
Birth Name: Jahseh Dwayne Ricardo Onfroy

Date of Birth: January 23, 1998

Place of Birth: Plantation, Florida, U.S.

Date of Death: June 18, 2018

Place of Death: Deerfield Beach, Florida, U.S.

Ethnicity: African-Jamaican, possibly other

XXXTentacion was an American rapper, singer, and songwriter. He was also known as X, XXX, Triple X, Jah, and Young Dagger Dick.

He was the son of Cleopatra Eretha Dreena Bernard Freeman and Dwayne Ricardo Onfroy. As stated here, his mother is Jamaican. It appears that his father is Jamaican, as well.

His surname, Onfroy, can be found in France, England, and Germany, and is also a common name in Jamaica.

XXXTentacion was mainly raised by his grandmother, Collette Jones. He grew up in Pompano Beach and Lauderhill, Florida.

In an interview on 103.5 The Beat, XXXTentacion stated that his ancestry was also Syrian, Italian, and Indian. It is possible that he had French and German ancestry, as well. It is not clear if any of these lineages have been verified/documented.

XXXTentacion had one child.

Source: Death record of XXXTentacion –


Curious about ethnicity

8 Responses

  1. Gavinboi says:

    Where would Syrian and Italian ancestry come into play? Indians did migrate to the Carribean and certain parts of South America, but I can’t recall Syrians or Italians migrating to regions like Jamaica in large numbers.

    Not sure where French and German ancestry would come into play either. At the most, he might have Creole ancestry, but it seems unlikely he has all five of these aforementioned ancestries.

  2. follers says:

    Ethnic, this picture has died.

  3. Manila says:

    Cleopatra’s full name is Cleopatra Eretha Dreena Bernard.

    Death record of XXXTentacion –

  4. ethnic says:

    way too young. RIP

  5. madman says:

    Here is a link directly to the relevant part of the interview:

    That quote is not literal, so I think the citation marks should be removed.

    He previously believed that he was of Egyptian descent (maybe it is interesting to mention).

    When he said Indian, we don’t know if he meant Native American or Indian. It seems unlikely that he would have any Indian ancestry.

    His mother is Jamaican, as said here:

    He is also said to have German ancestry, although I don’t know where that comes from.

    • bleachsoda says:

      His parents are jamaican so him having east indian ancestry is way more possible than him having native american ancestry, mind you Jamaica has an East Indian community and there are some indian influences in jamaican culture

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