

Fabolous in 2011, photo by Prphotos

Birth Name: John David Jackson

Place of Birth: Brooklyn, New York City, New York, U.S.

Date of Birth: November 18, 1977

Ethnicity: African-Dominican Republic, African-American

Fabolous is an American rapper and hip hop recording artist. He is also known as Fabolous Sport and Loso.

73 percent of the population of the Dominican Republic is of mixed race, primarily a mix of black and white.

Fabolous has three children with his partner Emily Bustamante.


Curious about ethnicity

104 Responses

  1. ethnic says:

    thanks Buzzock. now I gotta figure out what is says.


  2. Buzzock says:

    To ethnic – the language is creole

  3. Alberto says:

    i agreee w. yu chloe .
    but evry1 he is half dominican he didint grow up around the culture but it still in him yea hesz black just lik alot of dominicans are i am a black. i bin 2 DR and ther r a lot of dark ones as well mulattos and white dominicans so there maricones

  4. ethnic says:

    Yeh David Ortiz looks fully black

  5. Chloe says:

    sooo…in order for someone to be of amixed heritage they have to be light skinned, narrow nose, curly hair?…..

    Just looking at David Ortiz for example, there’s no way you can tell that he is Dominican

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