Alicia Keys

Keys in 2007, stocklight /

Birth Name: Alicia J. Augello-Cook

Place of Birth: Hell’s Kitchen, Manhattan, New York City, New York, U.S.

Date of Birth: January 25, 1980

*father – African-American
*maternal grandfather – Italian/Sicilian
*maternal grandmother – English, Irish, Scottish

Alicia Keys is an American singer, songwriter, actress, and record producer. She is also known as Lellow.

Alicia’s father, Craig Cook, is African-American, and Alicia’s mother, Terri (Augello), is white. Alicia’s maternal grandfather was of Italian/Sicilian descent, while Alicia’s maternal grandmother was of English, Irish, and Scottish ancestry, with several of her family lines leading back to Connecticut of the 1600s. Alicia is married to hip hop recording artist and record producer Swizz Beatz, with whom she has two children.

Alicia has stated that as she grew up in New York she never had to experience feeling “not Black enough” or “not White enough.” However, she became comfortable with her biracial heritage as it allows her to relate to different cultures. She has said, “A lot of people believe I’m part Jamaican, though I’m not. I’m definitely black and Italian and a little Irish or Scottish.”

Alicia’s paternal grandfather is named Michael Cook.

Alicia’s maternal grandfather was Joseph Lawrence Augello (the son of Michelangelo/Michael Angelo Augello and Mary Carmen Zaffina). Joseph was born in Pennsylvania, to Italian parents. Alicia’s great-grandfather Michael was from Sciacca, Province of Agrigento, Sicily. Alicia’s great-grandmother Mary was the daughter of Giuseppe Zaffina and Rosa Scardamaglia, from Nicastro and Sambiase, now Lamezia Terme, Province of Catanzaro, Calabria.

Alicia’s maternal grandmother was Donna Jean Smith (the daughter of Thad T. Smith and Irma Margaret Heald). Donna was born in Michigan. Thad was the son of Henry Harrison Smith and Mary S. Jordan. Irma was the daughter of George Webster Heald and Margaret Ruxton. Alicia’s grandmother Donna’s ancestry was largely English, with many roots in New England, going back to the 1600s, and some ancestors who lived in Canada. She also had Irish and Scottish ancestry.

Keys with husband Swizz Beatz in 2010, Debby Wong /

Sources: Genealogy of Alicia Keys –

Genealogies of Alicia Keys (focusing on her mother’s side) –

Notations about Alicia’s Italian background –

Alicia’s maternal grandfather, Joseph Lawrence Augello, on 1940 U.S. Census –

Passenger record of Alicia’s maternal great-great-grandfather, Giuseppe Zaffina –

Passenger record of Alicia’s maternal great-great-grandmother, Rosa Scardamaglia –

Obituary of Alicia’s maternal grandmother, Donna Jean (Smith) Augello –


Curious about ethnicity

265 Responses

  1. zoe says:

    little miss “proud” african american got a nose to thin out her culturally african nose. i dont get that. it is such an insult to black people


    her very slim-line european nose. if she is so proud to be african, why would she deny the cultural territory?

    • zoe says:

      *i meant nose job (in first line)

      • total23 says:

        Is She Did Got A Nose Job…. Then She Did It Because She Did Not Like Her Nose…Not Because She Hates Black People….

        And That Knew Nose That She Got Could Be Genetics….It Can Do That U Know…Many People I’ve Seen Had One Eye Color Then Later In Life It Changed Color And Stayed That Color!

        • zoe says:

          She clearly has had a nose job, because her nose has changed a lot. It went from being very wide to very thin. It’s obvious.

          And i didn’t say she hates Black people! Lots of Asians and Africans do get what is called a “cultural nose job”, where they alter their nose from the traditional Asian or African nose. What I’m saying is if she is so proud to be African, she shouldn’t have drastically altered something that is only distinct to the African people and is a sign of acceptance in their culture.

          • total23 says:

            I Understand…But That Nose Change May Not Be Because Of Rhynoplasty…..It Could Be From Genetics. It Happened To Many People I Have Met

          • zoe says:

            Somehow everybody’s nose changes in Hollywood! I understand what you are saying about eye color and everybody changes to some extend over time, but her nose has completely changed sooo drastically. She is like a different person! It’s like 50% smaller than what it was previously.

          • total23 says:

            I Guess UR Right Because I Just Saw A Handful Of Pics Of Alicia, And I See Why You Think That….But I Still Stand By Of What I Said!

            I Hope I Didn’t Offend You Because That Is Not My Intensions! I Always Type Like This!

          • zoe says:

            lol No you didn’t offend me at all! I know what you mean about peoples eye color changing, because I went to school with someone like that! I was just really surprised, because I never thought she had plastic surgery until like 2 days ago, when i accidentally found one photo i was like OMG! I couldn’t believe the difference!

          • arm says:

            She did not have a nose job gosh stop starting shit up that doesnt even exist! she has always had a thin nose so stfu.

          • arm says:

            ummm u obviously was born yesterday on some dumb planet where people dont know any better… let me clarify this… Alicia Keys never had a NOSE JOB her nose has been the same since she was born.

          • arm says:

            she clearly didNOT have a nose job she looks the same ….her face was smaller back then in comparison to her nose obviously… why would she need to change herself she’s beautiful and she doesnt have to change anything…

          • exotiq says:

            lol :) …I knew I was going to read a stupid comment about her nose from some moron sooner or later!!! It never ceases to amaze me that there has to be someone that claims that a mixed person like Alicia Keys must have had a ‘nose job’ when they hold up a photo of their childhood and then one of them as an adult!

            I’m mixed also, and I have first hand knowledge that this could not be furthest from the truth! As I’ve said millions of times, children’s faces, including their noses, are always rounder, broader and plumper than when they are once they grow up. It’s genetics 101!

            If you’re going to say that a mixed person like Alicia Keys had a nose job and then claim that it’s cause she’s ashamed of having African ancestry because of it as well…you are among the most ignorant people on the planet!

            Some people actually thought that I had some ‘work done’ when I showed up at my 20-year high school reunion because I didn’t have the same chubby face as I did as a child—NO…Of course not! As you age, your features refine more, which means your nose narrows with age–and it could even grow larger, not necessarily wider or broader–especially when you have European ancestry!!! Duh!

            …To prove my point, here is a link of WHITE celebrities with photos of them as children and then as adults–Are you going to say that all of them had nose jobs then????!!!! …Maybe some did, but I seriously doubt ALL of them did!!!

            …Grow up and use some damn common sense!!!!

    • Cindy says:

      Her nose looks the same to me.

  2. Bella says:


    Alicia Keys father is African American NOT Afro-Jamacian

  3. suanni says:

    as long part of ur family is black,ur definitely a black person.So alicia keys is black and so other multiracial persons.

    • TYGAS WIFEY says:


    • arm says:

      um i’m part black, part irish , part cuban and part indian and middle eastern. im mostly black but look mostly native american indian and middle eastern. Most people dont belive im black so if you dont look all black dont claim that ur “just black” dont disrespect anyone who is mixed by saying that we r just black cuz we embrace all of us!

      • Fuzzybear says:

        To arm

        That’s not disrespecting you,black is more than just color of ones skin.It’s a cultural identity,hardly anyone you meet ,whose family has been here for generations is going to be full black,even a lot of the slaves that came here weren’t full black.Just 50yrs ago you would have no choice but to be called black if you had any black blood in you.It’s only thanks to people who came before you,who got beat and killed,that you have the right now to say your not just black.You said yourself that you were mostly black,so no one is disrespecting you,they see you as part of the culture

        • arm says:

          i understand it just kills me when people only embrace one part of their culture. i love being multicultural and love that one of those cultures is african american. i think that being african american and looking back on my culture has made me understand that i have it good today, so i thank u for replying!

        • arm says:

          I understand, it just kills me when people dont embrace their entire culture it seems as if they have a little self hate. I love being multicultural and i love that one of those cultures is african american. so any way i thank u for your reply

  4. Anonymous says:

    italian is not part of the white race i should since im part italian im so tired of people saying it is when its not do your research people and stop making mistakes

    • Vince says:

      Hey Anonymous. You are part Italian, part Idiot and horrible in English, so I’m glad YOU don’t consider yourself to be part of the white race…but a Dumb Race. If there were a significant number of Italians in the US like there are Latins, Blacks or Asians, then Italians would also be classified in a race OTHER than White. That is not and never will be the case, so YOU should do your research more thoroughly and stay out of the Kindergarten Libraries.
      On another note, Alicia Keys is gorgeous & very talented…and I Love her Italo-Afro American Ethnicity.

      • ARM says:

        Umm Vince ur a fucking hateful bitch who deserves to be slapped!!!! U sound as if u are a white person and dontt take my saying that racially… but you shouldnt go around calling people idiots just because they make a HARMLESS mistake… I mean do you have a fucking life cuz ur the only one who’s acting like and idiot. Most people dont count italians a white i mean lok at them! most of them have olive complections, some are fair yes but most are dark and WHITE people have Fair skin dumbass!

        • zoe says:

          @ Arm: Italians are classified as white. They are European. There are lots of tanned Caucasian people like Italians, Greeks, Spanish, Maltese, Turkish and many many more. But Italians are white.

          • Raqi!! says:

            umm if you av actually seen some italians in italy you would see that some can be very dark and some can have fair skin. my grandmother is italian and she i very dark she says that she doesnt think that she’s white due to the fact that hr skin is dark. so i agree with arm and zoe and o hose who think other wise plz state ur purpose.

          • zoe says:

            Raqi: I know what you are talking about! I’m not Italian, but I live in a neighborhood with lots of Italians and some are really light and some are really dark. Some have really dark skin, but I think Italians are classified as Caucasian. If someone has an ancestor that is African and they are also Italian, then that is different and they are obviously not entirely white. I think the ones from Southern Italy are really tanned, because it is close to the equator. I’m European and I’m really tanned, but I’m classified as white. I think Italians are like the same thing.

          • Raqi!! says:

            thanx i totally agree…

          • Fuzzybear says:

            I don’t know they keep teaching that Caucasian mean white,it mean facial type not skin color

          • Fuzzybear says:

            To whom ever mark this down,prove me wrong.If you can’t handle the true,don’t get mad at me

          • Raqi!! says:

            who ever marked this down can kiss my ass….

        • arm says:

          Dont vote down my comment just because I got the balls to say it in front of y’all and I don’t gotta be false or sugarcoated at all. you guys just like to ctritsize people and i got the balls to say stfu!

    • Elina says:

      your white you idiot! im italian and white!

  5. sandy says:

    she might hav som asian roots too

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