Nuno Bettencourt
Birth Name: Nuno Duarte Gil Mendes Bettencourt
Place of Birth: Praia da Vitória, Terceira, Azores, Portugal
Date of Birth: 20 September, 1966
Ethnicity: Azorean Portuguese
Nuno Bettencourt is a Portuguese-American guitarist, singer, songwriter, and record producer. He is the lead guitarist of American rock band Extreme.
Nuno is the son of Aureolina (da Cunha Gil de Ávila) and Ezequiel Mendes Bettencourt. His brother is musician, songwriter, and music producer Luís Gil Bettencourt. His family moved to Hudson, Massachusetts, U.S., when he was four. Nuno has two children, including actress Bebe Bettencourt, with his wife, Australian singer and songwriter Suze DeMarchi.
Nuno’s maternal grandfather was named Manuel Gil de Ávila.
Nuno’s maternal grandmother was named Firmina da Cunha.
now thats a portuguese man with considerable moorish influence, interesting portuguese people from the azores are usually darker than mainland portuguese natives, since theres no indigenous azorian peoples, must be a matter of coincidence that the majority of portuguese people with moorish influence departed from the mainland towards the azores
Sorry, but just a misleading pic to fool ingenuous people like you. He is just a regular long-headed, slender, Mediterranean looking Portuguese. I could see him as Greek also.
Jack Black is a shortish fat guy…nothing Mediterranean about him. Affleck yes has Med influence like a good chunk of British Isles/Western European descendants, but generally called “Atlantid” given the Northern influence as well.
You are as ingenuous as the other nutcase of @jonasbettencourt.
Secondo me te hai problemi alla vista, o sarai mica per caso rossa di capelli che vedi il resto del mondo come Arabo?
IMAO an american calling anyone ingenuous gotta be the most ironic thing ever… Just a quick reminder that you guys think that Pedro Pascal is a ”person of colour”, while John Torturro is widely considered a full white man with pure italian ancestry…No, thats not a misleading picture, and no he is not a ”He is just a regular long-headed, slender, Mediterranean looking Portuguese”, cuz, first of all, PORTUGUESE PEOPLE ARE NOT MEDITERRANEAN AND THEY DON’T LOOK LIKE THEM, whatever ”med-looking” means, in case you dont know, the countries around the med-sea are wildly different from each other, with incredible diversity, and also Portugual is not a med-country, is atlantic like the brittsh isles(have you ever looked at the map? LOL). So to say such thing you have to be the ingenuous one, also there’s not enough mixing with spaniards to suggest the portuguese are somehow also ”ethnically” med. Nuno is clearly one of the few MOORISH influenced portugueses in present day, average portuguese is not like him at all, classic portuguese phenotype varys from something like footballer Bruno Fernandes, to late singer Roberto Leal. The Portuguese are nearly, mostly, unmixed celtiberian people, many scots, welsh, and the irish resemble so much southern euros, especially the portuguese, cuz they are all the result of ancient indo-european tribes that, for the large part, remained unmixed with other euro ethnicities.
are these pics also ”misleading”? Take a look:–nuno-bettencourt-yahoo.jpg
now classic celtiberian portuguese people:×608/top/smart/
Nuno is way too brown-ish, has an way too big and wide nose and way too big lips to be classic celtiberian portuguese
take a look at him close to italian Steve Vai and british brian May:
notice how Nuno is darker and has more broad features, he is even more ”ethnic” than an italian, clear indicator of moorish admixture. Average celtiberian portuguese would not stood out like that
Anyway, Bettencourt is a rockstar and cant be seen as an average person, but he’s not that off for a Portuguese person.
Stop posting weird Portuguese examples for your agenda, there are still plenty of sellable. Western Euro looking Portuguese types like Carlos Tavares who probably you dont even know.
@jonas bettencourt
You are Brazilian so leave the Portuguese alone. Though Portugal do not stands on Mediterranean sea, their population is physically very Mediterranean looking on average, mixed with strong Cro-Magnoid influence (“Berid” in outdated anthropology). There are Med-influenced people as north as to Scotland, so this is not correlated with geography. I perfectly know the map, Portugal is a foot out of Morocco and it’s enjoyed by Brits as cheap holiday destination even in off season, because weather is alwais mild. As a whole, Portuguese and British people are worlds apart for various reasons.
Also in the pics of Portuguese crowds you posted, there were some unique looking people (even kids) because Portugal is peripheral from Euro core and just bordered by Spain.