Yanet García

Place of Birth: Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico

Date of Birth: November 14, 1990

Ethnicity: Mexican [Spanish, Indigenous, possibly other]

Yanet García is a Mexican weather presenter, model, actress, influencer, and OnlyFans creator. She appeared on morning television show Hoy. She is known as “La Chica del Clima”/The Mexican Weather Girl.


Curious about ethnicity

35 Responses

  1. cwm85 says:

    What have African-Americans contribute to europe is a legitimate question… I know about in this country, carribean, south American… but Europe?

    • Siri says:

      This is how ai know you’re a little slow. What would African-AMERICANS have to do with europe? What have you people contributed to Africa besides oppression, slavery, and stealing resources?

  2. cwm85 says:

    I’m for all history including african, European, asia etc. I will say other groups should be promoted just like black history month. The native history and asian history months need as much as attention in the U.S.

    • fuzzybear44 says:

      @ CWM

      What”s sad is that they had to beg for one month of the year to be recognized. Black history, american indian history, Asian etc are all part of American History, that how it should be studied. However it’s not done that way

      • cwm85 says:

        It is american history but unfortunately this country is obsessed with color, race, demographics so everything is split in this country. From wealth to skin color. This country is so divided. I detest this part of American society.

    • Siri says:

      If you’re so concerned about asian/native/hispanic history month not getting attention, then promote their history months yourself. Don’t be mad and jealous just because Black people actually take their history month serious.

  3. cwm85 says:

    It should be a crime to forecast the weather being that hot lol…

  4. fuzzybear44 says:

    Just asking, are you sure she’s. Mexican and not of some other Latin origin. Don’t get wrong, there are a lot of pretty ones around here, but the total package is a rarity. Although someone did lists her as mestizo, and that often includes African ancestry, so maybe it’s. Stronger in her.Also yes mestizo does often include African ancestry despite them omitting it from the new definition. Anyhow just asking

    • cwm85 says:

      I’m sure her african admixture is low. Most mexicans have 3 percent max of african ancestry. There just wasn’t a whole lot of mixing between africans, natives and Spanish people in that country.

      • fuzzybear44 says:


        Actually it’s. 3-8% with the Avg being 5%.as for the other part of your comment, who told you that? There was a huge amount of mixing between the three groups in Mexico. The second underground railroad lead into Mexico.Mexican men would steal black women from slave plantations. And take them into Mexico .Louisiana creoles were invited. To live in Mexico.black Mexican were the ones fighting in many of the battles in the place.there’s. A lot about that country you seem to know(well most people know) because they don’t. Teach it.

        • fuzzybear44 says:

          Battery low finis

          • fuzzybear44 says:

            meant to say seem not to know.i realize most schools and colleges don’t teach it unless they have a black history program.there is a lot about mexican history people don’t

          • fuzzybear44 says:

            meant to say know. the battery again

          • andrew says:

            why should schools and colleges have a “black history” program?

          • fuzzybear44 says:


            well i expect comments like this from you. Are you saying black people don’t need to know their history?it should be part of the regular history program , but schools adm, think like you ,and don’t see it that way.They’re to busy pushing greek and rome down our throats omitting black people were even in europe, but i know that fine with you. however i gotten all i can get out european history, i wanna learn all about african history and the contributions made by us, both there and everywhere else, that’s why the programs are important

          • andrew says:

            I would find racist and discriminatory something called “black history program” (what about “white history program”, “asian history program” etc) because it would be already part of teaching. I dont know why but for some reason Mali Empire (example of black civilization) is not as popular as Ancient Mesopotamia.

          • andrew says:

            * it should be

          • fuzzybear44 says:

            @ Andrew

            (I would find racist and discriminatory something called “black history program” (what about “white history program”, “asian history program” etc) because it would be already part of teaching. I dont know why but for some reason Mali Empire (example of black civilization) is not as popular as Ancient Mesopotamia.)

            It’s actually called the Africana Studies program. Were taught European history on regular basis(omitting the African contribution ), and Asian culture takes care of itself. However black people have to beg for one month out of a year. We are as much apart of this nation as anyone else is. It’s not fair to us that were not taught about ourselves , Europeans aren’t going to do it. Also Mali and Timbuktu are talked about all time, but were taught it had to do with Arabs(a certain of Arabs)

          • fuzzybear44 says:

            meant certain type of arab

          • andrew says:

            I dont know anything about American school system, I will tell you what I learnt from primary to high school: Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, Rome, Phoenicians, Carthage etc..a few chapters about China/Japan, so from this point of view History is biased towards certains topics..btw what are African inventions/contributions? you called me racist bigot but I’m open-minded, a liberal.

          • fuzzybear44 says:


            We have debated a number of times over the past few years about the contributions Africans have made to Europe, and I ‘m not going over them again. Secondly, I didn’t. Call you anything, I said I expect negative comments from you, because that’s what you do.the first time you came on, after I said black people were in Europe before slavery, you said I was spreading propaganda. 8

        • cwm85 says:

          3 to 8 percent is not much and not noticeable in phenotype. Its insignificant admixture.

          • fuzzybear44 says:

            @ CWM

            3-8 % is just the avg. Some places are higher, some are lower. It doesn’t matter if it shows up in their phenotype or if it’s insignificant as you put it, it’s still part of who they are. Also yes I African American.

      • Siri says:

        @andrew I see you’re a little slow too, “asian history” and “european history” ARE taught in schools, especially in university if you choose to study that. Although I doubt you’ve ever been to university so I can see why you wouldn’t know that. White history is basically what kids learn all from K-12, so “Black history” is not a problem in comparison to learning about how you “people” oppressed practically the whole world (including europe). So I’d recommend you do yourself a favor and stfu before speaking on things you clearly know nothing about. Thanks.

        • Siri says:

          oh and andrew, Africans contribution to the world is humanity itself, including your pathetic lineage. You’re welcome.

        • andrew says:

          @ Siri

          I have a degree from University of Pisa, one of the most ancient in the world. I speak Italian, French, English, I can read and translate Latin and have a basic understanding of written Spanish/Portuguese.

        • jackson9 says:

          Quote “White history is basically what kids learn all from K-12” @Siri you are wrong. All through high school I was taught about how being Caucasian was bad in public schools, along with Israel being an apartheid state. It’s worse when you get to college. I have no idea where you are getting your information from. and don’t ever tell Andrew to stfu. he is the nicest person on this site.

    • cwm85 says:

      Are you African-American?

    • Rip says:

      I don’t know what you mean by “total package” but Mestiza women are some of the most naturally beautiful and feminine women in the world as they generally have nice facial bone structure and beautiful eyes and lips with long full hair. The main drawback is that some sabotage their natural beauty by getting chunky after having kids, but that’s an issue with Black and White American girls as well. Mexican girls who take care of themselves generally age well like Eva Longoria or Jessica Alba who look 10 years younger than their age and still sexy.

  5. GypsyQueen says:

    Beautiful woman. Every mans dream.

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