Birth Name: Helen Folasade Adu
Place of Birth: Ibadan, Oyo State, Colony and Protectorate of Nigeria (now Nigeria)
Date of Birth: 16 January, 1959
*Yoruba Nigerian (father)
*English (mother)
Sade is a British singer, songwriter, record producer, composer, and arranger. She was born in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. Her father, Adebisi Adu, is a Yoruba Nigerian. Her mother, Anne Hayes, is English and white. Sade lived in Nigeria until she was four years old, then moving to Essex, England.
Sade has a son with her former partner, Jamaican music producer Bob Morgan.
She’s a real mulatta – a textbook 50/50 pure black and white mulatto.
Unlike African-American mulattoes who aren’t about 30-40% black on average.
Her facial features look much more Caucasian than Negroid.
@Shawn the GOD there is NO such thing at all that is “Caucasian features” that’s a horrible racist thing to say many many Africans have SADE facial features without any admixture. There is no African features if you google, “fulanis”, Woodabe’s”, Igbo’s, Senagalese, Ghanains etc they all have different facial features some narrow and some thin and small. IT is 2016 and time to get rid of the silly racial stereotypes. Scientists have already proven that everyone every race in the world originally came from Africa. Africans have all the faces of the world. There is no one African feature at all.
Correct, no one African feature or facial type at all
Maybe you should actually study biology and anthropology.Just as a black widow spider is identified by it’s red mark and you would differentiate it from a brown recluse that is characterized as having a violin symbol, we differentiate humans the same way.
I dont know why you anthropocentric fools seem to think humans are outside the rules they developed for every other living thing. Forensic anthropologist can determine race of a human skeleton because of skull shape. Asians, Australian Aborginals, Black Africans, and Europids have distinct features in the same way spiders have distinct features. Facial features, hair texture and skull shape reveal race. If you dint get this, you have no business discussing race. This was determined by climate. Biology 101. Christ people are stupid.
She looks part Asian.
i’ve always thought the same thing. she is pretty and exotic
Its the Asians that look like the African because the Africans came before the Asians. Science has already proved that human life started in Africa then migrated out to the rest of the world then mutated lighter skinned etc..
Sade is such a beautiful looking woman. I just love her voice.
Ultimately, all living souls come from the same tribe so Ethnicity is really irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. It’s really like comparing a black Mercedes to a white, brown, red or yellow Mercedes.
You’re a simpleton if you think the human races is separated by just skin color.
Try again.
and i suppose you think you know everything about race? guess we should make you the president of racial classification since you think you know shit. nigga please, you ain’t shit. now fuck off!
@James you are the simpleton because Lord Benjamin is correct. All humans are one family. Science has proven that humans started in Africa then migrated out and only changed because of climate factors.
Sade identifies herself as BLACK and if you want her take on it–check out her song “Immigrant” it says ” He did not know what it meant to be black until they gave him his change and would not touch his hand” Yeah—who ain’t been there–white people alienate a lot of other races with stuff just like this–take people like Obama and Sade etc and wonder why they do not claim their white parts? When they endured the same things as other blacks how in the world do you expect them to id with white people–FOR WHAT. Because at the end of the day–if they were not famous (and for their families and kids) to be black is to be mistreated on almost a daily basis in this country by whites and no one in their right mind embraces anyone who rejects them.
And her mom was white lmao.. u cant fell or endure a certain races lifestyle, especially in American. Come down south everybody ghetto white or black and in the midwest.. Springfield illinois we probaly have the best rapper’s tooo
and i give two fucks why this bitch identifies as white? the trick came out of her WHITE mama’s vajayjay. the bitch is biracial. i don’t give a fuck if she says she’s black, that isn’t correct. she’s mixed.
fuckin ayyyy i meant she idgaf if she identifies as BLACK, not white. my ass hasn’t slept lmfao sorry bitches. tired of apologizing for my typos. FUCK y’all if you don’t like them. idgaf to quite honest. none of y’all mental patients are perfect either. fuck off
Lol, you stupid bitch she’s telling a story. She said “He didn’t know what it was to be black” as in “he” (the story she’s telling about a guy) not herself, she probably just considers herself mixed race.
Black people always try and claim mixed race people who are part black.
@Shawn the GOD all blacks in the Carribean and America have been mixed so no one is claiming anyone. You sound retarded and uneducated go read a book on black history. Blacks were taken from Africa and mixed. So yes Sade is black even though she is half African. The definition of black incorporates mixed Africans. This website seems to exist for very confused people.
She is biracial, her mother is white and she probably never was considered “black” when she was living in Nigeria. I say “black” because in Africa there is no such thing as “black”, people identify to their culture.
Black Americans always claim mixed people because you feel bad in your black skin. The world is not in black or white, there are other colors in between.
Quote(She is biracial, her mother is white and she probably never was considered “black” when she was living in Nigeria. I say “black” because in Africa there is no such thing as “black”, people identify to their culture.)
Well I don’t know what they called her in Nigeria, and from what I’ve seen, they do ID themselves by culture. However that being said, I know a good amount Of Ethiopians and Somalians , that are quick to say they are the original black people.
Quote(Black Americans always claim mixed people because you feel bad in your black skin.)
You stated yourself, that most AA’s are not dark, so how could they hate their black skin? Next, what is with this claiming stuff? People are not luggage. You can’t so called claim anyone unless you’re related to them. Also those mixed people you’re talking about, you ever think they might be claiming black people?
@Queenbee EXACTLY well written