

Fabolous in 2011, photo by Prphotos

Birth Name: John David Jackson

Place of Birth: Brooklyn, New York City, New York, U.S.

Date of Birth: November 18, 1977

Ethnicity: African-Dominican Republic, African-American

Fabolous is an American rapper and hip hop recording artist. He is also known as Fabolous Sport and Loso.

73 percent of the population of the Dominican Republic is of mixed race, primarily a mix of black and white.

Fabolous has three children with his partner Emily Bustamante.


Curious about ethnicity

104 Responses

  1. Yet7 says:

    Most Dominicans are multiracial, not necessarily just mulatto, and not even the darkest Dominicans look African American to me by the way. You can see some overlaps in the among Eastern Dominicans but nothing crazy. I’ve seen some people claiming that Dominicans are a hispanic version of AA which is ridiculous.

  2. human race. says:

    I am Of domincan ethincity. I dont See why it matters if someone is domincan and doesent say their african american cause they are not. domincans have african ancestry and spanish and ero. Not African american. Most african americans i have met claim they arent african at all. Hello just because you dont speek an african language dosnet mean you aint african. Yo ansesters came from there and if it werent for you AFRICAN ancesters you wouldnt be black. SO yall are hipicrits. Dont hate that you dont have a cultural and you were brought here by whites. We domincans now we have african ethnicity just as the other races we have in us. so plaease stop hatin.

    • wow says:

      @human race

      Where did you get the idea,that we AA are trying to make you say your us?We have never said you were us.Now I don’t know what AA told you that they weren’t of African descend,they were most likely playing with you and you thought they were serious.Now we don’t have a culture?I don’t know where you been,our cultural influence is felt all over the world(music,clothing,style etc),so I don’t know what your talking about.Also your group was brought here by whites first,so I wouldn’t talk if I was you.One other thing,it’s usually you domincans that deny your African heritage,not us

    • Cubanita says:

      no one says you should call yourselves afro-american because you’re not. Your AFRO-LATINO which is two different cultures. But the problem with dominicans is that you hate everything west african and you claim you taino and Spanish. You guys worship you Spanish colonists in your white-washed country. But you eat, speak, dance and look like west africans. Platanos are african

      • Jay says:

        cubana ignorante callate la boca que tu no sabes de lo que estas hablando. no es tu problema como nos identifiquemos y se nota que sabes muy poco de nosotros porque el dominicano comun no idolatrea a ningun taino ni a ningun espanol. nosotros somos dominicanos y punto. no andamos mencionando razas todo el dia ni andamos divididos. y te equivocaste porque nosotros no lucimos west africans. la mayoria estamos mezclados y no me vengas con pendejadas. hipocrita! que tampoco todo lo cultural nuestro es puro africano. tenemos de los tres componentes (taino, africano, espanol). y bastante componente europeo que tenemos para reclamarlo asi que ubicate. y hay dominicanos blancos para tu informacion. no fue como dijiste en el foro biodiversity disque que nada mas has visto 5 en tu vida entera, buena jabladora. eso ni tu misma te lo crees. vete al diablo cubana afrocentrica, ignorante, metiche.

    • Amber Berg says:

      Yes human race- slavery existed on your little island first! Yall dont even know who the hell yall really are- and culture- yall try to jock us every chance you get- hip hop is felt all around the world- jazz is felt all around the world- the world loves and tries to be like African Americans- Most of the world dont even know who Dominicans are- Most of the time they just think your African Americans when they first see you- so please if anything yall are walking in our shadows

    • Jose Lomba says:

      I disagree with African American race rhetoric 99% of the time. However, when it comes to Dominicans, I have to say something. Dominicans did not exist 500 years ago: you all are a product of the Atlantic Diaspora. Dominicans use the term African American as though it is a race. I do not like the term, but I know what it denotes, and that is a culture. There is an AA culture, but because the USA is far greater than DR, the AA is diverse and varies region by region, state by state, etc.

      I think that the biggest problem that Dominicans have is a lack of education when it comes to history. If you want to see a clear example of this , go to Youtube and watch the video by dadominicana123. I will admit that like Cape Verdeans most Dominicans do not look AA, but there are plenty who do. Oh wait, Dominicans have an app for that: those AA looking Dominicans are Haitian!

      • Jay says:

        You complain about Dominicans supposedly using the term African American as a race but forget about Dominicans being stereotyped by others AA who know shit about us. To you it’s ok to stereotype DR’s and it’s wrong stereotype AA? You are a big lambon.
        Black means African American is the USA sense and we don’t want to be associated with lower class people. That’s why I get pissed when people say we’re all black.
        Dominicans are way more diverse that American blacks. The range of looks among us is way wider than theirs. We can’t overlap with certain groups all the time. There’s plenty of pred. Europeand and triracial Dominicans but they’re overlooked by some.

        Also, you can’t force other people to follow the one drop rule. In DR black means dark and majority of us are light brown. Dominicans. Not all DR’s look mulatto, you know. And most dark Dominicans (brown for AA standars) look different than your average African American…

  3. mari sanchez says:

    Rosie I agree with you 100% I’m fully dominican! I will not call myself black or a person of european decent white! I am not a color! I am afro-latino! My mother is so light that her complexion is that of an Italian woman but we do not call her white because of her color we call her dominican because of her heritage! Like Rosie said if you have never been to or lived in Dominican Republic maybe you should visit before commenting! There’s nothing wrong with being african but there is something wrong in neglecting your european, taino and spanish ancestory! I’m proud to have all 4 ethnicites running through my vain! Instead of african americans telling dominicans what to be proud of, know your complete heritage and embrace it as a lot of dominicans do theirs! It it wasn’t for our african ancestry we would not be the culture that we are and we are aware of that in our music, our complexion, our physical appearance! But language also makes up a culture and we speak Spanish because of our spanish ancestry! And the taino natives run deep in our soul from rituals and our hair and skin same as our african make up! Be happy for who you are and stop trying to tell us what we know and are aware that we are!

  4. LaGorditaa_Jenai says:

    @le actually having A.A. ancestry DOES make u black ; because it wouldn’t make sense for A.A’s to have African Ancestry & Not be Black …

  5. LaGorditaa_Jenai says:


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