Jennifer Lopez

Lopez in 2010, kathclick/

Birth Name: Jennifer Lynn Lopez

Place of Birth: The Bronx, New York City, New York, U.S.

Date of Birth: July 24, 1969

Ethnicity: Puerto Rican [Spanish, likely Taíno and African]

Jennifer Lopez is an American singer, songwriter, actress, dancer, producer, and television personality. Her roles include Blood and Wine, Selena, Out of Sight, The Cell, The Wedding Planner, Shall We Dance?, Hustlers, and Anaconda, among many other films.

Her parents, Guadalupe Rodríguez and David López, are Puerto Rican. Her sister, Lydia Lopez, is a journalist. Jennifer is married to actor and filmmaker Ben Affleck. She has two children with her former husband, singer, songwriter, record producer, and actor Marc Anthony, who is also Puerto Rican. Her sister is DJ Lynda Lopez.

A picture of Jennifer with her parents can be seen here.

Jennifer’s maternal grandfather was named José Julio Rodríguez y Febres (the son of a father surnamed Rodríguez, and of Justina Febres).

Jennifer’s maternal grandmother was Julia Rivera y Rosado (the daughter of Vicente Rivera y Rivera and María Rosado y Rodríguez). Julia was born in Jayuya, Jayuya, Puerto Rico. Vicente was from Ponce, the son of Valentín Rivera y Rivera and Narcisa Rivera y Rivera. Valentín and Narcisa were born with the same paternal and maternal family names. Jennifer’s great-grandmother María was the daughter of Antonio Rosado and Rodulfa Rodríguez.

Source: Genealogy of Jennifer Lopez (focusing on her mother’s side) –

Lopez in 2008, photo credit: Urbanworld Film Festival


Curious about ethnicity

694 Responses

  1. levangelista36 says:


  2. sashafierce564 says:

    She looks so beautiful in this image im so jealous she so photogenic. And she is puerto-rican. I don’t understand of this site. They tell you what they races are and you think what you wanna think because of some idiotic thought. So IRGORANT.!!!!!

  3. Over9000 says:

    For fucks sake, any idiot just has to look at Jlo and see that she has African ancestry. Just look at her features! and this is coming from a White Australian girl who’s never met an actual Latin-American woman before, but when i see Jlo in movies, i can tell that she is mixed with Native, Black and White. It’s not that hard to tell. Stop arguing over it. A lot of Puerto Ricans have African ancestry and some even have Native ancestry (Yes I’ve done my research. DNA tests have been done on the population). The point is, no one knows whether she really does have African in her (She looks it though) unless she gets a DNA test done!

    • Over9000 says:

      Stop being so damn arrogant and racist people!

      • DaTruth says:

        The only people who are upset are some white people over9000…. Who the hell is going to sit here and deny the African influence in Puerto Rico? That’s one of the first places that MANY slaves were taken BEFORE North America…. The whole island is known for their admixture….

    • gladrosar says:

      Madam, before you speak, get better educated. I am very white Puerto Rican. My family married between them. That mean I am 100% white puerto rican. It is true some people mix with native american and/or black people. But not all the population did it. The same happen in USA. I saw black tribes in Australia.
      It is almost certain you have black on you. The way you speak sound like you do not like latin people at all. Latin could be a white person, black person, indian person, etc. Australia have, black, white and indian. Come over here to test your DNA SAMPLE. By the way, Jennifer is a beautiful person. Her personality make her more beautiful.

      • gladrosar says:

        I forgot to mention this is a reply to the white?????? australian over 9000.
        Sorry boboo . Give me your DNA.
        I already test mine. We did not mix.
        But our new generation started mixing our blood
        But I have children with a mestizo guy. I love my children dearly, They are very beautiful , more than if they were only of one race.


      • Over900000 says:

        Well i sense a little bit of racism here… Your comment makes you sound like an arrogant Eurocentrist. I do not “almost certain” have Black in me (as far as i know anyway). I am an all White Australian girl. Do you realise the chances of you being part Black are much higher than mine? Even if I did have African in me, what’s wrong with that? I’m almost certain that you didn’t read my comment properly because i never said that ALL Puerto Ricans have Native and African ancestry, did i? Even you can’t know for sure just by the way your family looks. You have to get a DNA test to know for sure.. but i don’t mean to sound like i think i know every single Puerto Rican’s ancestry. I’m just saying that the chances of Jlo having Native and African ancestry are high because of the way she looks. I don’t know why people are denying it. Well i guess i do….

      • Over900000 says:

        Lol how could i dislike Latin people if i’m part Latin European myself? I find your culture very interesting and diverse.. and i love the Spanish language!

  4. MariGarcia says:

    If you dressed/styled black Puerto Ricans, black Dominicans, black Mexicans and black Americans all the same in a photo, you would never be able to tell them apart. That’s a fact.

  5. MariGarcia says:

    Puerto Ricans, Dominicans and other hispanics/Latinos are a mix of Spainard, African Slave and Native (“Indio”) Blood. That’s a fact. However, those who are ashamed of their African slave blood, try to pretend that it is just Spainard and Indio but that is obviously not the case no matter how loud or how much they scream it. Mexican’s too have African Ancestry. Infact, the Second President of Mexico Vincente Guerrero was of African Slave ancestry. He was a mix of Indio and Spainard and yes African slave blood. That is why the first thing he did was to outlaw slavery in Mexico. He se all slaves free and the penalty for enslaving anyone Indians of Africans was DEATH. Many Mexicans act like they have never seen a black person until they came to America when in fact there are more than 2million black mexicans in mexico and counting. Ever been to Vera Cruz or Oaxaca? And, I’m not talking a hint of Black like JLo. I’m talking AA black; kinky hair and all; More like Zoe Saldana (minus the relaxer). If it you dressed/styled them all the same in a Photo, you would know the difference just looking at them who was Mexican, Dominican, Puerto Rican or American. So get real people. It is what it is and “Mo better makes it Mo better”.

    • Over9000 says:

      Why are there so many dislikes?

    • Hope Moretti says:

      SHUT UP! Northern Mexicans are whiter than Southern Mexicans. I’m from the North of Mexico. Here in the North and Center of Mexico is very rare to see a black person. Here in the North you won’t find a lot of indigenous. In Mexico is so RARE to see a black person. Especially in the North of Mexico. Just because the majority of Mexicans in America but no all of them are the Southern Mexicans. Doesn’t mean we are all like them.

      • leslie2 says:

        Thank you. I dislike theses know-itall who try to claim everyone has a drop of whatever race is in their birth country when it is not true. Like white and blacks claiming 90% of them have Native ancestry when that is not true either. Similar cases, different countries.

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