Arlene Tur

Tur in 2011, photo by kathclick/
Place of Birth: Miami, Florida, U.S.
Date of Birth: August 13, 1977
Ethnicity: Cuban [Spanish, possibly other]
Arlene Tur is an American actress, television presenter, and model. She has appeared on the shows Crash and Torchwood: Miracle Day. Her parents, Illuminada Arlene and Juan Tur, are Cuban, and moved to the U.S. as political refugees. She is fluent in English and Spanish, as well as Italian and Portuguese.
Her parents are named Juan Tur and Illuminada Arlene
She is fluent (in order) in English, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese.
Looks completely Spanish.
She looks mexican, she looks very mixed.
>”she looks Mexican”
She’s Cuban.
>”She looks very mixed”
No, she doesn’t, plain and simple:
You could always and legitimately argue that she has admixture from Euro history or Ameridian admixture, but she DOES NOT look “very” mixed.
She looks southern Spanish (Andalucian, although I will always argue that lots of Andalucians have super super light phenotypes but still)