
Hi all,

Please leave some suggestions below on how this site could be improved. Any ideas/criticisms are welcome.

1,891 Responses

  1. jackson9 says:

    Ethnic, Andrew, or Passingtime. please add Karen Cliche.

  2. andrew says:


    Add Banksy

  3. jackson9 says:

    @Follers why did you delete my comment on Zac Efron? And why did you delete actress Kristin Best? I think I deserve an explanation for both!

  4. Oaken05 says:

    May I humbly suggest that as we add new entries and update older ones that where we know which parent has which ancestries, we divide them by mother and father? Makes things clearer and easier. We already have many pages structured like this, but there appears to be no standard. Thanks!

  5. jackson9 says:

    Hi Ethnic, was it you who recreated the SoDiverse website recently or was that someone else? If it was you, I wanted to say thanks a lot much appreciated. Regardless, hope you’re doing well.
    Sincerely, Bearboy/Jackson9

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