Emma Penella

Birth Name: Manuela Ruiz Penella

Date of Birth: 2 March, 1931

Place of Birth: Madrid, Spain

Date of Death: 27 August, 2007

Place of Death: Madrid, Spain

Ethnicity: Spanish [Castilian, Leonese, and Valencian], 1/4th Chilean

Emma Penella was a Spanish film and television actress. She is known for her roles in El verdugo, by Luis García Berlanga, Aquí no hay quien viva, and La que se avecina.

Emma was the daughter of Spanish politician Ramón Ruiz Alonso and Magdalena Penella Silva.

Emma’s paternal grandparents were Ricardo Ruiz Hernández and Francisca Alonso Fraile. They were from Villaflores, Salamanca.

Emma’s maternal grandfather was Manuel Penella Moreno (the son of Manuel Penella Raga). Emma’s grandfather Manuel was born in Valencia. Both he and Emma’s great-grandfather Manuel were musicians and composers.

Emma’s maternal grandmother was Emma Silva Pávez, who was born in Santiago de Chile, Chile.

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