Anne Hathaway

Hathaway in 2011, Featureflash /

Birth Name: Anne Jacqueline Hathaway

Place of Birth: Brooklyn, New York City, New York, U.S.

Date of Birth: November 12, 1982

*father – Irish, French, English, German
*mother – Irish

Anne Hathaway is an American actress, singer, and producer. She won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress for Les Misérables (2012). She is also known for her role as Mia Thermopolis in The Princess Diaries franchise, and for the films The Other Side of Heaven, Nicholas Nickleby (2002), Ella Enchanted, Hoodwinked!, Havoc, Brokeback Mountain, The Devil Wears Prada, Becoming Jane, Get Smart, Rachel Getting Married, Passengers (2008), Bride Wars, Valentine’s Day, Alice in Wonderland, Love & Other Drugs (all three 2010); Rio, and its sequel; One Day, The Dark Knight Rises, Song One, Interstellar, The Intern, Alice Through the Looking Glass, Colossal, Ocean’s 8, Serenity (2019), The Hustle, Dark Waters, The Last Thing He Wanted, The Witches (2020), and Armageddon Time; and the series Get Real and WeCrashed. She is a UN Women goodwill ambassador, and a board member of the Lollipop Theatre Network, which brings films to children in hospitals.

Anne is the daughter of Kate McCauley (Kathleen Ann McCauley), an actress, and Gerald Thomas Hathaway, a labor attorney. She was raised in Milburn, New Jersey, from the age of six. Anne is married to actor Adam Shulman, with whom she has two children.

Anne is of approximately 62.5% Irish ancestry. Anne’s father has Irish, French, English, and German ancestry. Anne’s mother is of Irish descent. Anne has said that she has roots in Cork and Donegal on her father’s side. Anne stated in an article on that she also has distant Native American ancestry. It is not clear if this ancestry has been verified/documented. If true, it could only be on her father’s side; her mother’s family were all recent Irish immigrants. Anne was raised Catholic, and later became a non-denominational Christian.

Anne has said that she has a very pale complexion because she tries to avoid being in the sun, as her family has a long and tragic history of skin cancer.

Anne’s patrilineal line appears to trace to Nicholas Hathaway, who was born, c. 1595, in Kingscote, Gloucestershire, England.

Anne’s paternal grandfather was Robert Earnest/Ernest Hathaway (the son of Pearl LeRoy Hathaway and Carrie Melinda Sensabaugh). Robert was born in Pennsylvania. Pearl was the son of James A. Hathaway and Emma Louisa Reed. Carrie was the daughter of Frederick Jay Sensabaugh and Myrtie F. W. Foster.

Anne’s paternal grandmother was Jacqueline Anne Hughes (the daughter of Joseph T. Hughes and Pauline-Mathilde Turpin). Joseph was born in Pennsylvania, to Irish parents, Thomas Hughes and Catherine Chambers. Pauline-Mathilde was French, born in Marne, France.

Anne’s maternal grandfather was Joseph Daniel “Joe” McCauley (the son of James Francis McCauley and Catherine/Katherine M. Crosson). Joe McCauley was born in Pennsylvania, and was a prominent radio personality in Philadelphia. James was born in Pennsylvania, to Irish parents, James H. McCauley and Mary Mulholland. Catherine was born in Northern Ireland.

Anne’s maternal grandmother was Roseline/Rosalina Marie Sinnott/Sennott (the daughter of James M. Sinnott and Florence M. Waters). Roseline was born in Pennsylvania. James and Florence were born in Pennsylvania, and all of their own parents were Irish.

Hathaway in 2008, photo credit: David Schexnaydre

Sources: Genealogies of Anne Hathaway –

Anne’s paternal grandfather, Robert Earnest/Ernest Hathaway, on the 1920 U.S. Census –

Obituaries of Anne’s paternal grandmother, Jacqueline Anne (Hughes) Hathaway –

Anne’s paternal great-grandfather, Joseph T. Hughes, on the 1900 U.S. Census –

Anne’s maternal grandfather, Joseph Daniel McCauley, on the 1930 U.S. Census –

Anne’s maternal grandmother, Roseline/Rosalina Marie Sinnott/Sennott, on the 1930 U.S. Census –


Curious about ethnicity

194 Responses

  1. chuck says:

    She is part black? Someone has evidence

  2. Myspace Celebrity says:

    I must have missed something. Are people saying that she has very distant black heritage or something? Hmm…

  3. Anonymiss says:

    Fuzzy Bear, at least you didn’t call yourself Fuzzy Bare. Please learn the difference ‘tween

    They are= They’re




    All’s good my friend but you just come off as so uneducated and ghetto. People may take you seriously but I have a feeling you’re just pissed off about not being “white”. I’m part Native also, Alaskan Native in THERE too. Don’t embarrass us.

    Take the time to learn the difference and use Firefox to browse and post as it has instant spell check. As does Google Chrome, unlike IE.

    Thank You.

    • fuzzybear says:

      To Anonymiss

      You coming at me because of my grammar,and not my facts,that’s interesting.Well first I do know the difference (your word = ‘tween )

      (They are= They’re




      Even I make mistakes sometime.I can’t type as fast as I can think,so sometimes I might leave something out(I DO FORGET TO PROOFREAD SOMETIMES).I had no idea that a person would be more worried about my grammar than my facts.Also of all the people on this site,that use words I’ve never heard of,you come at me with this;again interesting.

      Now you say (uneducated and ghetto).It seem your under the impression that everyone that lives (THERE – this is the right word,this time right?),is uneducated.Now unless you’ve been there,don’t believe everything you see on T.V or the movies.People are there for many reasons,hard times being the main one.So don’t think just because they live there,you should look down on them.The media likes to show the worse,and then people like yourself gets the impression everyone one is like that.

      Now people should take me seriously,I give FACTS.Not the lies that we have been spoon-fed since we were little.Also yes I do focus on African and African American achievements,and the fact that people lie about their bloodlines;I have to.According to history books,black people have done nothing.So the more and more I show people,they can see that’s a “LIE”,even if they don’t wish to accept it.Now if I say something wrong,I always say “prove it” ,I’ll listen.So if your expecting me to apologize for that,your going to have a long wait.

      Now as far as me wanting to be (White),that was NEVER on my wish list.I have nothing against white people,I have a strong white bloodline.My great grandmothers,and grandmother weren’t raped,so for me to hate White is like saying I shouldn’t be here.Believe it or not,I actually like the way I look.I don’t think another skin color would work as well.Now I was born looking white,but thankfully I darken to a nice redbone color.

      Now back to the grammar part.I’m not always on my computer,many times I answer comments from my I-pod or my Nintendo Wii.So sometime if I spell something wrong,you can see the keys are very small,and I am in a hurry.It is not my intention to embarrass (US) Native Americans as a people.It’s funny you said (us native Americans)because most native Americans today wish to deny black people that part of their heritage

      • fuzzybear says:

        To Anonymiss

        I meant to say your coming at me.I thought I should fix that,I know how uneducated and ghetto you think I am.

        • Anonymiss says:

          YOU’RE coming at me. Jeez. If YOU’RE (you are) gonna bother, just take care to do it right. Love your post despite YOUR crappy grammar.

          • fuzzybear says:

            To Anonymiss

            Darn it,Darn it,Darn it!!!,I see it.Ok I’m not perfect,but that’s good right?However to call me uneducated because of that,well that “HURT”.Some of the best writers in the world have crappy grammar skills,yet no one calls them uneducated.Ok in the future I will try to work on that,but I will make mistakes.So (YOU’RE)more than welcome to edited away.

  4. CARIBGYAL says:

    FUZZYBEAR I commend you for doing your research many people don’t so im proud of you but its makes sense. am west indian and we could have 9 nationalities in our blood scientists say and as a child i had red hair so its so true i have scottish, irish, polish ancestry and am a black person and some of my white looking freinds their ancestry goes back to africa before mine does. To further proove your educated point. I hope more people realize that most people(a high percentage of the world) are very mixed.

  5. Shadow Wolf says:

    Hi Jane,
    Just want to update you. the recent DNA testing of the aboriginal people of Australia (who by by the way- appear to be very African even though they do not make any claims of having African decent) has shown that they are 100% Caucasian. my point is that when people got caught in that ice age some of us changed. OK we changed so now you have all of these nice varieties. i say repect ones ancetors, but remember that all life started in one place. thinking like this helps with the concept of love for humanity. and finally (in general) we all can argue till the cows come, but DNA will just answer our questions for us won’t it.

    • fuzzybear says:

      To Shadow Wolf

      I want to get in this,could you show where that infro came from Please?Because last time I check Australia aboriginal left Africa maybe around 50,000yrs ago,and white pale skin didn’t pop up to around 5.5 to 6000yrs ago.Plus in my study,Caucasian is a phenotype that Australia aboriginal obviously don’t have;unless your talking about the ones who were during that period when white Australians tried to breed the black blood out the aboriginals which really did happen.I really would like to see a 100% Caucasian Aboriginal,because even white people aren’t 100% Caucasian.So get back at soon as you can

      • fuzzybear says:

        To Shadow Wolf

        Still looking for what your talking about,can’t find it.However I did remember that you can look one way and yet have a unexpected blood type;although I still doubt that 100% Caucasian stuff.So like I said get back at me,I want to know what made them so special that they bypass the Asian blood types

    • Anonymiss says:

      A Nat’l Geo Special DNA tested them. They descend from Black Africans but don’t want to hear that. Just look at them.

      You need to define caucasian.

      • Ningli says:

        what exactly is ‘A Nat’l Geo Special DNA test’? We Aboriginal people are NOT african, we are a distinct community that has more racially in common with Dravidian Indians than Africans. Saying someone is african because of certain characterisics is just ignorant and stupid. But let me guess, you must be an american right?

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