Amber Rose

Amber Rose

Rose in 2011

Birth Name: Amber Rose Levonchuck

Place of Birth: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.

Date of Birth: October 21, 1983

Ethnicity: Cape Verdean [African, Portuguese], Irish, Italian, Scottish

Amber Rose is an American hip hop model, hip hop artist, fashion designer, and actress.

She has a son with her former husband, rapper, songwriter, and actor Wiz Khalifa; and a son with her former partner, Def Jam executive Alexander “A.E.” Edwards.

Amber has said:

I’m Black/ Portuguese/ Irish and Italian.

Her father is said to have Italian and Irish ancestry. Given the surname Levonchuck, he also may have Polish ancestry. Her mother has African-Cape Verdean, Portuguese-Cape Verdean, and Scottish ancestry. A picture of Amber’s parents and son can be seen here.

Amber has also said

Wow!!! I used that DNA kit on and my results just came in!…. my family is from…. Mali, Nigeria, Senegal, Cameroon, Congo, Italy, Ireland, England, Part European Jewish, Scandinavia, Polynesia, Iraq, Iran and Kuwait. Damn I knew I was mixed but this is Awesome!

Cape Verde is a group of islands located off the coast of West Africa. Most of the population (about 71%) of Cape Verde is a mix of Sub-Saharan African and European ancestry, usually from Portugal and Spain. Another celebrity of Cape Verde descent was Lisa ‘Left Eye’ Lopes.

12/02/2017 – Amber Rose – Casting Call For “Chocolate Rose” Presented By Amber Rose – Chocolate Lounge Las Vegas – Las Vegas, NV, USA -Photo Credit: PRN /

Amber’s paternal grandfather possibly was Francis/Frank Joseph Levonchuck (the son of Philip K. Leonchuk/Levonchuck and Pauline Tarnowski). Francis was born in Pennsylvania, to Polish parents.

Amber’s paternal grandmother possibly was Rose Spera (the daughter of Enrico Romeo/Roma Spera/Sperie and Rose Montone). Rose was born in Pennsylvania. Enrico was the son of Italian parents, John Spera/Sperie and Elizabeth. Rose was also the daughter of Italian parents, Joseph Montone/Montani and Susana Passwell/Pasquale/Dipasquale.

Amber’s maternal grandfather was Anthony J. “Sonny” Rose (who likely was the son of Theodore “Teddy” Rose and Lillian Santos). Anthony was born in Pennsylvania, to parents who were born on Brava, Cape Verde, and were black Cape Verdeans. Theodore was the son of Jose Rose and Josephine. Lillian was the daughter of Manuel Santos and Annie.

A picture of Amber’s maternal grandfather can be seen here. A picture of Amber’s grandfather, and her son, can be seen here.


Genealogy of Amber Rose –

Obituary of likely Amber’s paternal grandfather, Francis/Frank Joseph Levonchuck –

Likely Amber’s paternal great-grandparents, Philip K. Leonchuk/Levonchuck and Pauline Tarnowski, on the 1930 U.S. Census –

Obituary of likely Amber’s paternal great-grandfather, Philip K. Leonchuk/Levonchuck –

Death record of likely Amber’s paternal grandmother, Rose (Spera) Levonchuk –

Marriage record of likely Amber’s paternal great-grandparents, Enrico Romeo/Roma Spera/Sperie and Rose Montone –

Likely’s Amber’s paternal great-grandparents, Enrico Romeo/Roma Spera/Sperie and Rose Montone, on the 1930 U.S. Census –

Likely Amber’s maternal grandfather, Anthony J. “Sonny” Rose, on the 1940 U.S. Census –

Marriage record of Amber’s likely maternal great-grandparents, Theodore “Teddy” Rose and Lillian Santos –

Likely Amber’s maternal great-grandparents, Theodore “Teddy” Rose and Lillian Santos, on the 1950 U.S. Census –


Curious about ethnicity

614 Responses

  1. danielle says:

    as usual a bunch of black people trying to make a mixed person black and nothing else…

    • proveit says:


      as usual another one like you pops up

    • Wtf says:


      That’s just in your head,calling you AA doesn’t mean you’re just black,I would think this was common knowledge.Now I’m mixed,but I’m also proud black man.Saying I’m black doesn’t hurt me.Doesn’t make me pick one parent over the other or lessen my feeling towards that parent.That’s just a dumb weak excuse people use

      • Cicely says:

        Good for you! Would you ever say your a proud white man? No you wouldn’t would you, because what you dont’ feel in society that’s acceptable. The situation could be reveresed. If you are comfortable with who you are that’s is a wonderful thing. However, not every white woman (which most biracial children have is a white mother) Is teaching them they are black they are being told since birth they are mixed and they have a white mom and black father and to be proud of both and not choose one because they don’t have too. It’s not up to you or any other pro black person to decide what a mixed person should be. If it were me I would be like you and not be offended because honestly people would say what they want esp irrelevant stragners. However, if I were mixed and had an issue with being called just black like this person clearly does I guess I would appreciate my friends and family members referring to me as mixed. Everyone else wouldn’t really matter because people can be ignorant anyway! At the same token, If a white man called him a n#$%^% or a mutt he shouldn’t let that bother him either! Why because ignorance is all around us we have to learn to overlook it because you can’t control the world.

    • ethnic range says:

      to dani

      This is strange to me.I live in Los Angeles and I have never heard or seen any black person no matter what their color(whitish to dark) take offense to being called black.I don’t think I’ve ever met a AA who wasn’t something else.I keep reading people yelling I’m mixed,but who isn’t these days,it doesn’t make you special.I’m a creole and some other things,but being called black doesn’t hurt or offend me.How does it hurt you?

      • Cicely says:

        When people say their mixed; that’s their paragotive. A lot of people are multicultural these days. There is a difference. If someone has a white parent and a black parent and they say their mixed, that’s up to them. It’s doesn’t mean they think they are special it just means they are embracing both sides of their culture. Creoles are blacks mixed with white many are mixed with more white than African Americans. It’s great if they are secure with being black. Bravo however, it doesn’t mean a person with a full blooded white parent has to be ashamed of calling themselves mixed. I honestly think some people are a little jealous of mixed people. Quite frankly I don’t give a hell what they call themselves, I usually get along with them just as well as I would with a black person and any other person for that matter. The problem is easily solved when people start being people and stop being so caught up on race. This issue dates back to the 1500’s is anyone ever going to get over it? LOL apparantley NOT!!

    • haterrrrsss says:

      as usual some white person trying to disregard the black in people because they look “white” …..

  2. Jose Lomba says:

    Cape Verde is 400 miles off of the coast of Senegal. Coming from cv does not make you “black”. There is a small percentage of cv’s that look black, but the vast majority look like Amber Rose and her mother.

    • get real says:


      stop smoking that stuff,I know a lot of people from there,and they do not look like amber.Plus if you look at people on the island,you would see they come in all colors,just like most black people do

      • Jose Lomba says:

        First of all, cv is not one island, but ten. There are not different shades of blackness, but different levels of admixtures. Why are black people always trying to claim other cultures? I see this happening with blacks claiming Dominicans and people from the HOA. You people act like black is a curse you are trying to spread around. Lol!

        • Fuzzybear says:

          To Jose

          No it’s others who act like black is a curse,which is why they try to run from it.Also all the groups you mention,are black people.I could ask you why do people like yourself always speak on something you know nothing about.Now Dominicans want to by their culture first,and that’s fine.However you know nothing about the HOA if your saying the junk your letting out

        • AR says:


          Well if they gave degrees for stupidity you would have your masters right now

          • Jose Lomba says:

            Really, cv’s do not resemble AA’s! Don’t you hate that? Lol

          • maria says:

            to jose
            i agree, people on this site are so ethnocentric

          • maria says:

            i mean afrocentric** my bad

          • getyourfactright says:


            you don’t no anything about AA.most of us are mixed-blooded so please be quiet

          • getyourfactright says:

            Also AA doesn’t mean your full black,learn before you speak

          • Mercy says:

            @Jose: you must be smoking the good stuff

          • Wtf says:


            What the heck are you talking about,I am mixed and I don’t see the difference.Also like what was said,AA doesn’t mean your pure black.I don’t why you people can’t understand that.All you had to do was look it up(it means people of complete or part African heritage)a key word(PART)which means you have other bloodlines,like the avg AA walking around

          • getyourfactright says:

            @jose and maria

            @jose I met a lot of them,and they don’t look any different

            it’s plain to see your not sharpest tool in the box,so you might want to be quiet

          • maria says:

            sorry im not as obsessed over race

          • Gettiurfactsright says:

            @Maria:it’s obvious you are,if you feel you have to label someone Afrocentric when you really don’t know what it means.Also there is only one race of humans right now.the multi race comes from Eurocentric ideas of trying to split people up so they can see themselves superior,An idea I see you share.The biggest difference between any black group is history(what has happen to them).Unlike others who choose to belittle their black part,the majority of AA embrace that part of their heritage,although we are just as mixed blood as anyone else.AA doesn’t mean you are pure black

          • maria says:

            i didnt label any one as being afrocentric, i said *most people, so that could be anyone. not you. how dare you try and call me eurocentric, you do not know me, and i DO NOT share their views, i think its wrong same with afrocentrics, i despise them both

            also, i know what afrocentric means. its the opposite to eurocentric. i think both ideas are wrong and were made to put each other down. from reading the comments on this site, i found that if anyone says. ‘oh their not black, or they dont look black’ people on here start lecturing them and go on about how EVERYONE is black. which is wrong. just because countries formed in africa does not mean we are all black. i think race came through evolution. i think the first humans must have been brown, like the egyptians, i know that black/arabs/europeans are trying to claim them now, but thats just bull.
            anyway back to evolution. ok say if black/african was the first race… how did the white/euroean, mongoloid/asian race come about? clearly through evolution, and by countries detaching and weather and so on. also back in the early days, humans used to be up to 20ft tall or so (im not exactly sure, but they used to be gigantic). now the average human is about 5’6-6’3 or so, again this happened through evolution.
            so when the world comes to an end, humans by then would have all been mixed and would be brown and would look like egyptians, that’s also how the first humans must have looked. i think history will repeat itself.
            dont judge me, im just stating my opinions, im not trying to put black people down, i know african americans are mixed. my grandmother is 3/4 AA and 1/4 native, but im half dominican, and i see my race as being mainly mixed native, cause my mother is mainly half native dominican

          • Fuzzybear says:

            To maria

            Your Words:
            (i agree, people on this site are so ethnocentric,i mean afrocentric** my bad )

            Not that I’m nit picking,but for a person who doesn’t like to be labeled,you certainly have no problem doing it to others.You said no particular name,but you did say this site.Now the question back to you,do you know these people?Now since others have labeled me the resident Afrocentric,you may have been referring to me;which is ok. However have you ever actually listen to those who have been labeled Afrocentric,or have you just written them off saying their black,so they must be lying?Have you ever bother to look up anything they’ve talked about,to see if it’s true? Now what you said is the popular version of what Afrocentrism is,but the truth is it just shows that we black people existed,we had a past.Have you ever open a school history book,and reading anything about us that didn’t have to do with (slavery or the civil rights moment)?My high school book had nothing but that(just two chp).

            Now there are not multiple races,just one(homo sapiens sapiens);all other species died off.So evolution as you used,make it sound as if you believe were different species,were not.Ours outward appearance are strictly from adopting to environmental conditions.Now I do agree that the first humans most likely were brown,however we are still all brown to this day(including white people);doctors will tell you this.However the original Egyptians were described as Negroid,which is being taught now.Even Constantine de Volney who was a racist made this comment:
            Count Constantine de Volney, “have a bloated face, puffed-up eyes, flat nose, thick lips – in a word, the true face of the mulatto. I was tempted to attribute it to the climate, but when I visited the Sphinx, its appearance gave me the key to the riddle. On seeing that head, typically Negro in all its features, I remembered the remarkable passage where Herodotus says:

            ‘As for me, I judge the Colchians to be a colony of the Egyptians because, like them, they are black with woolly hair…’ “In other words, the ancient Egyptians were true Negroes of the same type as all native-born Africans. That being so, we can see how their blood, mixed for several centuries with that of the Greeks and Romans, must have lost the intensity of its original color, while retaining nonetheless the imprint of its original mold.”

            Count de Volney then made an observation that still applies today in the debate about how much racial truth our children and other children will be taught in the public schools: “Just think,” de Volney declared incredulously, “that this race of Black men, today our slave and the object of our scorn, is the very race to which we owe our arts, sciences, and even the use of speech!

            Now you ask how did (white/european, mongoloid/asian race come about).Well I wouldn’t call it evolution,because it sounds like a different species.Humans adapt just like other animals do,but unlike those other animals.We didn’t stay away from each other.Both asian and Europe were covered with black people,this has already been proven.Europeans didn’t become white until just 6000yrs ago,and Asian still had the little black people in it just a hundred years ago.Now all the genes that made them,are in black people.Look what vitiligo does to black person.Also you have never seen the San people who look just like the little black people ,who were all over Asian? Now the countries detaching happen long before we migrated out,that had nothing to do with us changing. 20ft tall human huh?Well I doubt that was us,most likely a species that died out

            Sorry I tried to make this short

          • total23 says:

            Fuzzybear, What’s Your Religion!?

          • fuzzybear says:

            To total

            Now why would you ask me that?Anyhow going by my background,I supposed to be catholic.However I don’t follow any fixed religion,to many jive time priest

          • total23 says:


          • proveit says:


            Shows us some so we can see the difference,with some pics.because I have google some and I don’t see the difference

          • Jose Lomba says:

            Show me an aa chick that looks like this who is not biracial or weaved out


          • Cicely says:

            Lol you have issues! There is no need for people to keep responding to you because your ignorant. You are obviously trying to be funny. Have you ever heard of Chilli from TLC her father is a black arab her mother black or the singer Tracie spencer also African American, Paula Patton, stacy dash, Jada pinket smith, Nicole Arie Parker, Ashanti, The late great Aaliyah, Rihanna, Beyonce, Sanni Lathan, Singer Monica. I mean the list goes on…all these women mentioned are African American they aren’t biracial and when you see them in pictures with their real hair, they look just as ethnicially mixed as this no name singer you posted. Is this a fact that AA women spend billions of dollars on weaves? Or are you trying to be smart why don’t you take your simple ass and go look this info up while your at look up other women that where weaves. Brittany Spears, J Lo the Kardashian sister that list goes on as well. Weave isn’t a bad thing or a necessit for African American women it’s about style variety as well as achieving a certain fullness. It’s a fashon, as well as femenine thing. Black women look just as good natural, or with a nice short sleek look (which) happens to be the style now. Go to school and get an education, get out more while your at it so that you can broaden your horizens. Right about now your sounding like an ignorant fool that lives at home in his mothers basement with no life, trying to cause division where theres no room for it. African Descent is African descent period always has been and always will be!

          • Cicely says:

            Excuse the typos! A lot to type……

          • Fuzzybear says:

            I made another post,but it’s awaiting moderation.It’s down above( goodies )post

          • Fuzzybear says:

            To Jose

            just in case the other post doesn’t stay

            You want me to show you a non biracial AA,well that’s pretty hard to do.I wouldn’t know who was biracial or who wasn’t.See

            Boris Kodjoe is biracial:

            Yet his darker than

            Tom joyner who is only 30% white:

            so as you see that’s a hard job

          • total23 says:


            According to T.D. Jakes Is 100% Black, Surprisingly!

            If That Is True Then I Am Guessing He Is An American With Recent African Heritage, Like His Parents, Grandparents, Or Great Grandparents Migrated To American From Their African Country!

            I Don’t Know If This Relates To What You Are Saying Fuzzy Because I Didn’t Read The Whole Thing, I Just Read “You Want Me To Show You A Non Biracial AA”… And T.D. Jakes Ethnicity Has Been Proven Through Arican American Lives 1 Or 2!


        • Kim says:

          Hey dumbass, black isn’t a culture, it’s a color. Just like there are whites in all continents, there are blacks everywhere else too. Your so ignorant. Please STFU

    • goodies says:


      354 miles,and so what,england is a long way from italy,but they both have white people in it.Also you don’t know what the hell the majority of the population looks like,we black people come in a lot of different colors

      • Jose Lomba says:

        @Cicely, oh yeah…J-Lo and the other people that you mentioned wear hair similar to their own, not a negro woman wearing an indian woman’s hair like Chris Rock pointed out.

        • Cicely says:

          Once again your false. J Lo who just so happens to want to look white. Cutting her nose to make it sharper and thinning her lips. Doesn’t where hair like her own dark brown thick hair. She too processes her Puerto Rican from the bronx hood rat asses hair to make it like hollywood blond and white. Black women where any type of weave the fits the moment A fro, curly straight or even natural textured to fit their hair. A black woman getting a relaxer and a weave to match is no different than a white woman getting a curly purm with a weave to match or going blond when she is brunette. Chris Rock didn’t mention that because his film was about black women’s hair. Reason being it’s alot more interesting to talk about it does more and can be styled in different looks. Again it’s about style and fashion dumb behind the times bafoone!

          • Cicely says:

            All where’s are actually wear’s. Apologies!

          • Jose Lomba says:

            @fuzzybear Im trying to understand your point. However, what you are doing is the normal, anticipated strategy of people that think like you. They first stress that black people come in all shades, etc. Next they go out and find the extreme anomalies to try to prove their warped position.

            My initial proposition was that aa’s on the average do not resemble cv’s. You then go out and find Americans of the African diaspora who are clearly mulatto as though they are the norm. Even if you were to find pictures of the most African looking Badu from Santiago, CV, they are not the norm of cv’s. If you look at the picture of Amber Rose’s mother, she is typical of cv’s.

            People will say that they know a lot of cv’s and this is not true. That is bs. Most of the recent arrivals from cv to the USA are from Praia, which is the most African island of CV. However, go to Onset Ma. and you will see cv’s mainly from Brava and some from Fogo. I would be willing to bet that Amber Rose’s mother (or family) is from Fogo or San Niclau.

            Even the badu does not resemble aa’s. Why do you care? The funny thing is, if we look the same, why do aa males always flock to our events trying to date our beautiful women? The reverse is never true.

          • Cicely says:

            Bull shit Bull shit and more bull shit. All your posts are the same. You are a moron arguing against people of your own race. Your a sad man. LOL I don’t know anyone who has even metioned going to Cape Verde to date the women. LMAO get over yourself. You guys are pretty much non exsistant to Americans. However, if 5 American Men out of 1 billion end up at your little island so what. They are just there for ass not for marriage. That is not something to brag about. Than again in your eyes with your though process I guess it would be! Never mind carry on circus clown!

          • Jose Lomba says:

            Cicely Tyson, maybe you don’t know, but more cv’s live off cv then on cv. I was talking about festivals in the states, particularly Ma. Trust me, an aa man would love and be very happy to have a criola. I know a black dude who says that he would never date anything but a criola. They are beautiful and never evil. Go on fb and look at my prima Maria Lomba she is what I’m talking about!

          • Wtf says:


            your right he’s full of shit.


            You know this guy is full of it.No matter how many examples you give him,if they don’t fit what he thinks an AA should look like.He will say they’re mixed,and therefore not AA.I saw the pics you put last night,a they prove he’s full of it.Btw where did that post go?Anyhow your fighting with a person who only knows one type and most likely as (Cicley) said hates AA or thinks he’s better(you know how they are).So your fighting a no win battle

          • Fuzzybear says:

            To Ci

            your right,that’s what they are there for(booty)

          • Cicely says:

            @ Wtf yes! Jose is quite the comedian I agree.

            @ Fuzzy did you hear that man’s comeback he’s knows one aa guy………. bahahhaahah one aa guy that probably looks like a bag of butt and has not had any success with AA women so he wants to control and dominate the next thing closest too a black woman since he doesn’t perfer the looks of white women. You know most island women can be told what to do and when to do it!!!

          • Jose Lomba says:

            Look at this criola, if I were aa I would prefer her too!lol


          • WTF says:


            She nice,but I would take kenya moore over her any day of the week:

          • mercy says:


            Dude I am mixed and know your wrong.You seem to only know or come in contact with darker AA,and anything that doesn’t fit that mold isn’t AA.The two pics prove that light skin black doesn’t equal mulatto.And dark skin doesn’t mean just black.Here in Cali it full of all AA’s who are light and yet not mulatto.Tom joyner was not the extreme.He could have used (Sinbad)who said himself that he was black,but just had light skin.I seen sisters both mulattoes except,Ones white and the other looks black.So his point was how can he tell who is biracial and who isn’t,pretty clear I think.You really to travel more,what was said about AA families was can easily come out different colors,and yet be full blood siblings,very common here

          • maria v. says:


            man I saw that vid of your,and those people are right.They don’t look any different to me.You most likely in a area where the black people tend to be one way.I’ve seen CV’s that completely different from what you put up.You want everyone to see your group a certain way.However when someone else says their group is like that,you tell they’re lying

          • maria v. says:


            My boyfriend family is like that(mixed all up in colors)

          • Jose Lomba says:

            Mulatto is not the same as biracial. A person with a substantial amount of ssa and euro is mulatto. AA’ love to use mulattos as a barometer of diversity where in fact the average aa is a Griffe with less than 20% admixture.

            I’m not surprised at being attacked, nor do I care because the average.person here thinks amber rose is black. She is not even half ssa because her mother is mulatto. The people here are either delusional mixed people or angry black people that want everyone with a tad of ssa genes to be black. Get over it.

          • 411 says:

            @Jose:actually mulatto and biracial are the same thing.They both just mean mixed,there is no fixed range for biracial or really even mulatto.You may not understand people are not as pure as they think they are.It’s already been proven that euros and American whites are not that pure.So it kinda throws that mulatto,Definition off.Now you say tad bit black,but experts say you CV are majority black at least 57-60% on the avg;that’s more than tad.Now I also saw ,and I’m use to seeing that color difference.42million,then you pick a vid and say that the avg AA,come on now there is no way you could know that.Now when it’s done to you, you don’t like

          • Lmao says:

            Jose people didn’t call Amber black,they sad part black.They know she’e mixed,but you can clearly see what side she likes to go by.It’s ones like you with a tad bit of white,that think your better than those who are darker.That’s way you hurried up to say those pics of CV were from a different island,because you were scared people would think that was the norm.You think having the white blood make you better,sad sad boy

          • Jose Lomba says:

            Kenya Moore is nice, but I would like to see her without the micro-weave

          • WTF says:


            Well I now,so your saying because she’s black she have hair.For I know the women you keep showing have weeves

          • WTF says:


            Well now,so your saying because she’s black she can’t have hair.For I know the women you keep showing have weeves

          • Wtf says:


            never mind the post is back now,just didn’t see it

          • Fuzzybear says:

            To Jose

            There was no extreme anything,I was simply proving my point.First you want me to find a non-biracial AA.Biracial mean of two cultures,and going by the experts,the avg AA is 12.5-18% euro.So that mean the avg AA is biracial(my word bi-cultural).Then when I show you Tom Joyner,who is as bright or brighter than many mulattoes,yet is not a mulatto;you cry foul.The man has been DNA tested to only be 30% white.So a light skin AA doesn’t automatically mean they are mulattoes;as you keep saying.Now you show nothing but light skin CV’s,and say Amber and her mother are typical.Yet when I goggle(Cape verdan people),The pics I posts are what showed up;they look different from yours.Then your excuse is well they are from other Islands.Now when I say that about AA’s,you say no no the ones you posted are typical.Sound to me like your a hypocrite.Now I showed a dozen people the vid of your,and they said the same as me;that those CV wouldn’t even be notice they thought they looked just like AA’s here.Now there are about 42 million AA(including the white ones),I seriously doubt you have seen 42million AA’s.So how can you say what the typical one looks like?
            Now you ask(why do I care)?Let me ask you the same thing,why did you quickly jump to say that those pics I posted,were CV from a different Island?You’re yelling that they are not typical,that you don’t all look the same.

            Now you ask why AA men flock to your events,after your women.Your asking a question,that’s been asked all through history.Why did white men flock after African women?Why do Arabs flock after white women?Why did white men go after Aborigines women.Why do black men go after white and Asian women.The answer is I don’t know why we as men do what we do.The question you should ask,is why do your CV women go to the AA men.I notice Amber only mess with AA men,or she messes with women.I don’t see her on the arms of any CV men

          • Jose Lomba says:

            Lmao, you say that I have a “tad bit of white”? Wow, you can actually tell from my posts? That is amazing.

          • Jose Lomba says:

            @wtf, you can clearly see it’s a weave, but I would still hit though

          • WTF says:


            No it doesn’t look like a weeve,it doesn’t look any different from any woman you have shown.And look at you trying to get at our women

          • Jose Lomba says:

            I can’t speak for Amber. It could be that she is cv by ancestry, but not in culture. It could be that she’s never been around cv people. It could be that cv men with money are not going to hook up with a pole dancer whereby black men will date anything on the whiter end of the spectrum.

          • WTF says:


            Well she’s at alot CV festivals from what I can see,there is a site has her at them.Tried to put the pics up,but site want let them stay.Also no that’s not it,you guys just don’t have the swagger we do.I guess your women just seem to like Griffe.Also that whiter end of the spectrum,like Amber just love the darker end;don’t hate at least you got your white skin

          • Jose Lomba says:

            Here’s why AA men flock to our events…

            See, for example: YouTube: Ideally ILCA Cooks Kanja

            You can just not compare how sweet our women are to ABW.

          • Fuzzybear says:

            To Jose

            Here you go again,trying to show your very best,while trying to convince us that she’s the avg;What Bullsh*t.You show only what you want people to see,and when we show the opposite,you yell well they from another island.We’ve already seen your cape verdan women,so we already know your full of it.I could pump out just as many beautiful AA women,as you could Cape V women,but why.There’s beautiful and not so beautiful in every culture;no one holds the title as the best.If I didn’t know she was from the Cape V,I would’ve thought she was AA.As a matter of fact,on her myspace page she ID’s herself as black/African,when she could have said other.Also I don’t think she sees herself as different to AA,she belongs to Los Angeles African American theater.She’s into everything black,Dr king and Oprah are on the list of her heroes.She’s into old black movies etc;So cut the crap,you just have a personal beef with AA’s,or you have some stupid superiority complex.

          • Fuzzybear says:

            Also if AA men are running to your women,they’re going to treat them the same way they do all the other women.Like envelopes,(they’re going to lick them,stick them,and send them on their motherfu*ken way)

          • Nathan says:

            You sure do love to talk about Africans and blacks. It’s like an obsession. Africans didn’t start the “one drop rule”. But, as it stands because of history, any person with ANY African blood in their body is considered black. So, yeah. If you get a blood transfusion that came from a black person…you are now black. If a child is born with one black parent, they are considered black. “Black” has nothing to do with skin color. There are white-skinned people with blonde hair and green eyes and they are still black. This has nothing to do with science or color and everything to do with history and law.

            BTW, just as many European and Hispanic chicks wear weaves as African-Americans. Tell me you don’t really believe that Jessica Simpson and Brittany Spears are rockin’ their own hair. If you believe that you are a damn fool. My gf is a 5’8 stripper, blonde and blue and that woman puts a weave in her hair and her moms hair too. Weaves aren’t just for black girls, it’s for any girl who wants longer hair without having to wait for their own to grow out.

          • Jose Lomba says:

            Wtf, I never said that it was epidemic, nor did I say that it was reciprocal. AA men are not alone, white men love criolas too. Obama has swagger and he’s not aa either.

          • Wtf says:


            Since you didn’t understand what Fuzzy tried to teach you,I’ll try.AA doesn’t mean your black,see Because it means complete or partial African heritage.This is why you have thousands of white people who are AA example:
            Greta Lawrence:
            Also Obama is more AA than I am,being his father is African,and mommy is American.I don’t know why it’s so hard for you people to understand that.Also that’s white men favorite pastime,going after other people women

          • Wtf says:


            having problem with site

            Since you didn’t understand what Fuzzy tried to teach you,I’ll try.AA doesn’t mean your black,see Because it means complete or partial African heritage.This is why you have thousands of white people who are AA. Also Obama is more AA than I am,being his father is African,and mommy is American.I don’t know why it’s so hard for you people to understand that.Also that’s white men favorite pastime,going after other people women

          • WTF says:


            For the 900th time,AA doesn’t mean your black.It means complete or partial African Heritage.Which is why you have thousands and thousand of white AA’s.Also Obama is more AA than we are,because his father is African,and his mother is American.Also chasing other people women are one of white man favorite pastimes

          • WTF says:

            Sorry for all this,don’t know what wrong,keeps copying

          • Jose Lomba says:

            I said that aa men TRY to get with them, but without too much luck.

          • WTF says:


            If AA men aren’t getting at your women,that’s mostly likely because they aren’t trying that hard.Because if they really wanted them,they would get them

          • Cicely says:

            @ jose, of course you would perfer her your color struck.j

            @ wtf are you sure she is nice? You wouldn’t mistake her for a tranvestite……….that was my first thought!

          • Jose Lomba says:

            im not color struck, she and I are the same color and i like what looks closest to home

          • Jose Lomba says:

            If she’s a tranny, she’s damn sure a fine one.

          • Cicely says:

            That’s because your homosexual Jose!

          • Wtf says:

            @cic:That’s not fair,I was sleepy when I saw that pic

          • Cicely says:

            @ WTF LMAO

          • Jose Lomba says:

            wtf, now you are playing word games, and this is precisely the reason that I feel the term aa is a misnomer. Many whites from African countries have tried to create disruption in the legal standard for affirmative action by claiming to be aa. This is nothing more than a trick that does not work because it may fit the letter of the law, this game does not the spirit of the law.

            Along the same lines, you cannot say that Obama is more aa because his father is from Kenya. AA is meant to describe those Americans of African ancestry who are the descendants of slaves. Obama is culturally a white man who has learned to play the swagger game.

            Moreover, I feel that Obama is president because he is not culturally aa. Being aa carries political baggage because aa’s are expected to always come from a position of having been persecuted, and even if this feeling of persecution is justified, white voters do not want to constantly be bombarded with this.

          • WTF says:


            Now your trying to tell me what AA means.As usually your incorrect,it simply mean people here of African ancestry.You think the majority of the black people here are descent from those slaves,I tell they’re not.There’s alot about this country you don’t know.Like how there were thousands of free black people here at the exact same time,what they don’t count?There are other things I could tell you,but I don’t have the time;and I don’t like typing alot.Just put it this way,if we went by you,the AA population would be non-existent here.Also are you saying that because Obama doesn’t act the way you think we do,he not one of us?Also what does a cultural AA act like?

        • Jose Lomba says:

          You people are a joke. Cicely, j-lo is white. You see, this is the ODR in reverse. J-lo is not putting hair unlike her that makes her look silly. When you show me a ssa with Indian hair I will be convinced I’m wrong.

          Secondly, I’m talking about festivals in the northeast, not cv. Yes, cv women, unlike aa do cater to their man, and that’s why we marry our woman and that’s why we are not like tamika Johnson on the Maury show saying, “Maury I is 3126% sho he my baby daddy!”

          Don’t blame me because when an aa dude makes it he doesn’t marry you. Most of the actors in black movies have white wives, wonder why…

          • WTF says:


            Fool most of them are married to black women.Some other guy tried that same junk,and fuzzy proved him wrong here just an example:
            eddie murphy-black wife,and black women
            Will Smith-black wife
            Courtney B.Vance with his wife (Angela Bassett)
            Omar Epps(wife Keisha Epps a black woman)
            Samuel L Jackson-wife black woman
            Forrest Whitaker-wife black woman
            Denzel Washington-wife black woman
            laurence fishburne-wife black woman(gina torres)
            ron perlman-wife black woman
            Robert de niro-wife black woman
            Oh wait the last two men aren’t black,but you see the flavor they like
            So step off that sh*t,plus I still don’t see Amber with a CV man

          • WTF says:


            Just like with any other culture,you pretty and you have ugly.I could find just as many ugly CV’s as you could find pretty.So cut the sh*t

          • Jose Lomba says:

            Actually that isn’t true. When you mix Portuguese with west African, and add a touch of east Asian, you have a beautiful mix. If you see ten cv women, eight will be fine, and two will be cute. Real talk my dude

          • WTF says:


            Real talk,Actually I seen a good number of CV women,And I think 4 out 10 maybe.I had a lot of pics,but site would let them stay.Now I can say with all honesty,some were cute but the rest;well I’ll be nice and stop there

          • WTF says:


            testing your theory,out of the 5 here:
            maybe two,with the darkest one being the cutest
            Also that one next to the darkest one look like she has a weeve.Not trying to dog your your women like you been doing ours.However you have ugly and pretty in all cultures.I’m not going to lie Portuguese with west African do make a nice mix,and do have a lot of nice women,but you got some ugly ones to

            Gotta go for now,read your BS later,lol

          • Fuzzybear says:


            The darkest one is the cutest one,I see what (Cicely) is talking about.Those 3 in the middle look like Trans

          • Jose Lomba says:

            I’m sure they all look better than cicely

          • Cicely says:

            LMAO J LO isn’t white! You gotta stop telling these commical jokes it is just toooo funny!!!! One more and I’m going to pee my pants!

          • Jose Lomba says:

            She looks white to me and she plays white women in movies, so yeah, she’s white.

          • Cicely says:

            She looks white to you because of her weave and her cosmetic surgery. On in living color her fat puerto rican ass did not look white at all! She wan’ts to be white so yeah she’s a wanna be and color struck just like you!

          • Wtf says:

            @Jose:I’ve pretty much all her movies,and she has never played a white woman,always Latina

          • kathleen says:

            jennifer is a mixed puerto rican, shes predominantly spanish but has african and taino ancestry also

          • Jose Lomba says:

            The Afrocentric rule that makes Amber Rose black should make Jennifer Lopez white. Amber’s mother is clearly mulatto and her father is white, yet at probably less than 25% ssa, Afrocentrics say she’s black.

            Following the same logic Jennifer is white.

          • Jose Lomba says:

            cicely, you right, and when you right you right!

    • Jose Lomba says:

      If you were to go to a cv festival, you would visibly realize that the people are not African American.

  3. Van verkerk says:

    411 I dont know whether your intention is to put me in a box and label me black so you could be happy with yourself. I have visited africa several times and i have worked in africa as well.I am sorry to burst your bubble but black people in africa just dont look like Amber rose, well as an african american unfortunately you wouldn’t know coz i assume you have never been to africa coz if you have you would probably have a different opinion.In africa she would be called white and bi racials are called white but biracials always correct them and tell them that they are not white and neither black.As you have seen in my previous post i dont consider my self white or black and i dont take pride being one while trying to deny the other.I am white as much as i am black i cant be one without the other.I am happy with my roots and love my parents but i am different and i know that no matter what most of you think in america. if i dont tell you about my roots you will never guess what my ancestry is.

    • 411 says:


      I Wasn’t trying to put you in anything.I stated that you have no Idea what others think.European are different people,you have no Idea how they think.Also there is only one race,period

      • 411 says:


        Now I had time to read what you wrote,Why would I waste my time trying to put you in anything,I don’t need to include you feel better about myself.I think smelling yourself a little to much.Now yes,many Africans might call Amber white,from what I’ve seen they might call me white to;but it doesn’t mean I am.Now if a black mulatto walked in the room and no one knowing she’s mixed,white people and you to would call her black;and you would be lying if you said otherwise.I seen it done with one of my cousins,she’s bi-racial and yet her and her sister are completely on different ends.She is very dark and sister is amber color.Btw,there are people 50/50 who look amber in Africa,to say otherwise tells me you haven’t been to many place over there.You think children like this would be in Africa?:Oluchi Onweagba baby
        Anytime you have white and black you will ambers running,africa is no different.

        Now your trying to tell me how I would see you,as if your putting me in a box.Funny you got offended when you thought I was doing it to you,but I guess it’s ok for you to do it to me

  4. Van verkerk says:

    I am a biracial male ,i am half white and half black from the netherlands neither i nor does anyone in europe consider biracial kids to wholly belong to one race. I am not white and neither am i black. I personally do not see any race superiour to any other .So i dont think its cool to want to belong to one race and despise the other.Its an American thing to classify anyone who has a drop of black blood in them as black, it is ridiculous. I believe the only reason for that is just because during the time of slavery in America, for a white man to have sex with a black woman was considered an act of shame so the white government and the white race tried to do and say everything possible to absolve themseves from such a shameful act and ufortunately it remained so till date. Any biracial who says or claims to belong to one particular race is an act of racism.Amber rose just doesnt look black look at her. If anyone of you wants to classify anyone who has a drop of black blood in them as black.Then i guess we could all call our selves black coz man originated in Africa. Jonathan it is so obvious that you are a racist.Calling Amber rose a bitch and not wanting her to be white but rather black and saying she has lost her whiteness.Why is that so is it because she was Kanye west’s girl friend or you think being an exotic dancer is degrading for a white girl ?

    • 411 says:

      (nor does anyone in europe consider biracial kids to wholly belong to one race)
      So your speaking for all the people in europe,whom you do not know.I don’t see how you can do that.I’m AA,and I can’t speak for all the black people here.I’m impress,that you have that power to tell us what other people whom you have Never!!!!!! met are thinking.

      Well Van glad to burst your bubble,but there are no multi races;just one which we all belong to.So whether you look like a black person or not,don’t cry like a baby because someone calls you black

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