Nikolaj Coster-Waldau

Coster-Waldau in 2014, photo by
Place of Birth: Rudkøbing, Denmark
Date of Birth: 27 July, 1970
Ethnicity: Danish, some Swedish, small amount of German
Nikolaj Coster-Waldau is a Danish actor, producer, and screenwriter.
He is the son of Hanne Søborg (Coster) and Jørgen Oscar Fritzer Waldau. Nikolaj is married to Nukâka Coster-Waldau (born Sascha Nukâka Motzfeldt), a Greenlandic actress, singer, and Miss Greenland, who is of Greenlandic Inuit, Norwegian, and German descent. The couple has two children.
Nikolaj’s paternal grandfather was Oskar/Oscar Fritzer Waldau (the son of Fritzer/Fritz Andersson Nilsson/Waldau and Emmy Elisabeth Christensen). Oskar was born in Copenhagen, Denmark. Fritz was Swedish, from Ronneby, Blekinge County, Sweden, and was the son of Anders Nilsson and Elin Olsson.
Nikolaj’s paternal grandmother was Emma Viktoria Elisabeth Mathiesen (the daughter of Hans Christian Mathiesen and Caroline Mathilde Svensson). Emma was born in Nivå, Karlebo, Denmark.
Nikolaj’s maternal grandfather was Svend William Nielsen/Coster (the son of Karl Kristian Marius Nielsen and Fanny Jacobsen). Svend was born in Copenhagen, Denmark. Karl was the son of Carl Edvard Nielsen and Charlotte Olivia Coster.
Nikolaj’s maternal grandmother was named Inger Elisabeth Jensen Dollerup (the daughter of Jens Dollerup and Erna).

Coster-Waldau with wife Nukâka Coster-Waldau – “Gods Of Egypt” New York City Premiere, 2016 – Photo Credit: Rula Kanawati /
Source: Genealogy of Nikolaj Coster-Waldau –
These stereotyped Spanish names are very common on Spaniards, Portuguese, Central-Southern Americans and Filipinos and some of them on Southern Italians like Carmelo/Carmela, Rosario/Rosaria, Mario/Maria, Carmen…. in every Spanish lands.
As if I don’t already know Spaniards -and Portuguese too- are Hispanics haaah, Spaniards deny it cause they don’t accept to be related to Latin Americans they’re so ———.
Maybe you can be a Latin American living in Spain or a immigrant who feel native Spaniard not a real.
Do you actually not know how this website’s thread system works? You need some help there?
He has such a —— nose thought he’s Murican due to this nasal shape that’s nose is typical Murican not European.
Lol. Weren’t Scandinavians the epitome of your aestetic standards? You have one, here.
I never said it you always look at it whichever way you like to cover up your Hispanic ———– ——-.
Nordics are your own obsession and of your fellow other Hispanic users like NOT REALLY you and them always nordicized Spaniards, Portuguese, Central and Southern Americans cause you wannabe of a race you can’t be hahaha!
And jonasbttencourt
What’s wrong with you, man? Did you just escaped from a psychiatric hospital?
What’s wrong with you, Gonzalo? Did you just escaped from a psychiatric Hispanic hospital?
It’s so hilarious to me how this dude keeps using stereotypically Spanish names as some form of insulting Hispanic/Latin-Americans xD
Like … brother … what names do you think people have in Spain? Our president is literally called Pedro.
Also yeah I’m Hispanic, Spaniards are literally Hispanics, Spain was called Hispania during Roman rule, that’s quite literally where “Hispanic” comes from, that’s some history for ya
It really seems he has a feud with Americans lord I haven’t seen a person like him who leaves no chance to insult them LOL
She is a girl
annie is a gal.
he was so great in GOT too bad they did his character dirty
Danish, Swedish Actor playing a god of Egypt to funny
The look of a hero