
02/24/2016 – Rihanna – BRIT Awards 2016 – Arrivals – O2 Arena – London, UK – Photo Credit: Landmark / PR Photos

Birth Name: Robyn Rihanna Fenty

Place of Birth: Saint Michael, Barbados

Date of Birth: February 20, 1988

*father – mix of African-Barbadian and European-Barbadian [Scottish, English, Irish]
*mother – African-Guyanese

Rihanna is a Barbadian singer, songwriter, businessperson, dancer, record producer, and actress. She has been Barbadian Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, since 20 September, 2018.

She is the daughter of Ronald Fenty, who is from Barbados, and Monica (Brathwaite), who is from Guyana. She has two children with her partner, American rapper, songwriter, and record producer ASAP Rocky.

Rihanna’s paternal grandfather was African-Barbadian. Rihanna’s paternal grandmother, who is white, has Scottish, English, and Irish ancestry. Rihanna’s mother is of African-Guyanese descent. In an interview with Allure magazine, Rihanna stated that she was bullied in school and called ‘white’ by the other kids while growing up in Barbados.

Rihanna’s paternal grandfather was named Reginald Leslie Forde (the son of Helen Forde). Helen was the daughter of Joseph Nathanael “Joe” Forde and Louisa Jane Bascom.

Rihanna’s paternal grandmother is Elizabeth “Betty” Fenty (the daughter of Stanley Fitzherbert Fenty and Hilda Olga Coppin). Elizabeth is white. Her parents were born in Barbados. The surname Fenty is usually Scottish and the surname Coppin is usually English. Rihanna’s grandmother is also cited as having Irish ancestry. Elizabeth is from a family of “Red Legs,” descendants of slaves from the British Isles who were sent to Barbados. Stanley likely was the grandson of John Fitzherbert Fenty and Mary Louisa Jane Fenty.

Rihanna’s maternal grandfather is named Lionel Brathwaite.

Rihanna’s maternal grandmother is named Clara “Dolly” Viola Venetta Johnson.

Rihanna in 2011

Sources: Genealogy of Rihanna – https://www.geni.com

Death record of Rihanna’s paternal great-grandparents, Stanley Fitzherbert Fenty and Hilda Olga Coppin – http://www.findagrave.com

Obituary of Rihanna’s maternal grandmother, Clara Viola Venetta (Johnson) Brathwaite – http://downesandwilson.com


Curious about ethnicity

906 Responses

  1. mexicangurl says:

    to wtf:

    wtf ur just another big fat asshole being racist to evryone everyone is diffrent deal with it.

    calling ppl ugly wont make u beautiful.

    YA EXACLY WTF u might wanna say ur the wtf here no one asked u geez.

  2. blackmon says:

    I don’t like her music ,I miss real R and B like in the early 90s .She is ugly with shes not dressed up .

  3. Misty Jean says:

    If black people were ugly, why are non blacks having children with them?

  4. Wtf says:

    To ash:well I say that the only reason those mixed people are good looking is because they are mixed with black.However that sound just as dumb as what you said

  5. princesspink says:

    damb stop being so ignorant people shes not jus black she gyaneese and some other stuff so is melonie fiona and leona lewis u only say you black if thats really your only ethnicity but if its not then dont jus say you ethnicity is black cause its not repsect your othe ethnicitys damb its like yall saying if somebody got some % of black in them then thats the only ethnicity they are and thats whats dumb and ignorant about some of yalls comments

    • diamond says:

      afro gyaneese so shes black it is what it is

      • WTF says:

        What with this self-hating black stuff?A white person can be mixed under the sun,but he/she looks white,then they are called white,and everything is fine with the world.However when a black person is like that and is called black,it’s WW3.They start yelling I’m not just black,don’t you call me that,I hate being seen as that.Look on this side of the world,well actually all over the place now.Black people like Rihanna are no where near unique.So if I call you black,All it means at least to me is that your outward appearance shows more of your Afro-heritage,no one is forgetting about your other heritages.But like others have said on here,your wearing a sign that says what other things you are.So relax,people calling you that (bad word aka BLACK)are not trying to hurt.

        Or maybe you guys can get a bumper sticker,put it on your car or something saying:

        I’m not just black,so don’t call me that

        Otherwise until people views change,your just going to have to learn to deal

        • Gemini says:

          I have heard very little of the view from which you speak. If a white person were mixed with anything under the sun everyone would believe it but the minute someone like Rihanna or with similar heritage says he/she is mixed everyone denies it and says he/she is black. Even if that mixed person, who looks white, looks like they are 100% European, its as if they have more of a claim to their admixtures than someone who has darker skinned. You make it seem as though its the other way around. People(even you) still call Rihanna black though she is mixed just like people call Tom Welling white though he is mixed. Same goes for Obama, Tiger Woods, and Keanu Reeves. Mixed people in general are nowhere near unique, they are as common as “monoracial” people. Eurocentrists and Afrocentrists always want to make it seem as though they are being victimized when in actuality we’re all acting like helpless children throwing the blame at one another. The only one sided view I see is yours and people with views like yours.

          • wtf says:


            you haven’t been on here that long have you?because the subject has played out a number of times.Prince william for example,the only part people ever complain about is his african heritage,same for johnny depp.I can’t remember the other celebs names.They’re are forever yelling how whites are a 1000% white,that only black people have mixture to them,your telling me you haven’t seen this on here.I see it all the time,one person actually said that mixing didn’t happen until recently,because white people didn’t find black people attractive.Now saying someone is black is not denying their heritage.When I first saw rihanna,I didn’t go who is this mixed chick.The reason why is because I see people like her all the time,in the mirror for example.To me black is not a dirty word,it’s more than the color of skin.Peopl around me all saw rihanna as a black girl,and it wasn’t because they were evil.It simply because we grew up around all colors of black people who says they are black.No was ever mad about being called that.So we see things different,but I’m not a bad guys,I not trying to deny her other bloodline.I’m just going by what I grew up to recognize as a black person,and she falls into that group.Now I do understand people were brought up different,but I’m not a bad man because my views differ from you.I mean I will call whatever she would ask to be called,the same way I would do for a black skin person who is mixed with 5 things,but is dark.Also I said mixed people are not unique

            Now these other celebs,Reeves I didn’t know he was mixed,I thought he was just white.However you have to cut me some slack,he is a guy and I’m not checking him out like that.Tiger is more obvious,and very vocal about his ethnicity,while rihanna isn’t as far as I know.

            Also about Afrocentrics,you might want to give them a little bit more credit than saying they just throw blame.Without them ,black people would know next to nothing about ourselves,because Eurocentric aren’t going tell us anything.I mean most of the things we know are because of them,inbetween the blame game,they do teach

          • Gemini says:

            To WTF

            No Ive been on this site for a while now and I have not seen that argument posed. Making an assumption about one’s ethnicity is fine but telling that person who or what they are does not make it a definite fact. I am African American as well and I have self identified as such since birth. But to tell Rihanna or anyone else who chooses to acknowledge their heritage that they are not mixed makes you no better than those ignorant careless fools who seek to deny the African or black ancestry of those people as if they are being infected with the disease of “blackness”.
            When I first saw Rihanna, I did not acknowledge her as a race by asking “who’s this black chick?” but for the sake of this arguement I will say that when I first saw her I knew she was black. Her African heritage is very obvious, which is her phenotypical appearance. Her phenotypical appearance has nothing to do with her genotypical(genetic) makeup. And yes I do agree there is nothing wrong with being called black or thinking that someone is black but telling them who they are is not your place nor is it mine. Identification is up to the individual.
            The gender of the person has very little to do with ethnicity. Keanu Reeves is Eurasian but clearly the white shows a lot more than the Asian. His Asian ancestry is about as significant or even greater than Rihanna’s white ancestry but neither show mant phenotypical traits but that has very little to do with their actual genetic makeup.
            And a lot of Afrocentrics are no better than Eurocentrics. They show their bias and want to prove how much better their race is as opposed to the other. I’m sure you only believe Eurocentrics are evil due to their demonization by Afrocentrics who have chosen this method to counter Eurocentric arrogance.

          • WTF says:

            @ gem

            Well I can tell you this,they have happen.Now we have a misunderstanding,I not telling anyone what they have to be.Now you say,(People(even you) still call Rihanna black ).That’s what I(personally)see her as,because that’s how I was raised.Like I said I can look in a mirror,and see a mixed blood like rihanna(except I’m a guy).People around me all colors proudly answering to black.However that’s just how I see her,I’m not telling her that’s what she has to be,I don’t do that to anybody.She may be what she wants to call herself,it’s not my business.If I actually ever met her,I would simply call her by her name.If I was going to try and control,her self Identity would be the last thing I would worry about,she’d be my love slave,i wouldn’t care what she called herself. Also saying you are black,to me is not the same as saying your not mixed,I’ve met a straight up black person in my life.I don’t go down the street yelling hey black person.However I know that when I see a black person here,I know they are most likely mixed with something else,but no black person I have ever met has gotten mad about being called that,if they did they never spoke of it.But like she and whoever else is free to call themselves what they wish,I’m not mad at them.

            Now Keanu Reeves,the first I saw him was in that movie(excellent adventure),and i thought he was a nutty white boy,I was trying to check him out that much,and at the time I didn’t know anything,so to me he was just white

            Now maybe there are Afrocentrics like that,but there are those who teach you things.Now see that a bit of and insult, your giving me no credit for having a mind of my own,that I can’t form my own opinion(but I’m not angry )because I know that’s not what you meant.I do check things out on my own,then I form my opinion

          • letlhogonolo says:

            @wtf what are you?

          • Wtf says:

            @let:What do you mean?

          • Me! says:

            let.. something asked you what are you.. she/he meant what race are you.. are you White, Black.. or something ;)

          • WTF says:


            I see myself as black

          • NightStarrywayto1971 says:

            a lot of americans are uncouscious racists… it’s so deeply in their subcouscious …they don’t even know that they don’t use the right word when it’s time to talk about mixed up races… It even does not exist as concept for a lot of people out there…
            I think it’s quite cynical…

            In nearly everywhere in Europe (xpt maybe the eastern europe) they recognize you as half black half white … that you are mixed up… i think it’s a mark of respect…to not denyin’ a part of what you are…
            This is one of the reason why i’m not a fan of the USA when it’s time of The Olympic games or whatever is the competition…

          • wtf says:


            Are you talking to me?

          • wtf says:


            You talk about not being a fan of american,but what all those places where being black or dark is almost a crime.It’s the last thing people want to be seen as.The U.S isn’t the only place racism is,try the entire world.People all talk about how racism is here,but refuse to see it in their country,because maybe they are not the target.I often heard people say we don’t do that here,but that’s only because it’s not done to you

          • wtf says:

            correction:what about all those places

          • total23 says:

            I Believe The American Racism Are More Broad casted Then Racism In Other Countries (I’m Not Saying That Other Countries Racism Are Not Broadcasted). Too Be Honest It Seems America Has A Lot Of Citizens Who Are Racist, (No Offense, But For Example Barack Obama, And Tiger Woods) But, I Am Aware That America Is Not The Only Country That Has Racism! There Is Also England, And Every-other Countries; Especially The Ones With Admixture Citizens!
            The Reason Why I Say America Seems To Have A Lot Of Racism, Is Because I Have Been To A Lot Of Forums, And Most Users Who Go On Those Forums Are American (I Know This Because, There Is A Section In A Forum That Allows Guest To Introduce Their selves). And Those American Users Usually Make A Topic About Racism And Then Stuff Happens Because Of The Wrong Thing That A User Says, Then WW3!

            I Am Not Saying That There Aren’t Anny Non American Users On Those Forums, It’s Just That There The More Frequent Ones!

            I Am Not Saying My Country, Canada, Does Not Have Racism (Because It Does) It’s Usually Nothing Really Serious!

            Forgive If I Have Offended You!

            Please Don’t Get Upset With Me!

          • total23 says:

            Yeah, I Know Some White People Living In England Hate Race Mixing Because There Race Is Being Mix With Another Race! I Saw That An A Documentary Once!

          • fuzzybear says:

            @ total

            they’ve always been mixing,I don’ know why they are mad now

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