Christina Aguilera

Aguilera in 2010, image via DFree/

Birth Name: Christina María Aguilera

Place of Birth: Staten Island, New York City, New York, U.S.

Date of Birth: December 18, 1980

*father – Ecuadorian, including Spanish [Andalusian, Castilian, Extremaduran, Leonese], Galician, likely around one eighth Swedish, remote Indigenous Quechua
*mother – English, with smaller amounts (to varying degrees) of German, Irish, Scots-Irish/Northern Irish, French, Welsh, and Dutch

Christina Aguilera is an American singer, songwriter, actress, and television personality. She starred in the film Burlesque. She is also known as Xtina, Baby Jane, and the “Voice of a Generation.”

Her father, Fausto Wagner Xavier Aguilera Monge, was born in Guayaquil, Ecuador, of Spanish [Andalusian, Castilian, Extremaduran, Leónese], Galician, likely around one eighth Swedish, and remote Indigenous [Quechua], descent. Her mother, Shelly Loraine (Fidler), was born in Pennsylvania, and has English, and smaller amounts (to varying degrees) of German, Irish, Scots-Irish/Northern Irish, French, Welsh, and Dutch ancestry. A picture of young Christina and her father and sister can be seen here.

Christina has a son, Max Bratman, with her former husband, producer Jordan Bratman; and a daughter, Summer, with her fiancé Matthew Rutler.

Christina’s mother has said:

Fausto [Christina’s father] and I both have brown hair. And as for why Christina’s came out blonde, well, the Aguilera side of the family says that they believe she got it from Fausto’s deceased brother Walter, who was blonde haired with blue eyes (see guys!! And he was 100% Latino!!). It’s not as uncommon as people seem to want make it out to be.

Christina’s paternal grandfather was Fausto Aguilera Calderón (the son of José Antonio Aguilera Masías and Zoila Cristina Calderón Petterson). Fausto was born in Quito, Distrito Metropolitano de Quito, Pichincha, Ecuador. Zoila was the daughter of Rodolfo Calderón Usubillaga and Cristina/Christina Petterson/Peterson Bauman/Bowman, who was evidently born in Sweden.

Christina’s paternal grandmother was Edna María Monge Verduga (the daughter of César Monge Serrano and María Lucrecia Verduga Zambrano). Edna was born in Manabi, Ecuador. César was the son of Bruno Fidel Francisco Monge Carrasco and Josefina Serrano Valdivieso. Christina’s paternal four times great-grandfather, José Félix Valdivieso, was a politician, who served as mayor of Quito, and as de facto President of Ecuador, from 1834 and 1835, among other duties.

Christina’s maternal grandfather was Lowell Marley Fidler (the son of Marlie Alfred Fidler and Pluma Violet Osburn). Lowell was born in West Virginia. Marlie was the son of Minor Lough Fidler and Ivy Luvela/V. Wyant/Wiant. Pluma was the daughter of Emory Porter Osburn and Emma Louise Radcliff.

Christina’s maternal grandmother was Delcie Mable/Mabel Dunfee (the daughter of Primrose Calvin Dunfee and Bertha Mae Allen). Delcie was born in Pennsylvania. Primrose was the son of Oliver D. Dunfee and Elizabeth Josephine Holland. Bertha was the daughter of Joseph Earl Allen and Mary Elizabeth Brownlee.

Sources: Genealogies of Christina Aguilera –

Obituary of Christina’s paternal grandfather, Fausto Aguilera –

Obituary of Christina’s paternal grandmother, Edna Maria (Monge Verduga) Aguilera –

Genealogies of Christina’s maternal grandparents, Lowell Marley Fidler and Delcie Mable/Mabel Dunfee –


Curious about ethnicity

299 Responses

  1. disman says:

    Christina Aguilera is 100% WHITE!.

    Her father is white ecuadorian(of spanish descent, he’s mediterrean), and her mother is irish, so, Christina Aguilera is 100% white of Nordic + Mediterrean fenotipe.

    Christina has a mediterrean exotic features, mediterreans are dark skin and for nordic people they are exotic and diferent sometimes.

  2. Taylor says:

    im 50 % ecuadorian and im also german and irish just like her (: hhahah

  3. trista says:

    Actually her hair is dyed blond. If you look on the web you can find pics on her when she was a little kid. She has dark brown hair. So what she was blue eyes, she’s still biracial and beautiful.

    • Serpent says:

      How does having brown hair prove that you are biracial? That is the most ignorant thing I have ever heard, and choosing to lie and see “Hispanic/Latino” as a race is choosing to be ignorant and uneducated, especially given the extreme diversity of Latin America itself. I do not care if I get thumbed down. This site promotes nothing but stupidity, ignorance, and instills even more racial and ethnic stereotypes while claiming to educate those about it.

      Hispanic/Latino is not a race and will never be a race.

      Christina is about as “biracial” as Carrie Underwood. For those of you who are slow, that was sarcasm.

    • anakaterina says:

      How does having dark brown mean she’s biracial? I’ve seen plenty of whites with dark hair. She’s white or if not she’s mainly European ancestry. There are white Ecuadorians too…

  4. Doctoris says:

    “Oh, I should be white, or all Latin.” I am what I am.” Christina Aguilera,9171,1000774,00.html

    • SparkleTime says:

      That just highlights the ignorance of most people in America, and unfortunately, Christina as well about her own heritage.

      Latin will never be a race. It’s a shame that people who are Latin are so ignorant about even their own culture. That’s public education for you, though.

  5. Lucky says:

    You’re all so retarded. Christina Aguilera is 100% white. She identifies with being white also. Her father is a WHITE Ecuadorian. Ecuador just like many other South America nations that were colonized by Spaniards STILL have a couple pure white groups within them (Spaniards, Italians, Hell even Brazil has a pure German population). Look at the pictures of her when she was a little girl. The chick looked PURE 100% white. It has only been now when she grew up, got famous. Started wearing too much make up. Fake tans, airbrushing POUNDS of make up. Fake drawn on eyebrows (her real eyebrows are very light and almost unoticeable). Only after she started making her face look clown like has she looked “Ethnic” take away all that make up she wears on average and she looks 100% white.

    • me says:

      for you,to me not

      • SparkleTime says:

        Well, me, your uneducated opinion is not going to change the fact that Latino is not a race and that Christina Aguilera is white. Besides, I doubt she cares what some racist considers her.

    • Brandon says:

      Oh please, are you serious? Brasil a pure german population? cmmon!!!! that IS retarded, that is not anymore, the ones “pure white groups” (even that is not possible) are the ones that recently inmigrate there, its impossible to say that from that time to this decade, they are still pure white, please

    • Taylor says:

      You dont have to be really dark to be hispanic ?!?! is there even such a thing as a “pure group white latino ” or whatever ? if your from ecuador youre from ECUADOR. shes only white cause of her other side just like me . im almost everything she is except dutch . im half hispanic (ecuadorian) and the rest is white (italian , german , french , irish .)

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