Vince Offer

Offer at the “Jack and Jill” World Premiere, Village Theatre, Westwood, CA, 11-06-11, s_bukley/

Birth Name: Offer Shlomi

Place of Birth: Beersheba, Southern District, Israel

Date of Birth: April 25, 1964

Ethnicity: Ashkenazi Jewish, Mizrahi Jewish/Sephardi Jewish

Vince Offer is an Israeli-American infomercial pitchman, screenwriter, actor, and director. He is known for advertising his products, including lint roller “Schticky,” absorbent towel “ShamWow!,” kitchen utensils “Slap Chop” and “Crank Chop,” and liquid cleaner “InVinceable.” He directed and starred in the films The Underground Comedy Movie and Inappropriate Comedy, both of which he also co-wrote. He is also known as Vince Shlomi and ShamWow Guy.

Vince was born in Beersheba, Southern District, Israel, to a Jewish family. His paternal grandfather made Aliyah to Israel from Syria, and changed his last name from Salomon to Shlomi. His mother was from Russia. Vince was raised mostly in Brooklyn, New York City, New York, U.S., and moved to Los Angeles, California, when he was seventeen.

He has a daughter with his former wife Melody Claire Mandate.


31 Responses

  1. Urimnak says:

    Offer looks a multuracial Brazilian not a German or an.Anglo Jew.

  2. l!ttletimmy says:

    Sorry that’s been grinding my gears for a while now. It’s geneticists who believe Ashkenazi Jews are a mix of “Levantine men and Greco-Italian women” for the most part. So suddenly when Jews identify with that heritage, it pisses off certain people so much they’re itching to give their eugenicist takes. Give me a break.

  3. l!ttletimmy says:

    Has it come to andrew’s attention that a lot of Ashkenazi Jews identified as German before Germans murdered 6 million of them? The reason a lot of Ashkenazi Jews don’t identify as German or Polish even if they resemble such people is because of christian Europeans tendency to blood libel Jews and murder them in pogroms. And for the record, Ashkenazi Jews are genetically Eastern Mediterranean, they wouldn’t cluster close to Greek islanders and South Italians if that weren’t the case.

    “But they have Germanic facial features” isn’t a great argument. Scarlet Johanson is as closely related to Shel Silverstein as Jeff Goldblum is. Most European Jews are genetically cousins.

    • Urimnak says:

      The second biggest Jewish presence outside the Middle Est their original home were in Germany and East Europe that’s the history you can’t and musn’t deny and change just because you don’t like it.

      • l!ttletimmy says:

        I don’t disagree Ashkenazi Jews are a Germanic and Slavic influenced culture. That doesn’t mean they primarily descend from Germans and Slavs which is an intentional lie spread on forums like these.

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