Jennifer Lopez

Lopez in 2010, kathclick/

Birth Name: Jennifer Lynn Lopez

Place of Birth: The Bronx, New York City, New York, U.S.

Date of Birth: July 24, 1969

Ethnicity: Puerto Rican [Spanish, likely Taíno and African]

Jennifer Lopez is an American singer, songwriter, actress, dancer, producer, and television personality. Her roles include Blood and Wine, Selena, Out of Sight, The Cell, The Wedding Planner, Shall We Dance?, Hustlers, and Anaconda, among many other films.

Her parents, Guadalupe Rodríguez and David López, are Puerto Rican. Her sister, Lydia Lopez, is a journalist. Jennifer is married to actor and filmmaker Ben Affleck. She has two children with her former husband, singer, songwriter, record producer, and actor Marc Anthony, who is also Puerto Rican. Her sister is DJ Lynda Lopez.

A picture of Jennifer with her parents can be seen here.

Jennifer’s maternal grandfather was named José Julio Rodríguez y Febres (the son of a father surnamed Rodríguez, and of Justina Febres).

Jennifer’s maternal grandmother was Julia Rivera y Rosado (the daughter of Vicente Rivera y Rivera and María Rosado y Rodríguez). Julia was born in Jayuya, Jayuya, Puerto Rico. Vicente was from Ponce, the son of Valentín Rivera y Rivera and Narcisa Rivera y Rivera. Valentín and Narcisa were born with the same paternal and maternal family names. Jennifer’s great-grandmother María was the daughter of Antonio Rosado and Rodulfa Rodríguez.

Source: Genealogy of Jennifer Lopez (focusing on her mother’s side) –

Lopez in 2008, photo credit: Urbanworld Film Festival


Curious about ethnicity

694 Responses

  1. ana says:

    She looks mixed black , native and white have you seen her mother? she looks like a light skin biracial and her father kind of looks spaniard.By the way the moors are not arabs they are africans they had been in africa thousands and thousands of years ago .

  2. mary says:

    It s a disscusion about ETHNICITIES not nationalities.I wonder that some people feel annoyed of revealing it.
    J.LO has definately white blood in her, but her nose & forehead are blackish.

  3. KL GIRL! says:

    So shes a white peurto rican?

  4. rafael says:

    hey fuzzybear you got dissed by amber berg

    • Fuzzybear says:

      To Rafael:Thanks for the 411,but it’s not the first time.She hasn’t done as much studying as she thinks.,I know you just wanted me to go at her,with my colonial mind

  5. monica says:

    i dont see her as a white puerto rican, she looks more mestizo to me. a white puerto rican looks like ricky martin, hector elizondo who clearly look european, jlo doesnt. she looks more exotic

    • rafael says:

      monica good insight most people dont know hector is puerto rican,the only point im trying to make is that if you only saw her picture and you didnt know who she was,most would say hey shes italian so she must be white,now why do puerto ricans have to be blonde with blue eyes,to be white yet italians can look puerto rican but be white,what am i missing do we turn darker when you see our names?

      • Fuzzybear says:

        To Rafael

        If Jlo looked like a white woman,I would no problem saying so.However even with the blond hair,she doesn’t

      • monica says:

        i guess people are just used to seeing mixed, predominantly mestizo latin americans, that they forget you can be black or white and still be considered latino e.g. sofia vergara and faizon love

      • phillygurl says:

        You can honestly look yourself in the mirror and think people would confuse her for being Italian or white LOL. You have no hope Rafael. People can understand Sofia Vergara, Dayanara, and even Ricky Martin…but J Lo?

        • rafael says:

          phillygurl have you seen pauly d thats not a tan,how about all pacino

        • rafael says:

          phillygurl,also check out what italians looked like when they got to ellis island,they looked more dominican than anything else,the irish hated them because they would do anything to be with an irish girl,i cant hate them for that cause ive also got a thing for irish women,any way couldnt you consider them mixed?

          • phillygurl says:

            I dated a ton of Italian men. My son is part Italian actually. Al Pacino looks to be part Arab. I know some Sicilians who look more Arab than white. J. Lo has ethnic features and a black nose. Actually some Italians do not consider themselves full white-my ex hated when people said that. Than again he hung around blacks and Puerto Ricans. Some Italians are like you…they check white off because they have to. If anything the latest census has showed that there are many hispanics who do not considre themselves white considering that prior to 1990 they HAD to check white and more recently 40% of us checked multi-racial or other.

          • Catherine W. says:

            as if being PUERTO RICAN means it’s a race

            Ethnic features? wtf is that?

          • Catherine W. says:

            Also Phillygurl the reason for that census result is because this country is slowly trying to make people believe that being HISPANIC is a race WHEN IT’S NOT.

            I’m South American and even though my skin is white (although mostly olive now since I’ve been in the sun) I’ve been TOLD TO CHANGE my forms because I put WHITE and they tell me that I’m not because I’m from South America… if that’s not racist, then I don’t know what is.

          • Amber Berg says:

            I think J lo could be considered Italian alot of Hispanics could. Most Italians are white but some are very dark do to tanning and also the moor invasion- Most sicilians are dark because of the Moor invasion- however if J lo was American I would assume she would be mixed with something- if she said she had black in her I would believe her- but I’m not in her family so I dont know what she is. So we shouldnt be stating what she is if we dont know what she is.

          • rafael says:

            amber,she is american

          • Amber Berg says:

            Well you know what I mean if she had a long lineage of an American family, her parents are from Puerto Rico- they definetly dont look white though they look like they mixed with something- what that something is I dont know- Im not in her family!

          • TOTAL23 says:

            The Only Parent O f Hers That Looks White To Me Would Be Her Father…The Way NOW Yells White Too Me….But Back Then When He Was Young, Yea He Did Look Mixed!

          • phillygurl says:

            Maybe you are white, I am Puerto Rican and I don’t consider myself white, what’s the big deal. Check off white if that is what you are. I don’t check it off because that is not what I am or care to be. No offense to anyone.

          • phillygurl says:

            You basically just said what I said. Hispanics were forced to put WHITE, even though some of us are clearly not caucasian. I checked multi-racial. If you considered yourself white, just check off white and don’t put South American-what is the big deal? I have taken 2 censuses in my life and no one ever went that far with me, when I checked off Puerto Rican and than put “other” or Multiracial. They said thanks and walked away. And also, you do not have to tell them you are from South America. Next time just check off white and be done with it.

          • Amber Berg says:

            I have heard that puerto ricans are told to mark caucasian in New York? that seems odd to me!

          • Marcos says:

            Italians are european, thus white. Every culture is mixed, so does that mean nobody is in a category? Silly theory. My ex is italian, tan skin (naturally) dark hair and eyes, full lips, tiny waist but curvy as hell. She was/is caucasian.

          • phillygurl says:

            Depends on where you were raised. I am telling you, my ex was Italian and he hated when people called him white. However, I have Italian friends who exclusively date hispanics/blacks and they refer to themselves as white. Guess it is how you were raised. Again what is the big deal. Also, my curvy Italian girls say they are built like hispanic/black girls, so they see body types and facial features in terms of race also.

          • Marcos says:

            They say that cuz of who they”re around. I’ve been lucky enough to travel and I’ve been to Europe, central and South America. Italians are every bit as curvy, sometimes more so they latinas and blacks. They just tend to be more petite with smaller waists. Just nailing down what I mean

          • Amber.Berg says:

            So are you guys really trying to say Jlo is just caucasian?

          • Marcos says:

            Ms. Amber please read the posts, nobody is saying she is “just” anything. I’m saying she has a lot of things in her but that she has a lot more caucasian then people would like to admit. For some reason this board is anti anything caucasian. It almost, sometimes borderlines on ignorant. I am mixed and I’ve seen a lot of chicas nekkid lol. Some “white” girls “bang” harder then ‘tinas etc. Just keepin it real, go to Europe, especially Italy. All I’m sayin is J Lo would be just another body there.

          • phillygurl says:

            Why do you guys keep bringing up Italians when we are talking about a hispanic women. No one is even concerned with what race they are until you and Rafael bring them in. I am sure your ex was curvy, however I have lived in NYC and Philly and most of the curvy Italian women are NOT built like a well built latina. One of my good friends who was Irish went to Italy and he said the same thing-that he was not impressed with the women. He was more impressed when he went to Brazil and Greece.

          • marcos says:

            I’m sorry you are right, I don’t know how we got so fixated on Italian girls. I guess they are just similar but interestingly “caucasian”. One of my boys read some of the stuff on here and said Pia Toscano who is full Italian. That is what I saw in Sicily when I went, they are very poor and don’t wear makeup but still had beautiful faces. Everyone has different taste but we shouldn’t be disrespectful Phillgurl. There aren’t many Italians here anyways, its a small country that is doing well economically. I love my Latinas but I’m not narrow minded enough to think they are gods gift to men. Humble and sweet goes along way also…

          • Amber Berg says:

            And Italian men love African American women, Im talkin bout real Italians in Italy, not American Italians. And the reason why people get Italians confused with hispanics because they tan so much they could look like a lightskin black person and those are the American ones. Now Northern Italians are definitely white- just like nothern spanairds from spain. When the spanish conquered the united states a lot of italians came with them. Christopher Columbus was an Italian. So spanairds and Italians have some similar history. Both southern Spain and Southern Italy were conquered by black moors, plus they are right next to north africa so there was a lot of mixing going on thats why sicilans look so dark because there was some mixing. but for the most part majority of Italians are white.

          • marcos says:

            I completely agree with you ms Amber Berg. Italians love all kinds of women. They view themselves as “conossieurs” of females. They love to sample all different kinds. Yes, most Italians (like everyone else) have mixed w/ many different cultures. French, Spanish, Greek etc. Northern Italians tend to be light skinned and taller.

          • Marcos says:

            Who isn’t mixed then? Every single “race” is now mixed. Italians like Greeks, spanish from spain…all mixed but all caucasian

      • Catherine W. says:

        I couldn’t agree more. People think that because you have TAN skin that you’re automatically not white.

        We all must have missed the Breaking News when they decided Tan skin was all of a sudden a race.

        J. Edgar hoover was clearly a mulatto but he was passed off as white even though he had black features

        Joe DiMaggio was very tan and could have passed off as THE AMERICAN STEREOTYPE of Hispanic but he was called “White”

        Jennifer Lopez’ ancestry is mainly European – why isn’t she considered a White Hispanic?

        • phillygurl says:

          Because most white girls ain’t built like that LOL.

        • Amber Berg says:

          How do you know she is mostly white?

        • kris says:

          why are people still so determined to put everyone into their own little box. You don’t have to grade people in terms of degrees of whiteness or blackness. Mixed is mixed, more then one race as opposed to country of origin. mixing two people of the same race from different parts of the world does not make their descendents mixed. people check the box that most closely match how they identify themselves. We need to stop pretending that this is a world where we don’t see race we do. come on people have been trying to breed out their blackness for forever. because the truth is whiteness is what we associate with success, power and money. it just is and we’re not encouraged to think in any other way. Some of you are exposing yourselves for what you are just from your inability to even except that she may be of mixed lineage. no one says tan skin means black in this era if that was the case most white girls would be catagorized as black lol

        • over9000 says:

          How do you know she’s mainly European? did you do a DNA test on her? She is a Mestizo with possibly some Black ancestry, END OF STORY! how can you look at her and not see that she doesn’t look European? It’s almost like people don’t want a beautiful woman to not be Caucasian.

      • Marcos says:

        Um J Lo didn’t discover tanning beds yet when she was a fly girl. She was milk white, were talking pale. She is def. Mixed alright. A lot of European in her. I’m mixed myself…4he is much more caucasian then I though. If I were only talking body type she could be Italian in that way only.

        • phillygurl says:

          You’re right- she is built more like a curvy European. Her curves are slight, but there. Girls from the Caribbean curves are more exaggerated than hers.

          • Amber.Berg says:

            My son is 65% black and my godson is 70% black and they are whiter then J lo ever was skin color has nothing to do with it. Also my godson that is 70% black is lighter then my son who is 65% black! My godson has the skincolor of a pale white European but all the facial features of a black person- he also has a blonde afro lol! I actually know a lot of people like that. So it is very much possible for her to be mixed with something look at her facial features!

        • phillygurl says:

          I have seen plenty of Italian girls and they ARE not curvier than latinas and black women. Sophia Loren had to wear corsets until the life was sucked out of her. The smallest waist I have EVER seen was on this latina chick when I was in NY. Her waist had to be no more than 21 inches and her hips were about 40″. Why do you think so many Italian men travel to Brazil and the Dominican Republic-for the women.

          • Alejandra says:

            I think u have a problem with Italians maybe? My friend Niki is from Italy, she moved here last year and she has body like crazy! Little tiny figure, not wide like me and my friends. She is curvy tho, looks like Beyonce. Why u hate Italian girls so much? They like us

          • phillygurl says:

            I do not hate Italian girls. Obviously, you are new here. Everyone blasts latina girls as if we are all short and wide, when many of us would put beyonce, marilyn monroe or whoever else to shame in the body Department- it is just that we are underrepresented and nobody knows this. Italian girls are beautiful- Sophia Loren and Monica Bellucci are in my top 5 most beautiful women in Hollywood of all time. Sorry if I came off as biased before.

    • monica says:

      also, if j.lo was to be a ‘white’ puerto rican, she would probably know which part of spain her family is from.
      hector elizondo’s family is from basque, ricky martins family is from corsica and catalonia. most of us mixed latin americans dont know our exact heritage, so we just go with whichever country are parents are from. in her case puerto rican

      she clearly does not look european in those photos

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