Lucy Liu

Lucy Liu

Liu in 2011, DFree /

Birth Name: Lucy Liu

Place of Birth: Queens, New York City, New York, U.S.

Date of Birth: December 2, 1968

Ethnicity: Han Chinese

Lucy Liu is an American actress, director, producer, singer, and artist. She is known for her roles in the Charlie’s Angels and Kill Bill films, and the television series Ally McBeal.

Her parents, Cecilia and Tom Liu, are Chinese, from Beijing and Shanghai, respectively. They lived in Taiwan, and met in New York. She has stated:

I speak Chinese, I speak a little bit of Spanish, a tiny bit of Italian, a little bit of Japanese. I learned Japanese for Kill Bill, and I started taking Italian on my own. I took Spanish for 6 years in school, and I grew up speaking to Chinese.

Lucy speaks Mandarin. She was born under the name Lucy Liu, and added the middle name Alexis later in life.

She has a son.


Curious about ethnicity

23 Responses

  1. moi says:

    i thought she was half white – coz her skin is really fair

  2. azngurl says:

    people who say that they can speak ”a little bit” means they onley can say :
    – taco
    – spagethio.
    – kawaii desu ne?

  3. annie says:

    Um no her parents were Taiwanese Chinese immigrants to the U.S. Since Lucy was born in Queens, NY that doesn’t directly make her taiwanese unless she was born and held residence in Taiwan.

  4. cloe says:

    She is Chinese not Taiwanese.

  5. Ceeina says:

    I’m pretty sure she’s of Chinese descent.

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