Paula Patton

Patton in 2011, photo by s_bukley /

Birth Name: Paula Maxine Patton

Place of Birth: Los Angeles, California, United States

Date of Birth: December 5, 1975

*father – African-American
*mother – German, English, smaller amount of Dutch

Paula Patton is an American actress. She is known for her roles in the films Hitch, Idlewild, Déjà Vu (2006), Jumping the Broom, Precious: Based on the Novel ‘Push’ by Sapphire, Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol, 2 Guns, Warcraft, and Sacrifice (2019).

Her father, Charles Patton, is black. Her mother, Joyce (Van Raden), who is white, has German, English, and at least 1/16th Dutch, ancestry. Paula has identified herself as Black. She has stated:

I find it [the term “biracial”] offensive. It’s a way for people to separate themselves from African-Americans… a way of saying ‘I’m better than that.’ I’m black because that’s the way the world sees me. People aren’t calling Barack Obama biracial. Most people think there’s a black president.

Paula has a son with her former husband, singer and songwriter Robin Thicke.

Paula’s maternal grandfather was Benjamin Alexander Van Raden, Jr. (the son of Benjamin Van Raden and Grace Read Alexander). Paula’s grandfather Benjamin was born in New York. Paula’s great-grandfather Benjamin was born in Nebraska, the son of Carl Edward Holeman Van Raden, whose father was Dutch and whose mother was German, and of Louisa Bergman, whose parents were German. Paula’s great-grandmother Grace was born in New York, and had English ancestry. Grace was the daughter of Robert Read Alexander and Laura Davis, who were from Massachusetts.

Sources: Genealogy of Paula’s maternal grandfather, Benjamin Alexander Van Raden, Jr. –

Obituary of Paula’s maternal grandfather, Benjamin Alexander Van Raden, Jr. –

Marriage record of Paula’s maternal great-grandparents, Benjamin Van Raden and Grace Read Alexander –

Paula’s maternal great-grandfather, Benjamin Van Raden, on the 1910 U.S. Census –

Paula’s maternal great-grandmother, Grace Read Alexander, on the 1900 U.S. Census –

Paula’s maternal great-great-grandparents, Carl Edward Holeman Van Raden and Louisa Bergman, on the 1880 U.S. Census –


Curious about ethnicity

478 Responses

  1. mixedgirl says:

    When you people say/post statements like: “I get so tired of seeing some of the most beautiful black women on the arm of the white slavemaster” you know that person is ignorant & probably racist themselves..I mean seriously, GROW UP and get a grip….. PPL like you DO hold humanity back.

    Emmanuela, IF you went to college, it didn’t do any good and you should ask for a refund….
    I know I shouldn’t dignify such ignorance with a response but I couldn’t help myself!
    You two are atrocious and should be ashamed of yourselves!

  2. actressintraining says:

    Obviously most black women are not JUST BLACK.. thats what makes the BLACK RACE so different and beautiful we are considered to be every mixed group.,,, black/white… black/hispanic…black/indian…black/asian…etc..

    PERIOD. that’s probably why she doesn’t get caught up in the whole “i’m mixed” thing because hell….most of us are…so why not just say BLACK… all the colors mixed together:)

  3. AP says:



    #1) There is NO SUCH THING as a so-called
    “Light Skin Black” / “Light Skinned Black” person;_ylt=AjwuxYj8agKY7yGgqaJ7i.Xty6IX?qid=20070704121228AA7ZMsA&show=7#profile-info-ezQwEaJLaa

    #2) The ALLEGED ‘Light-Skinned Favored’
    (at least on the ‘continental’ United States);=13

    #3) The ALLEGED prevalence of Colorism-inspired
    “FEATURES TESTS” ARE also proven MYTHS
    (at least on the ‘continental’ United States);=14

    #4) For more information on this topic,
    please feel free to direct contact ‘A.P. Gifts’
    at the email address of [email protected]



    — Source: AP Gifts, © ARR, 2010
    email: [email protected]


  4. B.E. says:

    I agree with MSM. Racism still exists and it’s never going to NOT exist. You should hear what ppl are saying about the Haitians during these hard times for them. Saying why are Americans donating to Haiti when we didn’t donate during Katrina. How stupid is tht? I think mixed couples are so cute, wonderful and beneficial. We need diversity. If there was a disease tht killed a kind of person and everyone was the same we would all die.

  5. MB says:

    Emmanuela you are so freaking stupid. I’m white, my parents and grandparents are from Greece. In America, my lineage only goes back to the 1940’s when my family immigrated here. So, does that mean that my family was responsible for American slavery just because we are white?? We weren’t even in America during that time! Same for many many white people! The Greeks and my ancestors were salve of the Ottomon Empire (Turks) for 400 years until the mid 1800’s so does that mean I have to go around still whining and crying about that? Get over yourself and move on and quite playing the blame game it’s not going to get you anywhere. Almost every culture of people has been demeaned or enslaved or used or whatever at some point in history. It is not OK and as a human race we should learn from our mistakes. However, the most important thing we can learn is how to move on from it and how we react and act as a culture beyond that is the real tell all as to the success of one’s culture, being African American, European, Mexican, etc. etc.

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