Sylvester Stallone

Stallone in 2010, Featureflash /

Birth Name: Sylvester Gardenzio Stallone

Place of Birth: New York City, New York, U.S.

Date of Birth: July 6, 1946

*50% Italian
*25% French Breton
*25% unclear; possibly German or Ashkenazi Jewish

Sylvester Stallone is an American actor, director, producer, and filmmaker.

He is the son of Jackie Stallone (born Jacqueline Frances Labofish), an astrologer, dancer, and women’s wrestling promoter, and Frank Stallone, Sr., who owned beauty salons and played polo. His brother is actor Frank Stallone.

Sylvester’s nickname is “The Italian Stallion.” Sylvester’s father was an Italian emigrant, from Gioia del Colle, Apulia. Sylvester’s maternal grandmother was French, of Breton ancestry.

It is not completely clear what Sylvester’s maternal grandfather’s ethnic background was. There are some indications that the family was German, and lived in the Russian Empire. An article in The Daily Mail, a British middle-market tabloid, stated that Sylvester’s maternal grandfather was of Jewish heritage, but it is not clear if this is accurate. There are many indications that he was not Jewish, and, it appears that, at least after they moved to the United States, Sylvester’s maternal grandfather’s family were Christian by religion (although it is possible that they were born Jewish).

Sylvester was raised Catholic, and is a practising Catholic.

Sylvester is married to model, entrepreneur, and business owner Jennifer Flavin. He has two children, including late actor Sage Stallone, with his first wife, Sasha Czack; and three children, including actress Sophia Rose Stallone and internet personality, model, and actress Sistine Stallone, with Jennifer.

Sylvester’s paternal grandfather was Silvestro Stallone (the son of Domenico Stallone and Maria Giuditta Patarino). Sylvester’s grandfather Silvestro was born in Gioia del Colle, Provincia di Bari Puglia, Italy. Domenico was the son of Silvestro Stallone and Pasqua Guida. Maria was the daughter of Gaudenzio Patarino and Maria Masi. Pictures of Sylvester’s father and paternal grandfather can be seen here.

Sylvester’s paternal grandmother was Pulcheria Nicastri (the daughter of Francesco Nicastri and Nunziata Speranza). Pulcheria was Italian, from Gioia del Colle.

Sylvester’s maternal grandfather was John Paul Labofish (the son of Charles Schachan/Shashan Labofish/Labofisz and Rose Ethel Lemlich/Lamlec/Lamletz/Lemletz). John was born in Williamsport, Pennsylvania. On census records and in other documents, Charles and Rose were listed as born in Germany most of the time, or in Russia, some of the time. Their language was usually listed as “German.” Charles was a patent attorney, and was the son of Eiel Labofish and Dora Brier.

Sylvester’s maternal grandmother was Jeanne Victoria Adrienne Anne Clérec (the daughter of Louis Victor Clérec and Marie Pauline Rodrigue). Jeanne was born in Brittany, France, to Catholic parents, and was of Breton ancestry. Louis was the son of Victor Clérec and Marie Perrine Calonec. Sylvester’s great-grandmother Marie was the daughter of Jean Jacques Edouard Rodrigue and Jeanne Marie Cavallan.

Sources: Genealogy of Sylvester Stallone –

Genealogy of Sylvester Stallone (focusing on his father’s side) –

Immigration record of Sylvester’s father –

Obituary of Sylvester’s father –

Sylvester’s maternal grandfather, John Paul Labofish, on the 1900 U.S. Census –
John Paul Labofish on the 1910 U.S. Census –
John Paul Labofish on the 1920 U.S. Census –
John Paul Labofish on the 1930 U.S. Census –

Death record of Sylvester’s maternal great-grandfather, Charles Schachan/Shashan Labofish/Labofisz –


Curious about ethnicity

92 Responses

  1. nnnnn says:

    Mistake in programm. That comment should be postet in profil
    “Natalie Portmann”.
    Delete that comment, please

  2. nnnnn says:

    Chrisian: even if she supported Israel, it’s normal for a jew.

    Mila Kunis is nusty. Her family was persicuted in USSR, naive
    amercians gave them the new home, money and opportunity
    for an education. And she mocks about americans and their

    She can’t understand, if americans were not good christs, they would treat her family, like people in USSR.

  3. nnnnn says:

    How can Dayli Mail know, why smb. emigrated? They just used one more opportunity for propaganda. They should be a mixed family (because of pani Kravtchenko)

    It’s not my aim to give him a “great arish certificate”.
    He would manage his career without it. Like Rogge (D)
    Or Helmuth Schmidt.

    It’s enough for me, that his french grandma made him
    to cross-breed 2 degree, and the fact, that granddad
    wasn’t a judaist, is enough for “small arish certificate”
    (D). They very really from Empire (Ukraienean part),
    Germany should be just a short stop. (opposite to
    “vodka Smirnoff” Di Caprio)

    I can’t understand, why postsovjet mass-media and
    jewish immigrants lie, his mother is “a jew”. Why they
    are obsessed of catholic lunatic, the friend of Mel Gibson
    and Sophia Loren? I think, it’s more hate.
    It’s the same, as they post videos “Hitler was a jew”
    and “David Ducke is a jew” (you can find plenty of
    them in web)

    • nnnnn says:

      Cuz Lamlec and Labofish are from Johns birth
      certificate. And where are evidences, that smb. was
      “persecuted”, even if she was jewish? ( or, in view
      of Kravtschenko, partly jewish). “Persecuted” is
      really a bit “excessive”

      You with your Hefener again. Do you understand,
      his heritage is irrelevant? Hugh doesn’t look like
      as smb, who has a jewish ancestor from 18 century
      , he looks like a full jew. You friend
      Nicolas had during 200 years 100 opportunities to
      cross-marry with jews. And he did it, it’s enough to
      see Hugh’s face. The unformation, that his parents
      were ethnic jews, used to be in Wikipedia

      BTW, I never denied, that Labofish is a jewish name
      “Fish” isn’t slavic, “Ryba” is slavic. I just mean, it’s
      funny, how quickly come journalists to “persecution”.
      Unfortunatelly, they can’t speak about “Holocaust”

      • nnnnn says:

        You didn’t read my previous commentar.
        About the ount Ewdokia. Is Ewdokia is jewish to

        What to Hugh, his mother can’t be sweden.

        Do you know, many jews themselves are proud
        of that old masturbant.

        You don’t like him, it’s a reason, why I’m respect
        you. I think, “LEvangelista” would like him

      • nnnnn says:

        Well, was make Parasceva isn’t jewish? Go to
        Scherzinger’s profile and claim, she’s of jewish

    • nnnnn says:

      Valeiri’s family tree isn’t important. It was
      EWDOKIA, who was Lamlec’s cousine.
      If she was jewish, Scherzinger’s Paraskewa
      is jewish too

    • nnnnn says:

      I just hope, mr Krawtschenko will not read that
      page. If you tell ostereropean maf… sorry, businessman, he’ s “jewish” (“oh weh”) I don’t want to be Follers

      What to me: one more, it’s not important to me,
      if Labofish was ethnic jewish or partly.
      I’m just against a LIE. F.e. if french catholic Jeanne Clerec is slandert as a Sarah Rabiblablabla

    • nnnnn says:

      I ment, jews from postcommunist countries
      (but never american or canadian jews) lie,
      she was a jew with THE SAME Rabiblabla name(!!!)
      And Hitler’s mother and her morther-in-law had
      a child with the same baron Rotchild(!!!) And DAVID
      Ducke is a jew(!!!) One can see, communism makes
      people especially stupid. But there are enough other idiots, who believe them

  4. nnnnn says:

    Correction. In any case, tell ethnic,please, that funny “Rabi…” name should be removed and changed to Labofish.
    This page is “ethnic celebrities” and not “Anatewka Gags”.
    Nothing against “Anatewka Gags”, but not in serious researches

  5. nnnnn says:

    Holly sh…! “Di Caprio’s phenomenon” again. Maybe
    believe you now, that Leo is so “russian”, as Sylvester?

    So, Karl Labofisch and Rosalinde or Rosemarie Lemletz.
    Yes, Labofisch should be a name of chech-jewish origin
    “Fish from Elbe”, but Lemlec or Lehmletz confuse me.
    If it would be a jewish name, why postcommunists
    “changed” it to Rabi-blablabla??

    I don’t want to speculate, that they were christ or converted to christs, but they were surely not judaists.
    French sources claim, that Jeanne-Victoria had no idea,
    about her husband’s heritage. A woman would recognize, if her partner is a judaist (or muslim)

    • nnnnn says:

      If we are here, in Germany one can’t claim about
      smb. “he is a jew” without bar-mitwah certificates.
      Burocracy. And it’s good so, cuz nobody was killed
      because of his name.
      Otherwise, we have no baptize certificates, to claim
      mr. Labofish as “arier”I’m not like all scisophrenes here to repeat desperate”he’ s not jewish at all”, cuz Labofish is a jewish name (although YOU claimed the name Israel is WASP)
      But we can’t know, if Labofish is 100% 0r 1% ethnic
      jewish. I know people, who have names Engelskirchen, Gottfried (converts names) or even
      Goldmann, but they are not “jews by birth”, neither
      their parent are Holocaust survivals. So is t “other
      What to Lamlec, it can be polish or czech name,
      otherwise sovjet mass-media wouldn’t change it
      to explicit “Rabi” name

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