George Lopez

Lopez in 2009, Joe Seer /

Place of Birth: Mission Hills, Los Angeles, California, United States

Date of Birth: April 23, 1961

Ethnicity: Mestizo Mexican

George Lopez is an American comedian, actor, and television personality. He was the host of the show Lopez Tonight from 2009 to 2011.

His father, Anatasio Lopez, was a Mexican emigrant, from Nayarit. His mother, Frieda, was born in Los Angeles, of Mexican descent. George has a daughter, actress Mayan Lopez, with his former wife Ann Serrano.

George’s paternal grandparents were named Francisco Lopez and Josefa.

George’s maternal grandfather was John Hernandez (the son of Pedro Hernandez and Raphaela Vargas). John was born in California, to parents from Leon, Guanajuato, Mexico.

George’s maternal grandmother was Benita N. Torres (the daughter of Alfonso Torres and Manulea Mares). Benita was born in California. Manuela was born in Santiago Apostol, Silao, Guanajuato, Mexico, the daughter of Lucio Mares and Maria Guadalupe Héras. George’s step-grandfather was named Refugio Gutierrez.

A DNA test whose results were displayed on the show Lopez Tonight (2009) stated that George’s genetic ancestry is:

*55% European
*32% Native American
*9% East Asian
*4% Sub-Saharan African

The exact accuracy of the DNA tests on Lopez Tonight has been questioned by genealogist Megan Smolenyak Smolenyak.


Curious about ethnicity

216 Responses

  1. azuly24 says:

    I am very proud to be Mexican and Mestiza. I been researching my genealogy and I find that as Mestiza as I look (morena clara) I have more Spanish blood than Indian blood and I think that goes for most Mexicans. My mother’s family are criollos (White Mexicans) from Mexico city as far back as I can trace them at around the 1700s and my father’s family are mestizos from Guanajuato. I am not ashamed of my Spanish or Indian blood. I think people say that the morenitos are discriminated against, but I know my mom has been somewhat discriminated in Mexico city by others because she was white with blondish hair as a child and yet her family is just as Mexican as any other. Now living in the US, some people are surprised that my mother is Mexican by the way she looks. You can watch the video I made about my Mexican genealogy here:

    • hassan says:

      actually more mexicans have native american blood than european blood….mexico is 36% native american, at least 50% mixed (native and european) and the rest european…clearly native american blood dominates in mexico

  2. sashafierce564 says:

    On george lopez he only claim to be mexican

    • fuzzybear44 says:

      To sasha

      Well that’s what a mexican was,or is.All the things his mix with,is what jose vasconcelos wanted in his La raza cósmica (The Cosmic Race)

      • fuzzybear44 says:

        To whomever gave the thumb down,look the stuff up.You’ll see all I did was give a fact.I’m not saying all mexicans are like this,but before the great flood of white Europeans came(in the last 80yrs),there were a good amount who were and still are.

  3. Jarocho4338 says:

    Not only am I a non white Mexican, I am also a student of colonial Mexico history. History reminds me of all the terrible things the Spanish did to dark people of Mexico. After killing millions of Indigenous with their smallpox they then imported close to 500,000 W. African slaves to Mex. With 500 years of miscegenation and oppression which created the modern Mexican. Anyone who can trace their roots back to colonial Mexico more than likely has all 3 colonial bloods. There may be exceptions but I’d say they, the european Mexican (aka white Mexican descends from the peninsulares that ran north after losing to General Vicente Guerrero, N. Americas first black president, 1821) The spanish and their 100 european descendentss always remind me of all the pain they caused my ancestors and all the pain they continue to bring upon modern day Mexicans of color. I also think of our counterparts of S. America, Central America and the islands of El Caribe. I remember as a child hearing how the light haired, white Mex. kids were called the pretty kids while we, dark kids were ugly Negritos, prietitos. I know we all have spanish blood but I’ve always thought of any spanish blood of mine to be as the abusive parent. I don’t have any pride for the people who caused so much pain and continue to cause pain to all dark Mexicans with their racial remarks that they claim are terms of endearment. When I hear one of the white Mexicans call a dark Mexican Negro or prieto it pisses me off because I know they say that to make themselves feel superior. BASTA YA! Another european people of Mex. who I have no love for are the germans that immigrated to Mex. during the 1860‘s. They can’t trace their roots to colonial Mex. so I feel they have nothing coming. These are the ones called hueros aka whiteboys. You know them when you see them, they have light hair, red hair, blonde hair and pale white skin or sunburned red skin….

  4. Alice says:

    I’m Mexican and proud. We call ourselves “Mexicans” because we are mixed with so many blood from other countries, immigrant from Asian, African, European, and some Native Indians from America, and those Native Indigenous in Mexico. Yet that doesn’t mean we have all of those traits. People shouldn’t assume that because there was African slaves in Mexico doesn’t mean that ALL Mexicans have African blood, or all Mexicans have Asian as well. Tho the majority of Mexico is mixed w/ Amerindian blood doesn’t mean that all Mexican have dark skin, they have a large color range that goes from light white skin to dark African skin. Read a book people please. I’m not surprise that ignorance still exist, but I am that still so many people just assume who Mexicans really are.

    • littleman says:

      Majority of mexicans are just natives. Their is mestizo but very small percentage. Their is also white but that is even more small percentage. And their is no African anccestry dark mexicans are just dark indios because they decent from olmecs and mayans that were dark indians.

      • Jocelyn says:

        This is Alice, but I had to change my account name. I agree on one thing ONLY. Most of Mexicans are the Native Indigeous (sp?) and some Natives are not mixed with the European blood, but most are. Mexico has as much diversity as America, there are MANY Asians, Africans, and European, the problem is that everybody doesn’t know that, and assume Mexicans are just dark and native because of media, and Hollywood movies (which tells you nothing). Like Sofia Vergara, who is Columbian with natural light skin and blonde hair, but what did she have to do to get into showbiz? Become the stereotypical Latina women, that includes dying her hair black and tanning her skin. Actually, African blood in Mexicans is the smallest of all ethnicity,but I know many Mexicans who have African blood; White European and Indigenous is the largest. Because the skin color of the indigenous is as you say, “dark”, that doesn’t mean there is no African blood. Now, skin color, your only evidence is that Mexicans are dark because of native blood. Wrong, there are Mexicans who have natural dark skin, that may result from both Indigenous AND African. WHAT ELSE? Mexico is very hot, so Mexicans get their skin tanned, especially those with light skin. That’s where your ignorance shows. From my dad side of the family, most of the family members are light-skin, with possibly little Asian blood.

    • cinnamongirlz says:

      Only the most recent blood may have none of that beautiful African heritage. But read what Jarocho4338 has said and see for yourself what George Lopez found out. Old and original, colonial Mexican ancestry flaunts African DNA and plenty Chinese too.

      • Jocelyn says:

        I agree with you cinnamongirlz, I don’t know why your comment is getting negatives. African heritage is beautiful. The most recent blood doesn’t have much African blood, now the most recent bloods are coming from other European countries like France, Germany, and Poland, and Asian countries as well mostly from China, Japan, and Vietnam. I also absolutely agree with Jarocho4338.

    • John says:

      I agree. I’m not Mexican, but if anyone really wants to find out where they can trace their roots, they really need to get a DNA test. Up until recently, everyone just assumed Mexicans were just “Mexicans”, but it’s far more complicated than that. Mexico really is a nationality, not an ethnicity, although many of the people possess the same lineage. There was an African element that was introduced from slavery in some of the people (not all), the Amerindian/Mestizo element, the Spanish/European element, the Asian element, and there’s also immigrants from other European countries that formed settlements in Mexico, as well. There’s a lot of German immigrants in Mexico, as well as, Brazil. Most Mexicans possess the combination of Amerindian/Mestizo, Spanish, and Asian. The only variable is the amount of each. For instance, a Mexican that possesses 75% Spanish blood and 25% Amerindian blood will look VERY different form a person who possesses the reverse percentage. That’s why some Mexicans looks so dark (majority Amerindian), and some look so light (majority Spanish and/or Asian). judging from George’s looks, I would say this man is at least 90% Amerindian/Mestizo, if not all. His skin tone and facial features look extremely Native American.

  5. Takemeflying says:

    It’s annoying when blacks say Mexicans are blacks ewww hell no… I’m Mexican and do not look black at all I’m light skinned with light brown hair And my family also looks like that we look more European then anything specially my younger sister she looks white… Blacks are just loud and rude!!!

    • jo says:

      You are mestizo. Live with it and stop pretending you’re “European” ’cause you ain’t. You’re a brown mestizo latina.

      • Lol says:

        It didn’t seem like that person was claiming she was European she was just announcing that Mexicans don’t look black which I agree im very light Mexican my self and don’t look nothing black :)

        • Jarocho4338 says:

          this is for Lol: You are speaking of photypeappearance) which has very little to do with a persons makeup. Everyone reeives one alle from each parent. Ex. One parent black, one white. Child receices at birth, one alle from each and depending on which alle is the dominant one is what deyermines the childs phennotype aka appearance. If the white parent donates the dominant alle then this child will have an appearance of a white person though the child is of both bloods. Going back to the Mexican phenomena of colonial times. Mexico’s northern and central areas were studied by Stanford University in the year 2000 and dna tests confirm that 75% of northern and central Mexican population have an African admixture ranging from 3%-12% with the remaining % being of either Indigenous or european dna. The reaaon for northern/central Mex. having a smaller % of African dna is once Mex. won independence the spanish ran north and settled until they were able to murder President Vicente Guerrero, Mexico’s Afro Meztizo who abolished slavery in 1821. After murdering Guerrero, idu

          • Jarocho4338 says:

            Cont. from jarocho4338; After the spanish murdered our president who was of all three bloods, as most of us are that can trace back to colonial days, they, the Spanish invited germans to help “whiten” Mex. During the 1860s 20,000 german immigrants entered ‘Mex. but those 20,000 could not wipe out our African root, the third root. Today, those so called white Mexicans are descendents of those german immigrants and I personally have nothing in common with them. Just because these white Mexicans aka “hueros” were born there and speak spanish does not mean they represent us beautiful brown, dark brown almost black skinned Mexicans. All those who are not of the Mexican nationality do not think that those light-white skinned people who were born in Mex. or have that german immigrant blood, you know who they are because when they tl you that they’re Mexican you think to yourself, they don’t look like the ones I know. Just as the white europeans on Mexican television. Their television appearance makes many of us brown, dark brown almost black Mexicans feel like were not good enough and I say to all my dark skinned brothers and sisters, dont allow those european types to contrl your feelings. They controlled our ancestors with slavery. They robbed our land and they brought our black brothers and sisters to Mexico to labor for them . Five hundred years of oppression and they, the ones you call hueros

      • Chika90 says:

        Um but obviously she has more European blood in her if she’s light… So she isn’t pretending she has more European then anything…if you are very light and you are Mexican you have more European blood then mestizo… And why do u sound so angry at Mexicans.?!?!

    • You Are Annoying says:

      Who said Mexicans are blacks, ignoramus? There has always been an African presence in Mexico that Mexicans like to downplay and outright deny. The only thing you are made up of is flesh, blood, and no small amount of stupidity. Be gone.

    • Kay says:

      well as a black person i would like to say that you are being rude and stereotypical. just because black people act a certain way where you stay does not mean that has to count for the entire race. Mexican people very in skin tone just like most other races of the world.

    • Sami says:

      And Mexicans are lazy and come here only for the welfare, and smell like tapatio sauce.

    • Jarocho4338 says:

      This is for “takemeflying”: First of all being Mexican is just like being American, British ect….. Just as there are Black, White, Indigenous Americans, there are Black, White, Indigenous and mixes of the three. You sound idiotic in assuming that all Mexicans are made up of the same racial makeup. I’m of Mexican descent (nationality) but unlike you I am a beautiful dark brown with dark cuy hair. My grandfather on my mothers side was jarocho (Indigenous/Black of Veracruz. In S. Mex. the black blood is more apparent than the north. I don’t know who you are but I know of your kind. I remember seeing white Mexicans as yourself, and I never felt as if I had anything in common with light-white Mexicans. My experience has been negative with you guys. I always sense an arrogance about you “hueros”…… Personally I dont have any camaraderie with white Mexicans. Whenever I see you people Im reminded of your invasion of Mexico and all the suffering that white people of Mexico cause us dark Mexicans. Oh yeah. I said it. I resent white Mexicans. You people are the minority of Mex. yet Mexican TV is full of blonde haired blue eyed white skinned people (like your sister) and us beautiful brown, dark brown almost black Mexicans are for ed to live in poverty while you people live the life. Correction. I’ve seen some impoverished white Mexicans (when I say some, I mea. very little) Im guessing the white ruling class of Mex. considers them white trash (I think impoverished or not, all white Mexicans are not the same as us beautifully dark Mexicans. So, never attempt to speak for all Mexicans. You can speak for others who have your phenotype but dont think that just because your family speaks spanish and resides in Mex. that you and I are the same. No sir. At one time you people held us in chains. Latin people are white europeans as yourself. I never call myself latino, Im not european. Do I have european blood, some, but I also recognize my Indigenous/African blood. Not many Mexican American Chicanos acknowlege their African blood but thats because they acknowlege only what they see.Even if they know that one of their grandparents had African phenotype, if it doesn’t show in them they think it’s not there…..In closing, your family may have been born in Mex. but that does not make you a spokeperson for the majority of the Mexican nationality which ranges from brown, dark brown and Negrito……

      • prettycool says:

        I hear that a lot about lighter mexicans treating the darker mexicans like dirt, the white mexicans tend to be the wealthier ones too! that is why mexico doesn’t have a middle class really, either your poor there or rich. I just think it’s very poor and makes us mexicans as whole look so bad. I am a lighter mexican but I have both mixture in my family both dark and light skin. My grandparents are perfect example. My grandmother was dark skin, black hair, but my grandfather was light with blue eyes. To me being mexican is wonderful! I don’t care whether we are dark or light and I am sorry you encountered such horrible behavior like that. I just don’t get that concept. We are all mexican and yes we are mestizo. I did the same test george did recently and found we had the same dna markers however the my percentage was smaller in the african and east asian descent but hell I still have african and east asian blood as well as the european and native american! I think most mexicans or all mexicans have it the same 4 groups and no mexican is better than another and it disgusts me when the more european you have the better you are because to me that is bull shit!

    • Indiablack says:

      @takemeflying you are so
      Dam ignorant as hell how
      Dare you say all blacks are
      Loud and rude, thats a lie
      Your dumb ass dont even
      Know every black person
      In the world to say that, any races can be loud and rude ,like you to say tjat about all black people, yes i repeat you was rude for saying that ignorant mess about all black
      Again all i mean all races can be
      Bad and some people in all races
      Can be good people, so watch what you
      Say you sounding raciest, karma
      Is a bitch,remember that, and I believe
      Lopez test, I see he got a black
      Person nose, I dont see no indian
      In him, I only see mexican and
      Black in him, but his test revealed
      The truth, because why waste
      Money on a scam or fake test so
      Test dont lie and I believe it, some
      Times you can tell a persons race and sometimes you cant it all goes back to genetics and how far back
      The mixture goes, so good mix G. LOPEZ I LOVE YOU YOU ATE SO COOL AND FUNNY, AND A DOWN TO

    • Jocelyn says:

      If you detest Mexicans with black blood, then you are ashamed of being Mexicans, because, tho African is the smallest percent of blood Mexicans have, they are still many with that blood. It sound to me like you’ll be more happy if you where European, not Mexican because your claiming your family looks more European than ANYTHING ELSE. Does that include your true ethnicity? shame…

      • cinnamongirlz says:

        I don’t think the African blood is the smallest percentage. The Spainards had way more Africans imported into Mexico to do their work than they had Spanish Europeans residing there at the time. That is why many of them had children with the the African and Native women there. Very rarely did the Europeans bring their women with them when they were out making their fortunes in a foreign, hostile land. But hey, a human has to live and they took what was there, while oppressing it at the same time. They decimated the Native population of Mexico filled in the gaps with Africans and so it is the base population to this day. Be proud: everywhere Africans went on the planet, we helped people survive and built up their economy, don’t hate, be thankful.

        • Jocelyn says:

          Honey I was never hating, if I had African blood, I’d be proud then not hating. African is the smallest percentage in Mexico but not in other Latin countries. Do some research, most African slaves were taken to the Caribbean. Tho a lot still do reside in Mexico, the Caribbean is where most Africans were taken by Spaniards.

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