Patrick Lew


Patrick Lew

Birth Name: Patrick Allan Lew

Place of Birth: San Francisco, California, United States

Date of Birth: November 15, 1985

Ethnicity: Taiwanese, Chinese, Japanese

Patrick Lew is an American grunge musician, songwriter, artist, and writer. He promotes his music via the internet. His solo project is known as Patrick Lew’s Band or The Lew Crue. His music is known production- and recording-wise, as chaotic and unconventionally recorded and mixed like a jigsaw puzzle. Stylistically by sound and lyrically, it is alternative rock and pop punk music, with socially conscious and idiosyncratic themes.



Curious about ethnicity

9 Responses

  1. Nadia says:

    Official Facebook for Patrick Lew Band.

    And recently, more added websites have surfaced since then related to him. Sources. (IMDB Profile)

    Just look em up on Google

  2. ethnic says:

    nathalie Im pretty sure the taiwanese aborginals are quite different to mainland Chinese. check out this page

    to Lil Vacha, Ill leave him up as I like his stuff!

  3. LiL VACHA says:

    t0 bE h0NESt EtHNiC, i d0N’t REALLy tHiNk HE SH0ULd REALLy bE 0N tHiS WEbSiTE, bECAUSE hE’S N0t REALLy A CELEbRity… i AgREE WiTH “C0URtNEy”. HE MAy bE iN A bANd bUt hE’S N0t REALLy A CELEbRity. d0 yU tHiNk y0U CAN dELEtE tHiS pR0FiLE.? hE’S N0t REALLy A CELEb. tHANKS.! =]

  4. Courtney says:

    Is this guy suppose to be famous? Never heard of him.

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