Jennifer Lopez

Lopez in 2010, kathclick/

Birth Name: Jennifer Lynn Lopez

Place of Birth: The Bronx, New York City, New York, U.S.

Date of Birth: July 24, 1969

Ethnicity: Puerto Rican [Spanish, likely Taíno and African]

Jennifer Lopez is an American singer, songwriter, actress, dancer, producer, and television personality. Her roles include Blood and Wine, Selena, Out of Sight, The Cell, The Wedding Planner, Shall We Dance?, Hustlers, and Anaconda, among many other films.

Her parents, Guadalupe Rodríguez and David López, are Puerto Rican. Her sister, Lydia Lopez, is a journalist. Jennifer is married to actor and filmmaker Ben Affleck. She has two children with her former husband, singer, songwriter, record producer, and actor Marc Anthony, who is also Puerto Rican. Her sister is DJ Lynda Lopez.

A picture of Jennifer with her parents can be seen here.

Jennifer’s maternal grandfather was named José Julio Rodríguez y Febres (the son of a father surnamed Rodríguez, and of Justina Febres).

Jennifer’s maternal grandmother was Julia Rivera y Rosado (the daughter of Vicente Rivera y Rivera and María Rosado y Rodríguez). Julia was born in Jayuya, Jayuya, Puerto Rico. Vicente was from Ponce, the son of Valentín Rivera y Rivera and Narcisa Rivera y Rivera. Valentín and Narcisa were born with the same paternal and maternal family names. Jennifer’s great-grandmother María was the daughter of Antonio Rosado and Rodulfa Rodríguez.

Source: Genealogy of Jennifer Lopez (focusing on her mother’s side) –

Lopez in 2008, photo credit: Urbanworld Film Festival


Curious about ethnicity

694 Responses

  1. rafael says:

    411 spain issued the royal decree of garces in 1815,to eliminate the blacks by bringing non latin whites,that was over 200 years ago, so yeah id say its been centuries

    • Fuzzybear says:

      To Rafael

      But it didn’t eliminate anybody,blacks were still on the Island.As a matter of fact,when that happen didn’t they bring in more black people to be slaves to replace,the freed ones?All those new whites did was mix with the people who were there(which included the black people).Like I said,I been studying Latin America

      • rafael says:

        fuzzybear latin america has nothing to do with pr yes we are latin but never been a nation interracial was illegal until the 1960s you guys act as if pr had a huge population back then,there were actual a few thousand, look this up because you wont believe it,i didnt believe it but only 77,000 slaves were brought over in over 400 years of spanish rule so if you divide that,it doesnt amount to much annualy

        • Fuzzybear says:

          To Rafael

          Like I said,my grandfather was a latino,and I don’t know exactly where he was from.So I study the history of everyplace down there(Cuba,PR,Domi,Mexico etc).Slaves weren’t all brought in at the same time or one big group.They came in over time.After the decree of garces,the new white people need slaves,so they brought in more.and going by the The Royal census of Puerto Rico in 1834 established that the island’s population as 42,000 enslaved Africans, 25,000 coloured freemen, 189,000 people who identified themselves as whites and 101,000 who were described as being of mixed ethnicity.Also after that,the Spanish imposed ‘El Bando contra La Raza Africana’.That led to a number of uprisings from the early 1820s until 1868 including El Grito de Lares of September 1868.The black people did not disappear.Also since when has laws stop people from mixing,it doesn’t happen;people do what they want.They tried the same thing here in the states,and it didn’t work

        • Fuzzybear says:

          I did answer you

  2. rafael says:

    fuzzybear the american government says im white,thats why i check that

  3. rafael says:

    411 lets say shes italian,does she look white to you now?

  4. rafael says:

    wow its amazing that most people commenting on puerto ricans are not puerto ricans,yet you all insist on making up racial compositions,there is no indian mix, those people died off within ten years of the spanish arrival,thats were we come in,in 1815 spain issued the royal decree which gave land to white europeans,look up the racial composition on puerto rico,remember the U.S. does those figures so no making up how the numbers are distorted,if you all know real puerto ricans notice there surnames that can be from anywhere in europe

    • phillygurl says:

      You are stupid. My family is from Puerto Rico and some of us are mixed idiot. Just because you believe in white is right, does not mean all of us are jumping on that bandwagon. I am not WHITE, nor do any of my lighter skin Puerto Rican counterparts consider ourselves white. If we do have white blood, do not discount the others.

      • rafael says:

        phillygurl, do a little research,then comment what i have written is not my opinion its fact,google the history of puerto rico.if you still deny what is staring you in the face thats your problem,by the way ignoring facts is the true sign of stupidity

        • phillygurl says:

          I hear your so called FACTS. No one is saying that there are not whites in Puerto Rico. You are acting as if white people are the main ones on the islandand I just don’t see it that way. I am also saying that my lighter skinned counterparts do not consider themselves white either.

        • phillygurl says:

          And ironically you are going on about white Puerto Ricans while commenting on an ethnic looking Puerto Rican such as Jennifer Lopez’s profile. Maybe if you were talking about Dayanara or someone who looks white, I could understand- but not someone who is clearly mixed and proud like JLO.

          • rafael says:

            phillygurl look up pics of j.lo as a teenager tell how she looks then and now

          • phillygurl says:

            She looks ethnic to me as a teen also what’s your point? With the dark hair she looks even more ethnic as a teen LOL. She DEFINITELY does not identify as white or Caucasian so what is your point? I have a smaller nose and lips than her, but darker skin. My mom is light skinned liker her, but we do not consider ourselves European LOL. I don’t know any Puerto Rican who does except those who feels like it elevates their status around whites. If you identify as white, than just mark that on any forms you fill out and do not try to make the rest of feel as if we are white. My surname is actually Portuguese even though my fam is from Puerto Rico- so nobody is saying there is not an European influence on the island.

          • rafael says:

            phillygurl you seem to be denying who you are,if j.lo had an italian last name and looked exactly like she does,would there be any doubt shes white? and yes i do mark down white,because my birth certificate says im white,im sure yours also says white,why are you ashamed of being white?

          • 411 says:

            @Rafael:jlo doesn’t look white,I also saw her kid pics and she still didn’t look white.I also saw her teenage pics,and I agree with Philly.I don’t know what you see.

          • Fuzzybear says:

            To Rafael

            I’m looking at pics of her right now,and I also agree with philly.Jlo looked as it’s put very ethnic.As a matter of fact looking at this pic,for a second I thought this was a black woman:
            Also philly was right about, just because you mark white down,doesn’t mean that’s what you are.It’s been written about alot down in Latin America,that people mark white even when their clearly not.You can look that stuff up your self

          • Catherine W. says:

            That’s because in AMERICA they feed into the stereotypes of what a HISPANIC should look like.

            I’m Colombian and we have in our family anywhere from pale skin to dark olive skin, light eyes and dark eyes. We aren’t mixed with anything else our ancestry is French, Italian and majority Spanish
            but ONLY in America we are told we aren’t white — everywhere else I travel I am white. Most of Europe doesn’t even know what the term HISPANIC means. Spaniards don’t call themselves that and they sure as hell don’t stereotype or classify people the way they do here.

            America is one of the most racist countries I have ever been to (even though I’m American myself with my family being from Colombia) all they do is CLASSIFY and STEREOTYPE. Latin Americans need to look and act this way, Asians need to look and act this way, etc (the list goes on) and if we DONT FEED into those stereotypes we are all of a sudden ashamed to be who we are. Hispanic isn’t a race and this whole “ethnic features” bs I keep reading is just that BS. Latin Americans come in ALL colors and characteristics and NOT ALL OF THEM are mixed and not all of those who are TANNED are mixed, either. You CAN BE TAN and STILL BE WHITE.

            Also, just because we say we are white doesn’t mean we think “white is right” or that we are some sort of white supremacists. Why can black people be proud to be black but when white people do it it’s not right? What are we supposed to join the KKK now because we said we are ok being white?

            Get over this whole racist crap. The Civil Rights didn’t happen for NOTHING.

          • Marcos says:

            Yea gotta disagree with u here. J Lo as a fly girl didn’t discover tanning yet. She is milk white, whiter then my irish friend harry. J Lo is mixed with a lot of white. Naturally she is lighted then 100 percent Italian Pia Toscano

          • phillygurl says:

            Yeah you do have some kind of racial inferiority thing going on. You say “race should not matter, but yet you go on claiming how you are “white.” Sister, it wasn’t us latinos, Asians, or blacks, who somehow made Spaniards and Portuguese, white Colombians or whatever looked down upon, you can thank your WASPs from the north on that. You say you are proud to be white, why are you angry with us…remember it is the Anglos who look down on you guys because they feel like you have not contributed anything to the world. Just look it up on Stormfront.

  5. Alicia Santiago says:

    You guy are so slow. Jennifer Lopez is Puerto Rican. I myself am Puerto Rican. Jennifer Lopez say’s herself on a Spainish talk show that she is ( ONLY PUERTO RICAN ) … She’s NOT European. I would be very much happy if you would stop giving your opinions and start giving facts! and have you noticed LOPEZ isn’t a European or african or any other race except Hispanic last name. and why are you guys saying her mother is a mixed Puerto Rican?? Puerto Ricans are mixed already, put were all mixed with the same thing, but were still puerto ricans not all that other stuff you were saying, so stop trying to say puerto ricans are half this and half that. I dont appercate you guys saying puerto rican’s are mixed with this and that. cant you just shut the hell up and call us PUERTO RICANS, gosh its not that hard. we dont like to be called mixed, its very disrespectful, were called puerto Ricans, thank you very much. you guys are acting childish saying she’s not puerto rican when she says it herself and this website says it. dont call somebody a different race, when there not that race, why because its very disrespectful, childish, and it makes you look like a fool. im pretty sure you wouldnt want to be called something your not.

    • Jose Gomez says:

      i agree 100%

    • rafael says:

      alicia santiago her name lopez is european,your name is european and if you are truly puerto rican than your native tongue is european,no we are not all mixed, because puerto ricans didnt fall from the sky and land on the island,they came from europe to the island and so did your family,so please before posting about puerto rican heritage do a little research,instead of going along with what ignorant comment made by people that have never been to the island,they see hollywoods examples of what puerto ricans look like and believe it

    • monica says:

      i agree with you. people always try to say puerto rico, dominican republic, cuba, mexico, colombia, panama, el salvador all latin american countries are not ethnicities and i can see why, but what about indian, philipinos, samoans? they are mixed with african, white, malay yet their country is still classed as being an ethnicity.
      i cant explain it, but pr, dr, cuba are ethnicities. all countries are mixed with something but doesnt mean they are not what they say they are. the only reason why people think hispanic people lie about their ethnicity is because we have more recent ancestry with other black, european countries as opposed to samoans, indians, philipinos etc

      i really cant explain myself lol but saying puerto rico is not an ethnicity is very contradictory, in other words ethnicity is a myth

      • liyah says:


        Indian (india) Brown

        Philipinos (philipians) Asian

        Samoans (samoa) Asians

        what Your naming as a race is really nationalities, all that says is where they come from not their race. The people from india are brown just like the people from bangladesh, they know their all brown people but are from different nationalities. When people call a brown person indian it’s because they are assuming that they are from india which is ignorance that many are trying to correct.

    • Catherine W. says:

      I was about to agree with your post until you said her RACE was HISPANIC


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