-Mulatto-Guy says:

        So lets say you are white or black,and down the line your kids keep mixing…wouldnt you want to be remembered?Think about it!So its ok to totally forget about you?Im sure nobody would like that.

    • Sexy-Mulatto-Guy says:

      Yeah she is in no way,shape or form fully black…sad that she cant see that…or maybe that 1 drop pathetic rule really got to her…America is kinda lost…i lived there for some years and was shocked that people were so ignorant in general.

    • midori29 says:

      Black people have all sorts of features and skin tones.When blacks arrived in America as slaves they were already light and dark skinned from West Africa. 100% African fulani West African women have the same skin tones and features.
      Look up Amadou Dialo’s mother she is West African same color as Keri Hilson

  3. prisbey says:

    keri is black not mixed

    • midori29 says:

      I agree she is black and yes there are 100% black light skinned peoples who came as slaves from West Africa. They are called Fulani people , they have thin features.

      • samira says:

        she’s not 100% african

      • fuzzybear44 says:


        It was more than just the Fulani.There were mixed bloods that were ship from Africa.North African mixed bloods were ship,as a matter of fact,they were ship first.

      • Sexy-Mulatto-Guy says:

        There is no west african that looks like her…im guessing you are ignorant because you are american…are you american?

        • midori29 says:

          Sexy Mullato I think you are the ignorant one for making that comment google “west african women” you will find some who look like Keri Hilson. I think some mullatos like to further racial divisions due to thier insecurity, as many do not want to be identified as just black.

    • Sexy-Mulatto-Guy says:

      You are very ignorant…are you american?Im just asking because you guys seem to be blind…i dont get it.

  4. Islander_Miss says:

    She’s more stunning with her natural hair color.

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