
Hi all,

Please leave some suggestions below on how this site could be improved. Any ideas/criticisms are welcome.

1,888 Responses

  1. mju says:

    1. Make ethnicity clickable – ie search by clicking German, Filipino etc

    2. Note whether the person is 1st 2nd or 3rd ethnic. Beyond that it sorta becomes irrelevant (still nice to know though)

  2. Andrezza says:

    You should approve user comments before posting, has many of the racist troll of Stormfront here, this site is very good and informative but it is unpleasant find comments from white supremacists wanting to “whiten” a celebrity, there are people who do not accept the multiethnic diversity

  3. rafael says:

    you should post the human races of the world,there are far too many people confused about what is race,culture and makes it hard to have intelligent interaction

    • ethnic says:

      Hi rafael, Do you mean an article listing the various races of the world? Sounds interesting and Im sure people on this site would enjoy it. maybe each article could be on each race and people can comment about it…


  4. Angantyr says:

    The site leader should tackle the racism in the discussion sections. Their are far too many racists (especially white racists, but also some black). It makes it hard to discuss things without trying to deal with racist nonsense first.

    • M.L. says:

      Agantyr complains about racism on the boards yet of racist comments about whites on the Snooki page. Got hypocrisy?

      • M.L. says:

        typo – I meant to write Agsntyr complains about racism on the boards yet APPROVES of racist comments made by others on them, such as the profanity laden anti-white rant by poster Yadira on the Snooki page. Agsntyr is a hypocrite who demonstrates the truth of the expression “when you point a finger at somebody else you point three back at yourself.

  5. Joe says:


    I share your disgust with this site, but for different reasons. I don’t see the site as suggesting it’s bad to be “just one ethnicity” or “glamorizes being a mutt” (calling someone of mixed background a ‘mutt’ would probably be considered offensive by many, by the way).

    Not all the ‘ethnic celebs’ here are mixed, which is part of the problem. To whoever runs this site, an ‘ethnic’ celeb is any celeb who is not 100% northern European. So, a 100% Italian ‘celeb’ would be considered ‘ethnic’ while a ‘celeb’ that was half Scottish and half German would not. There’s a disturbing, subtle form of ‘Nordicism’ here in which anyone who isn’t Nordic/WASPy is seen as ‘exotic’.

    Mind you, I doubt the person who runs the site is a WASP or ‘Nordic’ (probably someone who sees themself as ‘ethnic’). It still reflects our cultures’ very unhealthy fascination with ethnicity (and celebrity).

    This one of the problems with the current national obsession with ‘identity politics’. While I wouldn’t go so far as to say it denegrates ‘non-ethnics’, it does neverthless present an image of the world in which there are two groups, the ‘ethnics’ and the ‘non-ethnics’. It’s sort of reminiscent of the old Dr. Seuss story about the ‘Star Bellied Sneeches’, an allegorical tale about the special in-groups (the star bellied Sneeches) and out groups (the star-less Sneeches). Obviuosly, the creator of this web site sees ‘ethnic celebs’ (here implicitly defined narrowly as lacking ‘Angloid-ness’) as star bellied Sneeches and non-ethnic, plain ole vanilla ice cream celebs as star-less Sneeches.

    I think life is too short and interesting to waste time obsessi g on race and ethnicity. Even if no hate is involved it’s still divisive. It’s also particularly stupid in this case, since a star’s unverified claim to a drop of ‘ethnic blood’ suffices to declare them ‘ethnic’, even if they’re pale as a ghost and blonder than a banana. There’s a weird sort of ‘one drop rule’ at work here. It’s perverse.

    • ethnic says:

      To Joe,

      well i think you havent looked into this site enough,As this site doesnt just focus on, as you say “any celeb who is not 100% northern European” it tries to list any celeb and reveal their ethnicity even if they are “100% northern European”.

      Perhaps the domain name, is misleading but the websites name, Celebrity ethnicity should make it obvious that this site investigates celebs of all ethnic backgrounds.


      • M.L. says:

        With all due respect, Ethnic, I find your comment a tad disingenuous. There are indeed some celebs listed here that are “100% Northern European” but you have to really dig to find them. The vast majority (and all of the featured pics) are celebs either of mixed race (or claim to be) or people who are ‘ethnic’ in the US sense of term (not ‘Anglo Saxon-ish’). You have links to ‘mixed babies’ and mixed couples and so forth. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with mixed babies or mixed couples or mixed anything, but it belies your claim that this is just a site to look up any old celeb’s ancestry. Why isn’t it called “Celebrity Ancestry” or “Celebrity Heritage”? No, it’s clearly a place to highlight mixed race celebs, ethnic celebs, and which white celebs claim to have some non-white or otherwise ‘exotic’ ancestry. It across somewhat perverse, almost fetishistic, as if one should either be fascinated by the spectacle, and again, the whole fixation on race is simply divisive and unhealthy.

        To be fair, I’ve perused the site quite a bit now and there is, I think, a lot of healthy discussion here. So, I do see some good things; are all these links yours, or are they sites run by others you merely link to? A lot of decent people seem to be having friendly, constructive discussions on the boards here (some vitriol here and there but not much). So, I guess it’s a mixed bag. Perhaps discussion on other topics besides in addition to race should be encouraged.

        Oh well, I think I’ve commented enough. I hope you didn’t find my criticisms too harsh – I’m just being honest here.


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