
Shakira in 2011, photo by kathclick/
Birth Name: Shakira Isabel Mebarak Ripoll
Place of Birth: Barranquilla, Atlántico, Colombia
Date of Birth: 2 February, 1977
*father – Lebanese
*mother – Colombian, including Spanish [Castilian, Andalusian, Aragonese, Cantabrian], Indigenous, African, Catalan, Basque, Galician, Italian/Sicilian
Sakira is a Colombian singer, songwriter, dancer, record producer, model, and choreographer. Her singles include “Whenever, Wherever,” “Underneath Your Clothes,” “La Tortura,” “Hips Don’t Lie,” “Beautiful Liar,” “Waka Waka (This Time for Africa),” “Loca,” “Can’t Remember to Forget You,” “Chantaje,” “Bzrp Music Sessions, Vol. 53,” and “TQG.” She is known as the “Queen of Latin Music.”
She was born and raised in Barranquilla, on Colombia’s northern coast, the daughter of Nidia del Carmen Ripoll Torrado and William Alberto Mebarak Chadid. Her father was born in New York City, New York, U.S., and is of Lebanese descent; his family moved to Colombia when he was a child. Her mother is Colombian, born in Arenosa. Shakira’s mother’s ancestry includes Spanish [Castilian, Andalusian, Aragonese, Cantabrian], Indigenous, African, Catalan, Basque, Galician, and Italian/Sicilian. Shakira has two children, Milan Piqué and Sasha Piqué, with her former partner, Catalan professional footballer Gerard Piqué.
The name Shakira means “thankful” in Arabic. She uses Turkish-Arabic belly dancing in many performances.
Shakira’s paternal grandfather was named Alberto Mebarak Spath (the son of Moisés Isaac Mebarak and Labibe Spath S.). Alberto was born in Cartagena, Bolívar Dept, Colombia, to Lebanese emigrants, from Beirut and Zahlé, respectively. Moisés was the son of Isaac Mebarak and Marta. Labibe was the daughter of Moisés D. Spath and Marie (or María in Spanish) S.
Shakira’s paternal grandmother was Isabel Chadid Baizer (the daughter of Pedro Chadid Raide and Rosa Baizer Gandur). Isabel was born in Sincelejo, Sucre Dept, Colombia, to Lebanese parents. Pedro was the son of Tannus Shdid, later Antonio Chadid Harb, and of Sade Raide. Pedro moved to Colombia in 1895. Rosa was the daughter of Abraham Baizer and Juana Gandur.
Shakira’s maternal grandfather was Tomás Eduardo Ripoll Jiménez (the son of Cristóbal Ripoll Carrasquilla and Elena Leocadia Jiménez). Tomás Eduardo was born in Piojó, Atlántico. Cristóbal was the son of José Antonio Ripoll Ramos and Rosaura “Rosa” Carrasquilla. Elena was the daughter of an unknown father and Magdalena Jiménez.
Shakira’s maternal grandmother was Josefina Torrado Núñez (the daughter of Adriano Natividad Torrado Verjel and Mercedes Núñez). Josefina was born in Ábrego, Norte de Santander. Natividad was the son of Francisco José Torrado Carvajalino and María Victoria Verjel Torrado. Mercedes was the daughter of Milán Navarro and Ángela Núñez Pisciotti. Shakira has said that she has Italian/Sicilian ancestry from her Pisciotti line. She stated this here and here.
Shakira is a third cousin, once removed, of internet personality Manolo González.

Shakira with her parents and partner Gerard Piqué in 2013, photo by Prphotos
Sources: BBC article on Shakira’s Lebanese ancestry –
Genealogy of Shakira (focusing on her father’s side) –
Baptismal record of Shakira’s father –
Baptismal record of Shakira’s paternal grandfather, Alberto Mebarak Spath –
Confirmation record of Shakira’s paternal grandfather, Alberto Mebarak Spath –
Baptismal record of Shakira’s paternal grandmother, Isabel Chadid Baizer –
Records of some of Shakira’s father’s family –
Interview with Shakira’s father about her mother’s ancestry –
YouTube video about Shakira’s Catalan ancestry –
Family histories of Shakira’s mother –
All the celebs from Barranquilla present on this website are related :D
@ brnkyle they are cause they come from them Turkish look semitic not Europeans, and they’re culture is Arabic too.
We definitely can not consider her as Latina. She got so little native american ancestry that it is not worthy of consideration. She is full blood Mediterranean. Lebanese Arab( not Maronite) by father’s side and mostly Catalan with a little Sicilian contribution by mother’s side. She is white. At least she is definitely not woman of color.
Caucasian or caucasoid yes, white though? Most people don’t considered people of MENA/West Asian origin as white.
Pretty obvious her mother is part Amerindian. Her father I’d say he is Caucasoid, though not Euro.
Just for the record, arabs ruled over many centuries all South Italy, until they were later after a long time of dominion kicked out by others and just a very little replaced by the Normans who gave a so short and light racial and cultural insignificant government.
In fact the actual Southern Italians are almost all Arab looking, unlike you I live in Italy and I can see daily my countrymen.
No, there is not any “record”, nor “many centuries” of Arab rules over “all” S. Italy. This is frankly a bizarre trolling from someone who claimed to be Sardinian at first, considering all the jokes and stereotypes about them in Italy, and who fancies Scandinavians and Nicole Kidman as aestetic standards lol.
This goes along with all the rest of weird things you claimed, from the “Northern Spaniards” coming from Bulgarians and Romanians, to the “Baltic Slavs” (?) fetish.
Biggest nutcase ever.
He’s not completely insane, he’s just hyper focused on ancient human migration.
ndrew=jonasbttencourt 2?
You have the same way of trolling you talk —– sometime you claim Arabs are Euros and even nordics other times they’re aliens to us Euros like in fact it is, you claim to be both Italian and Finnish but you’re not both in the past you claimed you’re not Italian but you take the citizenship trough your “Italian” wife, you’re always proving you don’t know the real info about the countries and the folks you state to be your own you’re not able to talk in Italian properly you used the translator for the few phrases you wrote.
And you’re always add things people don’t say like Kidman and Scandinavians for me, instead you idealizing and nordicized Spaniards and Latinos cause you are Hispanic.
This goes along with all the rest of cocky things you claimed and then deny, from the Northern Spaniards coming from East Europe and now wondering about my real proved info about them like Bulgarians and Romanians, Dua lipa an Albanian looks Spaniard, that’s history I studied in Europe where I live unlike you who come from Usa/Latino America and I see with my eyes that is true, so many Balkan and Central Slavs look Northern Spaniards and vice versa.
I’m a Southern Italian of real ancient Northern Spaniard background Sardinians are the most Northern Spaniards of all the South, half Sardinia has the towns called in Spanish and settled by aragoneses and castillians and half Sardinians have Northern Spaniard surnames, I’m very dark brown haired and very dark brown eyed both almost black white skinned and euro faced and in Italy every Slav immigrants believe and say me I look Romanian, someone say me Serbian or Lithuanian too even if my ancestors came from Aragon and Castilla regions from Northern Spain. In fact studying their own origin you’ll know they came from Central Europe.
Yeah the huge majority of SI are Arabs another reality.
You’re part of the 99.5% uneducated users who don’t know races and never meet face to face all these people in their native countries you can’t spot them from one another.
Only a non Euro can stating she’s fully white you’re saying she’s fully European how can she be with this face and colors -apart the dyed blond hair-?!
When is was a kid her natural hair color was black and her skin was dark brown she looked Indian but then since a teen she started to dye and bleach all herself till now.
First at all Arabs so Northern Africans and Middle Easterns as race AREN’T Mediterraneans but they’e LEVANTINE they match zero to every Europeans in every way racially, culturally, ——–, as religion, apart to the ones Spaniards, Portuguese and Southern Italians of Arab roots.
She is full blood Levantine.
Me a real European living in Europe I definitely consider her as Latina and Arab, Latina American too cause she looks it a lot.
No one here in Europe can mistaken her as native European.
At least she is definitely a woman of color cause Arabs, Amerindian and dark Hispanic are part of the many black races.
You don’t know the difference between race and ethnicity.
The non white who wanna teaches identity lesson to a European like me…. aaaah!
You still don’t know the difference.
Wut? Latinidad isn’t based on raced, but shared culture. How many more times do people have to say this?
How many more times do people have to understand and learn Central and Southern Americans aren’t Europeans just cause they’re dominant related to Spaniards, and some to other Euros?
Latinos and Latins are two totally different identities apart to each other, Latins are simply the Euros who speak languages who come from Latin language so Italians, French, Portuguese, Spaniards; instead Latinos are Hispanics from South Americas.
*that come
Learn terms like mestizo and castizo. It’ll make your designations more accurate and/or more comprehensible.
LMFAO, this one of the most ridiculous comment I have read on this site, Latinos means non-white to you ????! LMAO, Do you know that tons of Latin Americans are fully or mostly European, but I guess you have a very little education, Right ?
A lot of white women actually like to tan (minus the dark/emo subculture followers)
Isn’t it how odd how things work out? A lot of people with pale skin want to tan and people with darker skin want to lighten it.
In regards to “Muricansrallmutts” comment, judging from her teenager photos, her natural hair colour is black/dark brown and she probably did lighten her skin a bit. Maybe she’s even gone under the knife; a lot of celebrities/rich people do.
I’m curious to see what Shakira’s DNA results would be. I imagine she’d score roughly 50% West Asian from her fathers side, and then from her mothers side, mostly Iberian with the rest being African and Amerindian ancestry.
I think most notably Shakira got rid of a good amount of body/facial hair she had (Levantines are known to be hairy)
So with this reply you finally admitted that you are not European.
Odd for someone alledgely from the biggest holiday resort of Med sea (Sardinia) to claim that white people prefer to be “the lightest as possibile” (?). Because you are probably naturally darker skinned in real life than young Shakira.
sorry, talented maybe but she is —!