Khleo Thomas

Thomas in 2011, photo by Joe Seer/
Birth Name: Khaleed Leon Thomas
Place of Birth: Anchorage, Alaska, U.S.
Date of Birth: January 30, 1989
*African-American (father)
*Sephardi Jewish (mother)
Khleo Thomas is an American actor, influencer, gamer, host, and entrepreneur. His roles include the films Holes and Roll Bounce.
Khleo was born in Anchorage, Alaska, to an African-American father and a Moroccan Jewish mother. His father was in the military, and the family lived in Germany before settling in California.
Khleo’s paternal grandmother is Mose Zell Thomas (the daughter of Simon George Thomas and Nomie Lee Massingill). Mose was born in Texas. Simon was the son of Henry Thomas and Mattie Recia/Reisa Baldwin. Nomie was the daughter of Earnest/Ernest Massengill/Massingale and Kate/Katie Anderson.
What’s the name Khleo? Khleopatra?
How can they not recognize, that you are a girl (a young
one?). Which man would tell, Bloom, Efron, Palmers etc
are pretty? Maybe a gay.
To Gottlob, it really depends on the region but I would say around 1 to 5% admixture. In parts of the Southern States like Kentucky and Tennessee, there was the tri racial Melungeons. In Louisiana there was the mix of Creoles and Creoles of color. Many mixed ppl would pass as “white” like many of Thomas Jefferson’s descendants.
I have always believed it was a small percent. Although it is more visible in the southern states of the country. Mostly White with Native American Admixture and on some occasions with some African is what a US White citizen is.
Jefferson slave lover was just 1/4 black so I presume the descendants can pass for white at their most
instead of just two people debating
He looks more Arabic than Jewish or African.
I always knew follers was black explains your self entitlement
and morrocans are a mix of african and arab and morroco is in Africa
hahaha according to you Jews are Black you are Jew embrace that you are a black man
Yes but she is Moroccan also Black and Arab.
“Family info: Khleo’s mother is a Jewish immigrant from Morocco and his father is African-American”
It was not there before should have because this site treats nationality as ethnicity most of the time.
“Family info: Khleo’s mother is a Jewish immigrant from Morocco and his dad is African-American”
It was not there before should have because this site treats nationality as ethnicity most of the time.
Psychic genealogists? You should know because you are one, you sure like to use the word probably a lot and push your opinion as fact.
“At the time, Egyptians were not Arab. They were probably black.”
“I said ancient Egyptians were black. I never said Jews are black, although they probably have some black admixture if you go back far enough (2000 plus years).”
We originated in Africa does not mean we are all African/Black.
You should probably read more closely, probably.
That’s not fact. It’s also not fact that we were all once african black. You should probably do your research, probably.
Also were you there can you say for certain Egyptians were black?
To Follers
(What, the stuff about ancient Egyptians? That doesn’t come from me, it comes from historians.)
Your right ancient Historians do say it.They always described the Egyptians as (dark brown or burned skin people aka black,with woolly to kinky hair etc.).Even modern historians like Basil Davidson said it,and he’s white
Basil Davidson is an acclaimed writer and Africanist historian. His works are required reading in many British universities. He is globally recognized as an expert on African History.
Actually this is a silly argument,the egyptians displayed themselves to many times to say they were anything but what the rest of Africa was at that time(a dark brown to black skin people).They were taken over and ruled by outside Africa cultures many times.Which made Egypt a highway for different people to come in and out.Which is where the different colors start to appear on the faces of the people
To gottlob
(That’s not fact. It’s also not fact that we were all once african black. You should probably do your research, probably.)
Well I’ve done my research.Now going by the geneticists of today,white people are only 6000 yrs old,some say 6-12,000 yrs. Now whether 6 or 12,they all agree that the pale skin mutation hadn’t taken place when people left Africa 50,000 yrs ago.Now if you disagree,take it up with them,they’re ones saying it.
(Also were you there can you say for certain Egyptians were black?)
Now the question back to you,can you say for certain ,that they were not what is called black people.Actually black is a umbrella term,most Africans are different shades of brown.As I stated before, egyptains displayed themselves,with pics and little models
Egyptians never depicted themeselves as people with woolly to kinky hair. I see no reason why they wouldn’t if this were true.
First lets get this straight.I said ancient historians(people who were there at that time),described the egyptians as having woolly to kinky hair.You denying that they displayed themselves on walls like that, only verified that you knew nothing about that civilization what so ever.Which is strange seeing you repeatedly telling (follers) to do rescreach,yet not taking your own advice.,-from-the-tomb-of-nakht,-new-kingdom.jpg
click on the pic:
The site want allow my other pics to stay,but this should be enough to prove my point.Also,I never said egyptians just displayed themselves on walls.Now as you can see,Egyptians were just like the other east Africans(very light brown to dark)
I did reply,however I’m in moderation.Either it will come on it own,or I’ll have Ethnic to put it up for me.
I give you the first one, the rest are laughable. Now were those drawn by historians or Egyptians?
Now I do realize,that the best defense in a debate is the word (NO),Which is what your doing.Again some of the pics wouldn’t stay,but those are more than enough.You didn’t see nappy hair?Since your a expert on nappy hair,can please tell me what it is supposed to look like on a 4000 yrs old Egyptian wall.Now lets see,you can’t deny the color of the Egyptians.Which proves the ancient historians were right about that.So going by you,they had to be lying about the hair.These were indigenous Africans,with the same hairstyles other Africans have,and therefore that was a very weak excuses.The historians that lied,were the ones from the 1800’s -1900’s),promoting their racist ideology.Your no better,because the only point that you proved,is that your not going to be man enough to admit your wrong.
Now you try to side track me with the Bible,I guest you more comfortable with this subject. You ask me do I believe everything I read in the Bible?
First I would ask is which version.It has been reedited so many times,I don’t know which one your talking about.You have the (King James version , the latter day saints,I think their even coming out with Jesus the college years.However my answer is no,to many problems.The curse of Ham,really?Then Jesus,feet of bronze and hair of lambs wool,what they could see the rest of him?I’m considered to be pretty intelligent,so no I don’t take anything at face value.I don’t believe everything I read.If I did ,I wouldn’t be debate you about what the Egyptians were.
No those are actually from the 6th dynasty,but at least you admit something
Couldn’t see the rest of him
Your right,but he’s arguing that they couldn’t have been what called black people,because he doesn’t see kinky or woolly hair
something else from the 6th
I’m putting these pics up one at time, to which ones will stay
stated that last year
“Darkened Caucasians” which is what I “think” we were all in one point in time. You see I highlighted “think”. This is me not pushing my opinions on others like fact and thinking I’m always right. You should probably try it sometime, probably. But you are Black NVM…
Well it obvious Caucasian doesn’t mean white,like we’ve been taught,It’s a bone structure or phenotype( I got that from a doctor),that Africans have.Two of my brothers have that phenotype
Oh btw,Idk what nvm stand for
“Darkened Caucasians” is the proper term for this debate since we are talking about ancient times/egyptians.
NVM means never mind. I got that from an American btw..
Ok see you went right to making this about race,instead of just a person disagreeing with you. I’m not going against you because I’m black,but because I have 20/20 vision.And the people on the walls look just like rest of the east Africans(which is what they were).Now if you want to say lots of east africans have a Caucasian phenotype,I want disagree
Well again going the people who actually visited the place at that time.describes them as not being what’s called Caucasian.Broad nose and full is not a Caucasian phenotype.I know your probably basing your image on the skull remain of Ramses.However what they don’t tell people,is that he ruled in the 19th Dynasty. the mixing in started it the 13th
I guess that depends on what jews your talking about.African has a couple of different groups(ethiopians,Lemba,and others)
Like I said I don’t trust hisorians, they are not 100%. I believe Egyptians were “Darkened Caucasians”.
Like I said ,so far your best defense has been the word “NO”
Why would they lie about what the Egyptians look like.Now if you mean the historians from 1800’s -1900’s,your right their not trustworthy
ok this is getting old,lets call it a night
I stated my thoughts and opinions based on things that I’ve read. I stated what I believe what Epytians were and are, same as what you are doing. You are saying NO as much as I’m saying NO. Hyprocrite much? Or maybe just a black that can’t stand disagreement? I sense anger.
Right away you turn this into a racial thing,instead just two people debating.
this site is making this into a black thing. 2 black mixes first on display and all race related discussions are about blacks. i’m just going along for the ride. black pride site where everybody is and looks black. happy? is ethnic black? it would not suprise me.
before you deny it.. .well, what exactly are you trying to prove by saying Egyptians are Black, Jews are Black, Latinos are Black, Europeans are Black etc… what do you have to gain.. ? You are a disturbing person.
BTW since you are an expert on everything black, what is the average black percentage on White Americans? Be fair and truthful now.
“I wanted to see pictures of ancient Hebrews because I think I read the pictures ranged from being dark-skinned to being blond, which is interesting and doesn’t surprise me.”
This woulnd’t suprise me either.
I have mostly been focus on the early dynasties,Hebrews can later like idk the 17th dynasty.Also the 5.5-12000yrs is what the gen’s say
I didn’t dodge you question.If you read again,I said no.Now unless your blind,those people in wall pics are not white
I never said they were white and that was not my question. Forget it you are impossible.
Ok you tell me what those people on wall are
Still looking
still looking haven’t found anything yet.Also your opinion,you think this could be real?
Morocco is in North Africa and Moroccans aren’t “black”. They’re a mix between Berbers and Arabs
they are most definitely part black, but considered Arabs.
I am European.
All I’m saying is Morrocans are part Black (known fact). Originally Arab/Berber mix. Ask anybody. And the US has many Morrocan immigrants as well.
hey man you must realize that North African people are very different from “black” people, they are considered Caucasians by American Census . If you are from US you can’t understand it, but if you live in Europe you should know it because there are many immigrants from Morocco
To andrew
You guys throw the word berber around,like their one big homogeneous union,their not.Then what is a berber?The European simply saw them as uncivilized,therefore inferior barbarians.Now Caucasian is simply a phenotype,and the usa has change the definition 4 time already.North Africans weren’t originally included in the category until recently,and that during colonialism.That’s when Europe took over North Africa,and push the many of the indigenous to the South.Many north Africans are mixed,although Europeans still run the place
To andrew
BTW I wasn’t insulting berbers,just saying
Moroccans are based on 2 ethnic groups: Berbers, the indigenous people of North Africa, and Arabs, who came from Middle East bringing the language and the Islamic religion.
Yes, but also mixed with Sub Saharan African.
Morrocans are part African (fact). He is sayng 10%, if so then good for Morrocans.
Ok Andrew where do you think the indigenous Amazigh “Berber” originated? They definitely didn’t come from The Caucasus. The term”Arab” is the catch all phrase for tent dwellers of the sahara that have migrated back and forth out of Africa and settled and further mutated in Western Asia. The Amazigh eventually replaced the original Saharan ppl, the Azer and the Balfour.
that is <10%. They have some mix in the south of the country
Are you going to answer my question or not? How much African-Black blood do “white americans” have on average? Of course not counting interracial marriages.
ancient egyptians were nubians or hamites had darker skin with caucasian features that explains why egyptians dont really look black